Study Abroad
There are many reasons for studying abroad, and just as many ways of getting there. Whether it is through an exchange programme or completely organised on your own, it is important to begin planning well in advance.
We provide information, advice and support on exchange and funding programmes, scholarships, language skills and organising a stay abroad, in general. Take advantage of our counselling service offered by our Go Abroad Office and visit our virtual information events.
Browse Gö Abroad - Database for international Mobility to have a look at our exceptional exchange opportunities.
Take some time to clarify a few questions for yourself:
- When and for how long do I want to go abroad?
- What do I want to do abroad: study, work or learn a foreign language?
- Where do I want to go – far away or somewhere close?
- How: on my own or as part of an exchange programme?
- What do I need to think about when planning and organising?
You can explore these questions together with an with a staff member from the Student Abroad Advising Team during an advising session. You can also find information about exchange opportunities in the "Ways Abroad" brochure.
What do I have to consider before, during and after a stay abroad? Find some answers in the "A-Z of planning a stay abroad".
Would you like to know at which universities you can do an exchange semester abroad? The exchange database "Gö abroad" has a list of the partner universities of the University of Göttingen. In our handout you will find some tips für searching the database.
Does the programme offered by an international university meet the requirements of my degree programme? When is the best time for me during my study programme to go abroad? Will the credits earned abroad be recognised (count toward my degree requirements) and if so, how (and to what extent)? The programme and recognition officers in your faculty will be happy to answer these questions. You can find more information on the pages of the individual programmes, in our exchange opportunities database "Gö abroad" and here "A-Z of planning a stay abroad".
Planning a stay abroad takes time and lots of research – especially when, in addition to academic considerations, individual needs play a role. Find out more on our "Mobility and Diversity"website.
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) (DAAD) – Länderinformationen
- Studieren weltweit – Erlebe es!
- Auswärtiges Amt (German Federal Foreign Office) – Sicher reisen
- Länderprofile GATE Germany
- Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education) – Internationales
How do I find a programme abroad?
Gö Aboard
Our database for international mobility offers an overview of the partner universities of the University of Göttingen.
Our handout shows tips for searching the database.
Global Exchange Programm
Through the Global Exchange Programme, students can study for one or two semesters at one of the University of Göttingen's partner universities outside Europe, free of tuition.
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With Erasmus+, students can study for 3 to 12 months tuition-free at an Erasmus+ partner of the University of Göttingen and receive financial support.
Faculty Programmes
Faculties of the University of Göttingen maintain their own exchange agreements worldwide. Students of the respective faculties can study at the partner universities for one or two semesters, typically free of tuition fees.
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Other Ways to Go Abroad
Interested in other options to go abroad? Freemover (self-organised), virtual exchange, special programs, short-term programs – check out these interesting alternatives.
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Funding Opportunities
How can I finance a stay abroad? Get an overview of funding opportunities such as scholarships and other options.
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Göttingen International
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen