Church history

J: General history and church history (comprehensive, belletristic, and history of literature)

Ja Texts to general history

Jb Belletristic

1-200 To the classical age
201-800 Classical age to Romantic
801-1400 19th century
1401ff. Modern literature

Jc Texts to church history and dogma history

Jd Methodology and ancillary discipline

1-50 Books of references
51-100 Bibliographies
101-150 Methodology
151-200 Paleography, Diplomacy
201-250 Chronology
251-300 Atlases
301 ff. Miscellaneous

1-50 Periodicals
51-150 Series
151-250 Collected edition
251 ff. Collected essays

Jf Understanding of history and history of historiography (general and church history)
1-100 To general history
101ff. To church history

-> Each to the moiety of understanding of history and history of historiogprahy

Jg General history, complete overviews

1-50 World history
51-100 Western world history
101ff. German history

Jh History of culture, of ideas, complete overviews

1-50 General
51-100 History of ideas of the Western world
101-150 History of science, and of university
151-200 History of individual streams
201 ff. Collected essays

Ji History of literature, complete overviews

Jk History of church and of dogmas, complete overviews

1-500 Church history
501-600 Complete overviews of greater complexes of church history
601-1100 History of dogmas
1101 ff. Complete overviews of greater complexes of history of dogmas

Jl History

1-100 Political history (1-50 Europe)
10101 ff.economic and social history

Jm History of culture and of ideas, individual overviews

1-100 General
101-200 Relations of various cultural hearth one another
201-300 History of ideas of individual countries and territories
301-350 History of culture, longitudinal sections
351-400 History of culture of individual territories
401-450 History of university
451 ff. Briefer periods of history of culture and of ideas

Jn History of literature, individual overviews

1-100 Longitudinal sections
101-200 Literature and Christianity
201-250 History of literature until Barock (incl.)
251-300 Classical era
301-400 Modern era literature
401 ff. To individual poets (chronological)

Jo History of church and of dogmas

1-100 History of literature
101-200 Church and State: social problems
201-300 Church history of greater territories
301-400 Shapes of church history
401-500 History of pietism
501 ff. History of dogmas

501-600 Longitudinal sections, history of concepts, and of motives
601-700 Doctrine of principles, rationality and revelation
701-800 Doctrine of God
801-900 Doctrine of creation
901-1000 Anthropology and doctrine of sin
1001-1100 Christology
1101-1200 Grace, justification and predestination
1201-1300 pneumatology, eschatology
1301-1400 ecclesiology
1401-1500 Mariology: now under denominational studies QCd 2.500 ff and history of women and historical gender studies Jq
1501-1600 Heresiology
1601-1700 History of ethics

Jp Catholicism: history of council and of papacy, history of monastery

1-100 History of council
101-300 History of papacy
301 ff. History of monastery
401 ff. Individual order
401-450 OSB
451-500 Further
501-550 OFM and related
551 ff. SJ

Jq History of women and historical gender studies

0-999 Overview works and lexicons
1000-1999 Theory of historical gender studies
2000-2999 Biblical female figures and their reception history
3000-6999 Individual researches to the themes of history of women
3000-3999 Antiquity and old church
4000-4999 Medieval
5000-5999 Early modern era
6000-6999 Modern era
7000-7999 History of women and liturgy

K: Church history of antiquity

Ka Texts

1-150 Text series
151-350 Text collections
151-200 Resources of church history
201-230 Council acts
231-240 Symbols
241-250 Inscriptions
251-270 Hagiographic resources
271-285 Resources of liturgy history
286-300 Chronographic resources
301-350 General
351-850 Greek Church fathers - texts (arranged chronologically)
851-1200 Latin Church fathers - texts (arranged chronologically)
1201 ff. Oriental Church fathers - texts (arranged chronologically)

Kb Complete overviews (history of literature, linguistic), supporting resources

1-100 Complete overviews to the history of early Christian literature
101-200 Linguistic analyses (to individual problems see Km!)
201-600 Supporting resources
201-250 Bibliographical supporting resources
251-300 Atlases
301-450 Glossaries, indices, lexicons, concordances
451-550 Grammars

Kc Complete overviews to patrology, to the history of old Church and of old dogmas

1-200 Complete overviews to patrology
201-400 Complete overviews to the history of old Church incl. the history of Roman Empire
401-600 Complete overviews to the history of old dogmas

Kd Individual overviews to the Church in the first two centuries

Ke The Greek East in the third century to the year 325

Kf The Latin West in the third century to the year 325

Kg The Greek East from 325-451

Kh The Latin West from 325-451

350-900 Augustine
350-400 Bibliographies, supporting resources
401-500 Complete overviews, prolegomena, festschrifts, collected works
501-650 Monographs to the life, writings and time of Augustine
651-900 Monographs to the thoughts of Augustine, his resources and his individual problems

Ki The Greek East from 451-1453

Kk The Latin West from 451- approx. 600

Kl Series, periodicals etc.

1-100 Monographs
101-150 Periodicals
151 ff. Collected essays, etc.

Km Monographs under philological and historical aspects

1-50 Methodologies
51-100 History of concepts
101-200 History of literature and of languages, palaeography
201-300 Mission history
301-400 Territorial history, topographical studies
401-600 The history of oriental Christianity
601-750 The history of church law and of the ecclesiastical constitution
751-850 History of liturgy
851-1000 The history of pietism, of the worship of the saints, relics and images

Kn Monographs under the aspect of history of dogmas

1-50 Methodology
51-150 Individual problems in the forefield of the history of dogmas
151-250 Scripture and tradition
251-300 Rationality and revelation (natural knowledge of God, theologia naturalis)
301-450 Doctrine of God and of Trinity
451-500 Doctrine of creation, cosmology, angelology, demonology
501-600 Anthropology
601-750 Christology, doctrine of redemption
751-800 Pneumatology and eschatology
801-850 Grace, justification, predestination
851-1100 Sacraments (baptism, holy communion, atonement)
1101-1200 Church, ecclesiastical office (with exception of primacy question)
1201-1300 Mariology
1301-1400 The history of the old Church symbols
1401-1500 Haeredeologica, Gnosticism

Ko History of ethics

1-50 The foundation of and the norms of ethics
51-100 The complete development of the relations between the Church and the State in the antiquity
101-200 Individual norms of ethics

Kp Church and the Roman Empire

1-50 Requirements (Imperatorcult etc.)
51-100 Basic development between Church and State in the ancient world
101-300 Church and State before Constantine
301-500 Church and State since Constantine

Kr Christianity and antiquity (to the history of ideas of the ancient Christianity)

1-100 Christianity and old Orient
101-103 Christianity and ancient philosophy and culture
101-200 The whole problems
201-300 The individual problems
301-500 Christianity and ancient religions (incl. the ancient Judaism)
501-600 Christianity and ancient society

Ks History of monastery

Kt History of old Church councils

Ku History of papacy

Kv History of scripture interpretation

Kw Hagiography

L: Church history of medieval

La Resources

10-160 Comprehensive collections of documents and of register of decrees
161-500 Large resources publications (series) to the overall medieval Church history
501-1000 Resources collections to various individual problems
1001 ff. Individual texts in chronological order

Lb Supporting resources

-> Introductions to the medieval studies, bibliographies and supporting resources (also to the individual problems, Ancillary disciplines)

Lc Periodicals, series, collected volumes

1-99 Series publications and periodicals
100ff. Collected volumes with articles from all areas of study of the medieval history

Ld Literary history, historiography, history of concepts

1-100 Complete overviews of medieval literature history
101-200 Complete overviews to the individual aspects of literature history
201-300 Individual researches to the medieval literature history
501-600 Historiography in medieval times: larger contexts
601-700 Historiography in medieval times: individual problems
1001 ff. History of concepts

Le History of culture

1-500 Lesson and education in medieval times
501-1000 Works to the history of culture (music, etc.)
1001-1500 Sociological
2001 ff. History of economy

Lf Secular history and church history, complete overviews

1-150 Complete overviews
151ff. Complete overviews from individual aspects in larger contexts

Lg Secular history and church history, individual researches

-> Individual problems in chronological order

Lh History of dogmas, of theology, of philosophy, of ideas and of piety, complete overviews

1-1050 Complete overviews
101ff. Complete overviews from individual aspects in larger contexts

Lk History of dogmas, of theology, of philosophy, of ideas and of piety, individual researches

-> Individual problems in chronological order

Lm History of papacy

1-20 Periodicals, series, collected volumes
21-50 Complete overviews, also individual aspect
51 ff. Individual problems in chronological order

Lo History of councils

1-20 Periodicals, series, collected volumes
21-50 Complete overviews, also individual aspect
51 ff. Individual problems in chronological order

