M.Agr. 0058 Plant Herbivore Interactions (6 ECTS)

Prof. Dr. M. Rostas, Department of Crop Science, Division of Agricultural Entomolgy
Type of instruction
Lecture, Seminar
Prof. Dr. M. Rostas

he modul deals with the interactions between plants and herbivorous insects. Thediversiy of the organisms involved and the biocenoses are discussed. With regardto plants different adaptations to damage by insects are presented and the role ofresistance mechanisms is outlined. The sensory organs of herbivorous insects todiscriminate between different plant species and the role of volatile and secondarycompounds produced by the plants are demonstrated. Multiple Interactions betweenplants, their herbivores, and natural enemies and application strategies in plantprotection are discussed. The interactions between flowering plants and pollinators areoutlined and the importance of seed predation will be exemplified. During the seminarpart of the module students will present recent research findings which will complementthe content of the lectures.
Students present and discuss new research results in context with the topics dealt with in the lectures.

Knowledge of complex interactions between plants and herbivorous insects, the main mechanisms of herbivore insect host plant selection, plant defense strategies, the determining factors of herbivore living communities on specific plants, the multitrophic level of interactions between plants, herbivore insects and antagonists; interactions between plants and pollinators. Preparation and critical reflection of methods applied in current research findings covering the lecture topics by a seminar presentation.

Written examination 45 minutes, Seminar presentation 20 minutes

Number of students