Dr. Graciela M. SOSA



Arduin‑Rode F., Sosa G., Van den Kerkhof A.M., Krüger Y., Bajnai D., Pack A., Di Rocco T., Oyhantçabal P., Wemmer K., Herwartz D., Klipsch S., Wiegand B., Siegesmund S., Hueck M. (2024) World‑class amethyst‑agate geodes from Los Catalanes, Northern Uruguay: genetic implications from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-024-01310-2

Anees M., Sosa G., van den Kerkhof A., Leiss B., Kley J., Shah M.M., Weydt L. (2024) Granitoids of the western Himalaya and Karakoram as potential geothermal reservoirs – A petrological, geochemical and petrophysical study. Geothermics 121 (2024) 103040. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.103040.

Lohmeier S., Cabral A.R., Sosa G.M., van den Kerkhof A.M., Zeh A., Ehling B.-C. (2024) Tilkerode selenide-mineral occurrences – new research outcomes. Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, Beiheft 52 v3, p. 52-57. http://dx.doi.org/10.25673/113027.2 (open access)

Oriolo S., Schulz B., Hueck M., Oyhantçabal P., Heidelbach F., Sosa G., van den Kerkhof A., Wemmer K., Fossen H., Druguet E., Walter J., Cavalcante C., Siegesmund S. (2022) The petrologic and petrochronologic record of progressive vs polyphaser deformation: Opening the analytical toolbox. Earth-Science Reviews 234 (2022) 104235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104235

Sosa G.M., Oriolo S., Van den Kerkhof A., González P.D., Olaizola E., and Bechis F. (2021) Ferropyrosmalite-bearing fluid inclusions in the North Patagonian Andes metasedimentary basement, Argentina: A record of regional metasomatism. American Mineralogist, Volume 106, pages 1172–1182, https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2021-7525

Sosa G.M., Van den Kerkhof A.M., Oyhantçabal P., Wemmer K., Paullier F., Spoturno J.J., Oriolo S. (2021) Multistage evolution of the Neoproterozoic “El Tarumán” gold vein-type mineralization, Dom Feliciano orogenic belt, Uruguay. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 106, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2020.103079.

Cabral A. R., Van den Kerkhof A.M., Sosa G.M., Nolte N., Ließmann W., Lehmann B. (2018) Clausthalite (PbSe) and tiemannite (HgSe) from the type locality: New observations and implications for metallogenesis in the Harz Mountains, Germany. Ore Geology Reviews 102, 728-739.

Sosa G.M., Oriolo S., Van den Kerkhof A.M. (2018) Development of sigmoidal en-échelon microfractures in beryl and the role of strain localization evidenced by fluid inclusions. Journal of Structural Geology 115, 297-303.

Van den Kerkhof A.M., Sosa, G.M., Oberthür Th., Melcher F., Fusswinkel T., Kronz A., Simon K., Dunkl I. (2018) The hydrothermal Waterberg Deposit, Mookgophong (Naboomspruit), South Africa – Part II – Quarz chemistry, fluid inclusions and geochronology. Mineralogical Magazine 82(3), 751-778.

Oberthür Th., Melcher F., Fusswinkel T., Van den Kerkhof A.M., Sosa G.M. (2018) The hydrothermal Waterberg Deposit, Mookgophong (Naboomspruit), South Africa – Part I – Geochemistry and ore mineralogy. Mineralogical Magazine 82(3), 725–749.

Duschl F., Van den Kerkhof A.M., Sosa G., Leiss B., Wiegand B., Vollbrecht A., Sauter M. (2016) Fluid inclusion and microfabric studies on Zechstein carbonates (Ca2) and related fracture mineralizations - New insights on gas migration in the Lower Saxony Basin (Germany). Marine and Petroleum Geology 77, 300-322.

Montenegro T., Sosa G.M. (2003) Inclusiones fluidas en pegmatitas portadoras de estaño de la Sierra de San Luis, Argentina. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 58 (3), 347-355.

Sosa G.M., Augsburger M.S., Pedregosa J.C. (2002) Columbite-group minerals from rare-metal granitic pegmatites of the Sierra de San Luis, Argentina. European Journal of Mineralogy, 14 (3), 627-636.

Augsburger M.S., Pedregosa J.C., Sosa G.M. (2000) Infrared Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffractometry Assessment of Order-Disorder in Oxide Minerals (Mn/Fe)(Nb/Ta)2O6. Rev. Soc. Quim. Mex. Vol.44, Num.2: 151-154.

Augsburger M.S., Pedregosa J.C., Sosa G.M., Mercader R.C.(1999) Mössbauer assessment of cation disorder in columbite-tantalite minerals. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 143:219-223.

Ortiz Suárez A., Sosa G.M. (1991) Relaciones genéticas entre las pegmatitas portadoras de estaño y las metamorfitas asociadas en la zona de La Carolina/San Francisco del Monte de Oro, Provincia de San Luis. Revista Asociación Geológica Argentina. Tomo XLVI. (3-4): 339-343.