Lp History of monastery and order

1-50 Periodicals, series, collected volumes
51-100 Complete overviews, also individual aspect
101 ff. Individual problems in chronological order

Lq Heresy and heretics

Lr Secular and ecclesiastical history of law

1-50 Periodicals, series, collected volumes
51-350 Complete overviews, also individual aspect
351 ff. Individual problems in chronological order

M: Reformation and Counter-Reformation

Ma texts

10-499 humanism
500-1999 Luther
2000-2004 Roman Catholic
2005-2999 Melanchthon
3000-3999 Calvin
4000-4449 Zwingli
4450-6499 other reformers
6500-7499 Reformation left
7500-7949 mysticism etc.
7950-7999 Bohemian brothers
8000-8999 Acts and documentations
9000-99999 creeds
10000-13999 Catholicism
14000-14999 church orders
15000 ff. collected volumes

Mb bibliographies, supporting resources

Mc periodicals, series

Md complete overviews and overviews to larger aspects of the Reformation

1-500 complete overviews
501-650 subsequent Reformation era
651-700 relation to various larger groups to one another
701-900 themes of whole history of Reformation
901 ff. meaning and consequence of Reformation

Me individual researches to the whole history of Reformation (1-300); relation of the reformers one another (440 ff.)

Mf Luther

1-300 complete overviews
301-450 collected volumes
451-650 biographies
651-850 1517-1521
851-950 exegesis and Bible translation
951-1050 scripture and tradition
1051-1150 relation to the philosophy and to the medieval theology
1151-1200 relation to the humanism
1201-1250 relation to the reformatory Left
1251-1300 doctrine of God
1301-1400 anthropology
1401-1500 Christology and sacraments
1501-1600 faith and temptation
1601-1800 justification and healing
1801-2000 doctrine of two kingdoms
2001-2100 ecclesiology
2101-2200 history and eschatology
2201-2500 various
2501-2600 research and interpretation on Luther
2601-2800 catholic picture on Luther
2801-3200 the aftermath of Luther
3201 ff. Reformation and the Judaism

Mg Melanchthon (chronological)

Mh The southern German reformers

Mi Zwingli (chronological)

Mk Calvin

1-500 complete overviews
501-600 collected volumes
601-1500 individual researches
1501 ff. various

Ml other shapes of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation era

Mm the reformatory Left

1-100 complete overviews
101-200 Karlstadt
201-250 Franck
251-300 Weigel
301-400 Schwenckfeld
401-600 Müntzer
601-1100 Anabaptists (geogr.)
1101-1200 Castellino
1201-1300 Servetus
1301 ff. Socinianism

Mn Catholicism until 1540

Mo Catholicism after 1540 (Counter-Reformation)

Mp Reformation of individual countries

Mq history of ideas and of culture

1-1400 history of ideas
1-500 complete overviews and larger aspects
501-1400 individual overviews (until 800 Erasmus)
1401-1600 history of culture
1601 ff. universities

Mr political history

1-90 The Empire
91-250 local
251-400 Worms
401-500 Peasants´ War
501-600 until 30 years War
601 ff. 30 years War

Ms history of law

1-100 Catholic
101-500 Protestants
501 ff. thinkers of law

t-x older Lutheranism (area of Institute of Lutheranism)

Mt prolegomena

1-500 bibliographies
501-1000 biographies
1001-2000 complete overviews
2001-6000 partial overviews
2001-3000 school of philosophy
3001-4000 dogmatic theology
4001-5000 ethical theology
5001-6000 practical theology
6000-10000 individual overviews
6001-7000 school of philosophy
7001-8000 dogmatic theology
8001-9000 ethical theology
9001 ff. practical theology

Mu school of philosophy

1-500 Lutheran universities
501-5000 authors
5001-5500 reformed universities
5501-8000 authors
8001-8500 Catholic universities
8501-9000 authors
9001 ff. Cambridge platonists

Mv dogmatic theology (incl. exegetical, polemical, didactical)

1-500 Lutheran universities
501-5000 authors
5001-5500 reformed universities
5501-8000 authors
8001-8500 Catholic universities
8501-9000 authors
9001-9500 Anglican universities
9501 ff. authors

Mw ethical Theology

1-500 Lutheran Territories
501-5000 authors
5001-5500 Reformed Territories
5501-8000 authors
8001-8500 Catholic Territories
8501-9000 authors
9001-9500 England
9501 ff. Anglican authors

