Raquel Sofia Inácio Pinto


College / University

University of Coimbra, Portugal

Highest Degree

Master of Science

Major Subjects

Biochemistry, Neuroscience




Lab Experience

Biochemistry (qPCR, RNA/protein extraction, Western Blot, immunofluorescence), mice husbandry and behavior (tMCAO, sensorimotor tests, injection administrations (intracerebral,IV, etc), osmotic pump placements, CSF and brain collection), primary neuronal culture.

Projects / Research

  • 2019 – 2021: Stroke in translation: Biomarkers for diagnosis and management of acute ischemic stroke; Molecular Neurobiology lab, i3s, Porto, Portugal
  • 2019 – 2021: CRISPR/Cas9 TTR gene editing conjugated lipid nanoparticles, as a tool for conditional TTR KO mice, in CSF and Sera independently; Molecular Neurobiology lab, i3s
  • 2018: Neuronal Cell Death in Alzheimer’s Disease: Effect of Aß Oligomers in axons of cultured hippocampal neurons; Neurotrophin Signaling and Synaptic (Dys)Function, CNC, Portugal

Scholarships / Awards

2021 – 2022: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
2020 – 2021: Professional Internship supervised by João R. Gomes (PhD) at Molecular Neurobiology lab, i3s


The whole nervous system is fascinating to me. Inside that chategory, neurogenesis and neurodegeneration have been the fields that have most appealed to me, thus far. To understand the intrinsic processes that lead to pathologies and to find something that could ameliorate or revert them has been a lifelong dream. For that I believe that the imploiment of highly translatable into human models are crucial. Thus, I hope to gain knowlege on neuronal pathologies models: from 3D cell cultures and animal models, as well as molecular techniques to evaluate them, to later apply them in my research future!