Sosa, Graciela (1990) Tin-bearing pegmatites of the Sierras de San Luis, geology, mineralogy and genesis. Ph.D. Dissertation Institute of Earth Sciences, University of San Luis, Argentina. 184pp.



Reitner J, Thiel V., Mißbach H., Duda J.-P., Pack A., van den Kerkhof, A.M., Vonhof H., Strauss H. (2019) 3.5. Ga-old “stinky” black barite (Dresser Fm, Pilbara, Western Australia)- a geobiological conundrum. Schwerpunktsprogramm SPP 1833 “Habitable Earth”. General meeting, March 27-29, 2019, Köln (Poster).

Sosa G., Van den Kerkhof A.M., Oriolo S. (2019) Ferropyrosmalite-bearing fluid inclusions in the North Patagonian Andes metasedimentary basement, Argentina: A record of post-metamorphic metasomatism. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Ab-stract Series (ECROFI 2019, Budapest), Vol.10, p. 107 (Publ. Dept. Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged)

Van den Kerkhof A.M., Sosa G.M., Lüders V., Plessen B., Montenegro T. (2019) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope geochemistry of rare-metal pegmatites, Sierra Grande de San Luis, Argentina. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series (ECROFI 2019, Budapest), Vol.10, p. 115 (Publ. Dept. Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged)

Wang X.T., Chen Y., Van den Kerkhof A.M., Sosa G.M., Zhou Y.Q. (2019) Hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions in the Upper Triassic tight sandstones, southwestern Ordos Basin, China: implications for oil migration and accumulation. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series (ECROFI 2019, Budapest), Vol.10, p. 123 (Publ. Dept. Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged)

Van den Kerkhof A.M., Sosa G. M., Lüders V., Montenegro T. (2019) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope geochemistry of rare-metal pegmatites, Sierra Grande de San Luis, Argentina. Latin-American Colloquium (LAC) of Geosciences, Sept 18-21, 2019, Hamburg, 2019.

Sosa G., van den Kerkhof A.M., Wemmer K., Paullier F., Spoturno J., Oyhantçabal P. (2019)
Multistage fluid-rock interaction and quartz-gold mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic basement of Uruguay. Latin-American Colloquium (LAC) of Geosciences, Sept 18-21, 2019, Hamburg, 2019.


Van den Kerkhof, Sosa G.M. (2020) Inclusiones fluidas, petrografía e interpretación genética. Aplicación de técnicas de catodoluminiscencia y Raman. Short Course Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina (02.-06.03.2020).

Van den Kerkhof, Sosa G.M. (2020) Fluid inclusions - Petrography and genetic interpretation of fluid inclusions. Application of Cathodoluminescence and Raman techniques. Short Course Dept. of Geology, Faculty of Sciences – Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay (09.-11.03.2020).

Thiel V., Duda J.-P. Van den Kerkhof A.M., Reitner J., Mißbach H. (2020) Volatile organic compounds in barite-hosted fluid inclusions from the 3.5 Ga old Dresser Formation, Western Australia. EGU, Vienna 3.-8.05.2020 (Abstract).


Van den Kerkhof A., Mißbach H., Duda J-P., Lüders V., Pack A., Reitner J., Thiel V. (2021) Volatile organic compounds in barite-hosted 3.5 billion-year-old fluid inclusions (Pilbara, Australia). European Current Research on Fluid and Melt Inclusions, July 2021, Nancy (online).

Hanilçi N., Van den Kerkhof A. M., Sosa G. M., Öztürk H., Hepvidinli B. (2021) Fluid inclusions and mineral chemistry of gem-quality diaspore (Milas, Turkey). European Current Research on Fluid and Melt Inclusions, July 2021, Nancy (online).

Sosa G., van den Kerkhof A., Oyhantçabal P., Wemmer K., Oriolo S. (2021) Deciphering progressive deformation on quartz veins by means of fluid inclusions and cathodoluminescence. European Current Research on Fluid and Melt Inclusions, July 2021, Nancy (online).

Maffini M. N., Sosa G. M., van den Kerkhof A. M., Coniglio J. E., Demartis M., Wemmer, K. (2021) Entrapment and re-equilibration of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal veins related to transtensional shear zones. European Current Research on Fluid and Melt Inclusions, July 2021, Nancy (online).

Mißbach H., Duda J.-P., van den Kerkhof A.M., Lüders V., Pack A., Reitner J., Thiel V. (2021) Ingredients for early life – volatile organic compounds in 3.5 Ga old fluid inclusions. SPP 1833 meeting “Building a habitable Earth”, Cologne, March 2021 (Abstract)

Mißbach H., Duda J.-P., van den Kerkhof A.M., Lüders V., Pack A., Reitner J., Thiel V. (2021) Fuelling earliest life – volatile organic compounds in 3.5 Ga old fluid inclusions. 30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), 12-17 Sept 2021, Montpellier (Abstract)

Oriolo, S., Schulz, B., Hueck, M., Oyhantcabal, P., Heidelbach, F., Sosa, G.M., Van Den Kerkhof, A., Wemmer, K., Fossen, H., Druguet, E., Walter, J. & Siegesmund, S. (2021) Analytic strategies to understand progressive deformation. XVIII Reunión de Tectónica, San Luis, Argentina (24.-25.11.2021)

Sosa G., van den Kerkhof A., Oyhantcabal P., Wemmer K., Paullier F., Spoturno J., Oriolo S. (2021) Multistage evolution of the Neoproterozoic “El Tarumán” quartz-gold vein mineralization, Dom Feliciano orogenic belt, Uruguay. Quartz 2021- International Symposium on Quartz (Tønsberg, Norway, Sept 2021). Abstracts and Proceedings, p.21.