Mx practical theology (homily, liturgy, edification literature)

1-5000 Lutheranism
1000-3000 homilies
3001-4000 liturgical texts and treatises
4001 ff. prayer literature and edification literature
5001-8000 Reformed Church
8001-9000 Catholic Church
9001 ff. Anglican Church

N: modern era

Na resources

1-200 text series, collected volumes
201-3000 history of the Protestant theology and church
201-450 until pietism
451-800 pietism, mysticism ect.
801-950 Enlightenment
951-1300 19th century and 1900-1933
1301-1750 1933-1945 (until 1650 Kirchenkampf)
1751-3000 1945 ff.
3001-3600 Catholicism (chronological)
3601-4000 history of ideas and of culture (chronological)
4001 ff. political history

Nb bibliographies, supporting resources, statistics

Nc periodicals, series, collected volumes

1-49 periodicals, year books
50-149 series
150 ff. collected works

Nd complete overviews

1-500 complete overviews
101-400 larger segments, church history
401 ff. larger segments, history of dogmas

e-i history of the Protestant theology and church

Ne until pietism

Nf pietism, mysticism, etc.

Ng Enlightenment

Nh 19th century and 1900-1918

Ni 20th century

1-299 before 1933
300-699 Kirchenkampf
300-449 general
450-499 parties of the Kirchenkampf
500-599 regionals
600 ff. individuals

Nk history of the Catholic theology and church (chronological)

1501-2000 history of councils
2001-3000 history of papacy
3001 ff. monastery

Nl history of ideas and of culture (chronological)

Nm political history (chronological)

Nn history of piety

O: Biographies and letters

Oa series and collected works

Ob individual biographies (alphabetical following decimal system)

Oc letters (alphabetical following decimal system)

OK: Oriental church history

OKa General

1-49 Periodicals
50-69 Handbooks
70-99 Reference books
100-199 Literature history
100-114 Comprising various language
115-129 Arabic
130-134 Armenian
135-139 Ethiopian (also Amharic i.a.)
140-144 Georgian
145-154 Greek
155-159 Coptic
160-164 Latin
165-169 Nubian
170-184 Syriac
185-199 miscellaneous
200-399 Festschrifts, collected works of comprehensive themes
200-249 Festschrifts (renowned alphabetical)
250-299 Collected works of various authors (in order of the acquisition)
300-399 Collected writings of an author (alphabetically following authors)
400-499 History of subjects, biographies of researchers
500-599 Institutes, museums, societies (history, reports)
600-699 Congresses, symposiums (history, reports, acts)
600-609 Oriental studies in general
610-619 Christian orient (comprising various regions)
620-629 Byzantine studies
630-654 Assyriology (also history of Syrian church incl. of India)
655-659 Arabic studies
660-669 Coptic studies
670-674 Nubian studies
675-684 Ethiopian studies
685-694 Armenian studies
695-699 Kharthwelology
700-799 Theories, systematic, meaning for other regions
800-899 Miscellaneous (also series)

OKb Supporting resources

1-99 Bibliographies
1-5 General and supporting resources
6-10 Languages
11-15 Resources and remnants
16-20 Regional studies
21-30 Orient in general (comprising various churches)
31-35 Monastery (comprising various churches)
36-40 Melkites
41-45 Maronites
46-50 Jacobites
51-55 Copts
56-59 Nubians
60-64 Ethiopians
65-69 Nestorians
70-74 St. Thomas Christians
75-79 Armenians
80-84 Georgians
85-89 Western world Christianity
90-94 Liturgy
95-99 Art and archeology

100-199 Manuscripts catalogue
100-114 Comprising various language
115-129 Arabic
130-139 Armenian
140-144 Georgian
145-154 Greek
155-159 Coptic
160-164 Latrinic
165-169 Nubian
170-184 Syriac
185-199 Miscellaneous

200-299 Catalogue of special libraries
300-399 Chronology (general, lists, tables)
300-334 General and comprising
335-349 Chronological tables (time reckoning)
350-364 Time tables (comprising various churches)
400-499 Cartography, atlases

400-419 Cartography
420-499 Atlases
420-439 General, comprehensive
420-429 Physical
430-439 Historical
440-499 Individual regions
440-445 Caucasus
446-453 Asia Minor, Cyprus
454-469 anterior Orient (incl. Mesopotamia)
470-473 Arabian Peninsula
474-479 Iran
480-485 Central Asia, East Asia
486-489 India
490-499 Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia

