Aula Concerts of the Göttingen Chamber Music Society

The Göttingen Chamber Music Society has held concerts in the neoclassical University Aula since 1968; the Aula’s special atmosphere and acoustics make it a concert hall uniquely suited to chamber music. The Aula concerts take up different themes from year to year, so as to challenge their audience with new musical directions, while still providing musical stimulation and pleasure. This is achieved through selection of outstanding artists; ensembles and soloists are chosen to provide concerts of high quality. We believe the Göttingen Aula concerts are among the leading chamber music events in Niedersaxony.
The Aula Concerts rely on the University for use of the Aula and are very grateful for their support.
Members of the directorial committee are Michael Schäfer, chair, Katharina Troe, vice-chair, Hannelore Franz, treasurer, Dr. Bettina Lange-Malecki and Ulla Schimpf.
A program committee represents the interests of the members: current members are Martina Lange-Rein, Victoria Viebahn, Alexander Barkminn, Dr. Nicolas Feltgen, Dr. Philipp Kanzow, Reinhard Knirsch, Dr. Manfred Koller.
2018/19 Season: Variation and Development

“A man, whom K. had not seen for a long time, greeted him with the words: ‘You haven’t changed at all’. ‘Oh’ said K. and blanched.” Bertold Brecht’s short story has a clear message. When there is no change or development, we get stuck in a rut. Luckily musical ideas never stagnate, there are always changes in time and space. Players learn from one another and incorporate outside influences. Old forms are transmitted, but are transformed, sometimes slowly, sometimes abruptly, into new cultural directions; this is, in a way, like Darwin’s natural selection, following outside stimulation to adapt into new fields. These principles of variation and development are readily apparent in chamber music. The six concerts of the new season show multiple examples of this. You can join us in listening again to the pianist, Alexander Schimpf, to chamber groups of unusual composition, and also to new acquaintices, such as the Azahar Ensemble and the Apollon Musagete Quartet.
4. Konzert: Sonntag, 17. Februar 2019, 19.45 Uhr

Frederic Sánchez Muñoz, Flöte
Maria Alba Carmona Tobella, Oboe
Miquel Ramos Salvadó, Klarinette
Antonio Lagares Abeal, Horn
María José García Zamora, Fagott
Joaquin Turina: La Oración del Torero op.34 (Arr. José Luis Turina)
Paul Taffanel: Bläserquintett g-Moll
E. Sánchez: "Azahar"
Henri Tomassi: Cinq dances profanes et sacrées
Joaquin Turina: Sevilla op.2 (Arr. Luis Turina)
Paul Taffanel