Stud.IP tools for teaching
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The learning management system Stud.IP offers a number of tools to support teaching. This includes - among others - the forum, the wiki, DoIT, surveys and many more. These tools can only be used in Stud.IP or are connected to a Stud.IP course.
In this area we will have a closer look at every Stud.IP-tool.
Please find the descriptions in the column on the left. Just browse a bit.
The learning management system Stud.IP offers a number of tools to support teaching. This includes - among others - the forum, the wiki, DoIT, surveys and many more. These tools can only be used in Stud.IP or are connected to a Stud.IP course.
In this area we will have a closer look at every Stud.IP-tool.
Please find the descriptions in the column on the left. Just browse a bit.