Teaching experience
Freie Universität Berlin
Die Anfänge und Enden akkadischer Epen (BA and MA).
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Die mytho-historiographische 'Sumerische Königsliste' und ihr literarisches Umfeld (BA and MA).
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Sex, drugs und harte Arbeit - die Lebenswelten im antiken Mesopotamien (Lecture for BA and MA).
Methoden philologischer Forschung "Keilschrift in Theorie und Praxis" (with B. Kärger) (BA and MA).
Begleitmodul zum Verfassen einer altorientalistischen Abschlussarbeit (BA and MA).
Weit mehr als nur Schöpfung – Marduks Aufstieg im Enūma elîš (BA and MA).
Oberseminar (for PhD candidates).
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Die Welt in 600 Zeichen - oder wie das 'Denken' im antiken Mesopotamien ab 3200 v. Chr. begann (Lecture for BA and MA).
„šumma ana erṣeti turrad…“ - Unterweltsgänge in der akkadischen Literatur (as part of the team-teaching programme Take-Off im Team, with A. Cöster-Gilbert) (BA and MA).
University of Cambridge
Lecture on Atramhasis as part of the course "Mesopotamian culture: Literature" (BA).
Harvard University
Atramhasis (graduate students).
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Lectures on the history of the 3rd millennium BC, Mesopotamian science, and Mesopotamian philosophy as part of the Assyriological lecture series (BA and MA).
Harvard University
Enuma elish (graduate students).
University of Cambridge
Myth and ritual - An Old Babylonian Sumerian incantation (MA).
Lecture on Atramhasis as part of the course "Mesopotamian culture: Literature" (BA).
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Working with manuscripts - methodological perspectives on ancient media (BA and MA).
Lectures on the history of the 3rd millennium BC and on Mesopotamian science as part of the Assyriological lecture series (BA and MA).
The Cuthean Legend - a diachronic reading (BA and MA).
Akkadian defensive rituals and ancient body concepts (BA and MA).
Sucession and legitimation: approaching the core thematic strands of enūma eliš (BA and MA).
The first tablet of the Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgameš (BA and MA).
Akkadian royal inscriptions (BA).
The enūma eliš. Reading, analysis, interpretation (BA and MA).
Introduction into the methods of philological work (with A. Lange) (BA and MA).
Tutorials to the seminars Akkadian I and II (BA).
Introduction into Ancient Near Eastern Studies (BA).
International Management School Malente
Tutorials to the lectures Finance I and II (BA).