Van den Kerkhof A. (2021) Quartz alteration textures in cathodoluminescence –an overview. Quartz 2021- International Symposium on Quartz (Tønsberg, Norway, Sept 2021). Abstracts and Proceedings, p.24-25.


Van den Kerkhof, A.M., Sosa, G.M. (2022) Petrography and genetic interpretation of fluid inclusions. Online short course, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China (10-18 Oct 2022).

Arduin Rode F, Sosa G, van den Kerkhof A, Krüger Y, Oyhantçabal P, Wemmer K, Siegesmund S (2022) Uruguayan amethyst and agate deposits: mineralogy and fluid inclusions. X Congreseo Uruguayo de Geología. II Simposio de Arsénico en agua subterránea del Uruguay. LATU, Montevideo, Uruguay (7-10 Nov 2022).


Sosa G, Van den Kerkhof A, Trümper S, Rößler R, Franz M (2023) Fluid inclusions in petrified wood, Kyffhäuser, Germany. ECROFI Reykjavik (July 3-6, 2023). Abstracts (p.84).

Arduin-Rode F, Sosa G, Van den Kerkhof A, Krüger Y, Bajnai D, Pack A, Di Rocco T, Wemmer K, Oyhantçabal P, Hueck M, Siegesmund S (2023) Amethyst - agate geodes from Uruguay: insights from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. ECROFI Reykjavik (July 3-6, 2023). Abstracts (p.88).

Bozkaya G, Bozkaya Ö, Van den Kerkhof A, Sosa G, Banks D, Sarı R (2023) Ore-forming fluids in the Tepeoba porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, NW Türkiye. ECROFI Reykjavik (July 3-6, 2023). Abstracts (p.89).

Lohmeier S, Cabral AR, Sosa GM, van den Kerkhof AM, Zeh A, Ehling B-C (2023) Tilkerode selenide mineral occurrences – new research outcomes. 6. Workshop Harzgeologie. Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle /S (14-15 July 2023). Extended abstract. Beiheft zum Halleschen Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften (7 pp.)

Van den Kerkhof, A.M., Sosa, G.M. Pre-conference course “Fluid inclusions -
Petrography, analysis and interpretation”. 14th Congress of Mineralogy, Igneous
and Metamorphic Petrology, and Metallogenesis, Universidad Nacional del Sur,
Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 5-8 August 2023).


Van den Kerkhof, Sosa G.M. (2024) Fluid inclusions – Petrography, analysis and interpretation. Short Course Dept. of Geology, Faculty of Sciences – Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay (18.-21.03.2024).

Arduin-Rode F., Sosa G., Van den Kerkhof A., Krüger Y., Bajnai D., Pack A., Di Rocco T., Oyhantçabal P., Wemmer K., Herwartz D., Klipsch S., Wiegand B., Hueck M. (2024) Amethyst-agate geodes from Uruguay: Combining nucleation-assisted fluid inclusion microthermometry and triple oxygen isotopes as geothermometers for low-temperature silica crystallization. Quartz-2024 International Symposium on Quartz and Glass, Göttingen, Sept. 8-12 2024. Abstracts and Proceedings, p. 11.

Arduin-Rode F., Tatzel M., Sosa G., Van den Kerkhof A., Oyhantçabal P., Wemmer K., Hueck M. (2024) Silicon isotopes in agate-amethyst geodes from Uruguay. Quartz-2024 International Symposium on Quartz and Glass, Göttingen, Sept. 8-12 2024. Abstracts and Proceedings, p.13.

Trümper S., Sosa G., Franz M., Van den Kerkhof A., Zeh A., Kronz A., Techmer K., Rößler R. (2024) How nature freezes life at cell scale: novel approach reveals 200-myr history of plant silicification. Quartz-2024 International Symposium on Quartz and Glass, Göttingen, Sept. 8-12 2024. Abstracts and Proceedings, p. 48.

Van den Kerkhof A. M., Sosa G. M., Kronz A., Oriolo S. (2024) Quartz alteration under geological conditions as revealed by cathodoluminescence and trace element analysis. Quartz-2024 International Symposium on Quartz and Glass, Göttingen, Sept. 8-12 2024. Abstracts and Proceedings, p. 51

Zeh A., Franz M., Sosa G., Van den Kerkhof A., Trümper S., Rößler R. (2024) Dating petrified wood by LA-ICP-MS – challenges and implications. Quartz-2024 International Symposium on Quartz and Glass, Göttingen, Sept. 8-12 2024. Abstracts and Proceedings, p. 60.