PhD theses
Keuter A. (2013): Nitrogen response efficiency, nitrogen retention efficiency, and asymbiotic biological nitrogen fixation of a temperate permanent grassland site under different sward compositions and management practices. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Beyer F. (2012): Fine root traits, belowground interactions and competition effects on the rhizosphere of Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior saplings. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Cesarz S. (2012): Plant species and global change agents as driving factors of rhizosphere processes and soil nematode communities. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Fender A. (2012): The rhizosphere effects of Fagus sylvatica L. and Fraxinus excelsior L. saplings on greenhouse gas fluxes between soil and atmosphere. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Hoeft I. (2012): Grassland Management and Diversity Effects on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics and Losses. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Petersen U. (2012): Effects of agricultural management and manipulated plant species composition of permanent grassland on productivity and sward structure. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Valtanen K. (2012): Functional diversity of mycorrhiza fungi with regard to nutrient transfer. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
2011 (back)
Dobrindt L. (2011): Influence of grassland management on the abundance of the endophytic fungi Neotyphodium. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Müller A. (2011): Variability of physiological traits and growth performance in aspen assemblages differing in genetic relatedness = Variabilität physiologischer Parameter und Wachstum von Aspen mit unterschiedlicher genetischer Herkunft. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.140 p.
Rose L. (2011): The influence of land-use intensification and biodiversity on grassland biomass, water use and plant functional traits. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
Schuch, S. (2011): Long-term development of different grassland insect communities in Central Europe since the 1950s = Langfristige Entwicklung verschiedener Insektengemeinschaften der Grasflächen Mitteleuropas seit den 1950er Jahren. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.188 p.
Von Fragstein und Niemsdorf M. (2011): Tritrophic interactions between Populus tremula, leaf beetles, and their natural enemies - from the field to the laboratory. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.
2010 (back)
Kleemann F. (2010): Bedeutung von intraspezifischer Diversität für Ökophysiologie und organismische Interaktionen bei der Pappel. PhD thesis, University of Göttingen.147 p.
Bachelor and Master theses
(supervising students in brackets)
2012 (back)
Gronwald M. (2012): On the species-specific influence of photosynthesis and root activity of beech and ash saplings on CO2, N2O, and CH4 fluxes from soil. Master thesis (Klaus Schützenmeister)
Menzel A. (2012): Zur Abhängigkeit der N2O Emissionen von der photosynthetischen Aktivität junger Eschen und deren ober- und unterirdischer Biomasse. Bachelor thesis (Klaus Schützenmeister)
Rohlfing A. (2012): The impact of sward composition, fertilization and utilization on grassland invertebrates. Bachelor thesis (Georg Everwand)
Rubarth M. C. (2012): Above- and belowground functional traits and growth of 6 grassland species under different fertilization and cutting regimes: an experimental approach. Master thesis. (Laura Rose)
Schneider J.-H. (2012): The influence of Nanosilver on greenhouse gas balances: A laboratory experiment with young ash saplings. Bachelor thesis.(Klaus Schützenmeister)
Thorade F. (2012): Simulating competition in a mixed broad-leaved forest in Germany. Master thesis. (Nina Heymann)
Uzquiano Perez S. (2012): The SPLIDRHEX- Experiment: Description of Study Stand and Seedlings establishment. Bachelor thesis. (Christina Lödige)
Waheed A. (2012): Non-symbiotic N2 fixation at a temperate grassland site. Master thesis (Andreas Keuter).
2011 (back)
Eder L.M (2011): Über den Einfluss der Photosynthese auf Treibhausgasbilanzen: Versuche an inkubiertem Waldoberboden mit Eschen- und Buchenbewuchs. Bachelor thesis. (Klaus Schützenmeister)
Flucke C. (2011): The respiration activity of Fraxinus excelsior L. fine roots – Simultaneous detection of CO2 production and O2 consumption in rhizosphere by a non-invasive optical method. Master thesis. (Ann-Catrin Fender)
Gebel S. (2011): Wurzelmorphologie verschiedener Gründlandarten in Abhängigkeit der Management-Intensität und Grasnarbendiversität. Bachelor thesis. (Laura Rose)
Heymann N. (2011): Entwicklung eines musterorientierten Modells auf der Basis eines Landschafts-generators zur Analyse der Skalenabhängigkeit von Laufkäferdispersal in Agrar-landschaften. Master thesis (Katrin Meyer)
Hinrichsen J. (2011): The effects of woody succession on biodiversity on former military sites near beech-dominated forest. Master thesis (Stephan Getzin)
Nelis P. (2011):Charakterisierung der Ektomykorrhizagesellschaft einer Pappelkurzmtriebsplantage im Vergleich mit einem Alt-Pappelbestand. Bachelor thesis. (Till Heller)
Quinones C. M. (2011): Soil nitrogen cycling in permanent managed grassland as affected by fertilizer application and phytodiversity. Master thesis. (Ina Hoeft)
Rudolph M. (2011): Einfluss von Regenwürmern auf die bodenbürtigen Emissionen von CO2, CH4 und N2O. Bachelor thesis. (Klaus Schützenmeister)
Van Waveren C.S. (2011): Spatial interactions between plants and parasitoids revealed with a simulation model. Master thesis. (Katrin Meyer)
Vogel M. C. (2011): Functional trait responses to land-use intensification in grasslands. Bachelor thesis. (Laura Rose)
2010 (back)
Benner, T. (2010): Versuche zur Attraktivität verschiedener Genotypen von Populus tremula L. für Phratora spec, und Lochmaea caprea (Chrysomelidae). Bachelor thesis. (Maximilian von Fragstein u. Niemsdorf)
Bock J. (2010): Untersuchungen zur Veränderung der Wanzenfauna auf Grasländern in Norddeutschland - Ein Vergleich für die Jahre 1951 und 2009. Master thesis. (Sebastian Schuch)
Grunwald D. (2010): On the importance of wet forest ecosystems for the European methane balance. Bachelor thesis. (Ann-Catrin Fender)
Steude K. (2010): Nitrous oxide emission from excreta patches of cattle and sheep on pastures differing in species composition. Master thesis. (Ina Hoeft)
Wiechmann M. (2010): Versuche zur Attraktivität der drei Pflanzenarten Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), Cardamine pratensis L. (Brassicaceae), Ranunculus acris L. (Ranunculaceae) für Meligethes aeneus (F.). Bachelor thesis. (Georg Everwand)
2009 (back)
Mahat J. (2009): Nitrous oxide emission from extensively managed grassland during winter and early summer in Solling, Germany. Master thesis. (Ina Hoeft)
Haupt H. (2009): Quantifizierung von N2O-Emissionen eines inkubierten Waldbodens infolge von N-Eintrag. Bachelor thesis. (Ann-Catrin Fender)