Smallholder perceptions of sustainability criteria related to forest and peatland restauration
This study aims to study local initiatives of sustainable peatland management. It will pay particular attention towards the possibilities and challenges of sustainable peat management for smallholder farmers in Jambi province. By studying international as well as local approaches to peatland management in Jambi it further aims to compare farmers perceptions of sustainability with international sustainability discourses.
The research will be implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra. It will focus on the coastal peatlands of Jambi province located in the districts of Muaro Jambi, Tanjung Jabung Timur and Tanjung Jabung Barat The goal of the study is to get a better understanding of the dynamics that shape the perception of sustainability of smallholder farmers cultivating peatlands in Jambi province. The empirical data collection of this case study will take place within a six-week research time frame in which a twofold data collection (a quantitative analysis with the SAFA Tool combined with qualitative social research methods such as semi-structured interviews and participatory observation) will be executed.