Chrystalleni Vassiliou


College / University

University of Edinburgh

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects

Biomedical Sciences




Lab Experience

Basic in vivo and in vitro techniques: behavioural tasks, electrophysiology, cryosectioning, PCR, western blot, gel electrophoresis, pasmid extraction (bacterial cultures), DNA extraction, immunohistochemistry

Projects / Research

  • January - May 2016: Investigating the role of the Medial Entorhinal Cortex and Layer II Stellate Cells in spatial memory and navigation. Bachelor's Thesis. Memory and Space Lab, CCNS, Edinburgh, UK

Scholarships / Awards

2016 – 2017: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School


I am mostly interested in cognitive neuroscience, specifically laerning, memory and plasticity. The importance of the aforementioned brain functions can be appreciated by observing the devastating consequences of diseases that implicate them, for example dementia and fragile X syndrome. By improving our understanding of these functions, we could therefore develop better targeted drugs for a wide range of neurological disorders. Additionally, we would gain more insight on how neuronal circuit collaboration leads to complicated abilities, such as human reasoning and thinking, contributing considerably to other disciplines, like robotics and philosophy. That is why besides investigating laerning and memory from molecules to behaviour, I would also be interested in research concerning attention, perception and decision making.