Analytical Laboratory
We analyze
- inorganic compounds containing metals or non-metals
- metal organic compounds
- liquid samples
- micro and half-micro analytical determinations of hetero-elements in organic compounds
- Our specialty is the element analysis for C H N S with the 4.1 vario EL 3 from Elementar
- Standard metal analysis: complexometric/photometric
E. g. Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Cd
- Heavy metal analysis with the "AAS 5 FL" from Analytik Jena
- Analysis of non-metals:
- Density/refractometry
- Thermo analysis/ DSC STA 409PC Luxx/DSC 200 Netzsch-Gerätebau
- Gravimetry
- Acid digestion, Schöninger digestion, microwave digestion, pressure digestion etc.
The following chemical and physical methods are used:
Halides, silicon, phosphate: potentiometric, titrimetric
We also offer quantitative analyses for other elements of the periodical system on request. For that we need time and sufficient material, because classical wet chemical methods are employed that may require testing.
Required sample quantities
- C/H/N/S: 15 mg [if less please contact us]
- Metals: minimum of 20 mg
- Non-metals: subject to consultation