Kilian Obermeyer - PhD Student (extern)
Animal welfare and health on dairy farms
Grazing and grazing systems analysis in GermanyForschungsinteressen
- Grazing systems in dairy farming
- pasture management and assessment of feed-on-offer
- sensors in grazing systems
Verbesserung des Tierwohls bei Weidehaltung von Milchkühen (BLE MuD-Projekt)
Short CV
since 2021: research at the University Vechta in the BLE MuD project "Verbesserung des Tierwohls bei Weidehaltung von Milchkühen"
2019-2021 M.Sc agricultural science University Göttingen (Thesis: Compressed sward height as indicator for herbage quantity and quality in grazed semi-natural grassland)
2016-2019 B.Sc agricultural science University Hohenheim (Thesis: Einsatz des Grasshopper zur Ermittlung von Grasaufwuchsdaten in intensiv genutztem Dauergrünland)
2014-2016 Herd management in dairy farming
2012-2014 Apprenticeship farming
Obermeyer, K., Kayser, M., 2023. On-farm assessment of grazing behaviour of dairy cows in two pasture management systems by low-cost and reliable cowtrackers. Smart Agricultural Technology 6, 100349. htps://
Komainda, M., Mohn, E., Kajzrová, K., Obermeyer, K., Titěra, J., Pavlů, V., Isselstein, J., 2023. Soil organic carbon stocks and belowground biomass in patches in heterogeneous grassland. Grassland Research.
Obermeyer, K., Komainda, M., Kayser, M., Isselstein, J., 2022. Exploring the potential of rising plate meter techniques to analyse ecosystem services from multi-species grasslands. Crop & Pasture Science
Obermeyer K., Isselstein J., Kayser M., 2024. Using digital-surface-models and GNSS for monitoring shade on dairy cow pasture for heat stress mitigation. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 484-486.
Oehlert L., Obermeyer K., Kayser M., 2024. How German grazing dairy farmers perceive feed intake of cows on pasture and dietary effects. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 881-883.