500-599 Maps
600-799 Microfiches
800-999 Miscellaneous

OKc Languages

1-199 General, comprising various languages
1-59 General
60-79 Dictionaries
80-99 Chrestomathies
100-119 History of writing, alphabets
120-139 Paleography
140-199 Individual overviews

200-899 Languages of Christian Orient
200-299 Arabic (also Karsuni)
200-209 Dictionaries
210-214 Concordances
215-224 Grammars
225-234 Textbooks, phrase books
235-244 Chrestomathies
245-259 History of writing, paleography
260-299 Individual researches

300-399 Armenian
300-309 Dictionaries
310-314 Concordances
315-324 Grammars
325-334 Textbooks, phrase books
335-344 Chrestomathies
345-359 History of writing, paleography
360-399 Individual researches

400-499 Ethiopian (vernaculars)
400-409 Dictionaries
410-414 Concordances
415-424 Grammars
425-434 Textbooks, phrase books
435-444 Chrestomathies
445-459 History of writing, paleography
460-499 Individual researches

500-599 Georgian
500-509 Dictionaries
510-514 Concordances
515-524 Grammars
525-534 Textbooks, phrase books
535-544 Chrestomathies
545-559 History of writing, paleography
560-599 Individual researches

600-699 Coptic
600-609 Dictionaries
610-614 Concordances
615-624 Grammars
625-634 Textbooks, phrase books
635-644 Chrestomathies
645-659 History of writing, paleography
660-699 Individual researches

700-799 Nubian
700-709 Dictionaries
710-714 Concordances
715-724 Grammars
725-734 Textbooks, phrase books
735-744 Chrestomathies
745-759 History of writing, paleography
760-799 Individual researches

800-899 Syriac (also Aramaic, Aramaic dialects)
800-809 Dictionaries
810-814 Concordances
815-824 Grammars
825-834 Textbooks, phrase books
835-844 Chrestomathies
845-859 History of writing, paleography
860-899 Individual researches

900-999 Other languages
900-969 Other languages of the Orient
900-919 Indo-Iranian (also other language of India)
920-934 Ural-Altaic
935-949 East Asia
950-969 miscellaneous
970-999 dictionaries i.a. European languages (alphabetical following the languages)

OKd resources collections (also translations)

1-199 collections in various oriental languages
1-19 edition series
20-199 theme-related collections

200-499 collections in individual languages (also legend collections, synodal acts, church law literature insofar as not individual resources, i.a.)
200-239 Arabic
240-269 Armenian
270-289 Ethiopian (also the vernaculars)
290-309 Georgian
310-349 Greek
350-369 Coptic
370-409 Latin
410-419 Nubian
420-459 Syriac
460-499 miscellaneous

500-699 Bible editions in Christian oriental languages (along with related researches; also Apocrypha, Pseudepigraphs)
500-519 Polyglots
520-539 Arabic
540-559 Armenian
560-579 Ethiopian (also the vernaculars)
580-599 Georgian
600-619 Coptic
620-639 Nubian
640-659 Syriac (also Aramaic and modern Aramaic)
660-699 miscellaneous

700-799 inscriptions
700-709 general and comprising various languages
710-719 Arabic
720-729 Armenian
730-739 Ethiopian
740-744 Georgian
745-754 Greek
755-764 Coptic
765-774 Latin
775-779 Nubian
780-789 Syriac
790-799 miscellaneous

800-899 numismatics
900-999 various resources, remnants

OKe individual resources I

(also translations; translations in Christian oriental languages: excluding Greek/Latin under this. The order is chronologically arranged following the authors; manuscripts of the same authors: 00/1,00/2 etc.)

1-299 Arabic (also Karsuni)
1-49 non-Christian authors
50-99 Melkites
100-144 Maronites
145-194 Nestorians
195-244 Jacobites
245-290 Copts
291-299 miscellaneous

300-499 Armenian
300-319 to the end of 6th century
320-329 7th-8th centuries
330-349 9th-11th centuries
350-369 12th-14th centuries
370-379 15th-17th centuries
380-409 18th century
410-449 19th century
450-499 20th century

500-599 Ethiopian (also vernaculars)
500-509 to the end of 14th century
510-519 15th century
520-534 16th century
535-549 17th century
550-559 18th century
560-579 19th century
580-599 20th century

600-699 Georgian
700-999 Greek
700-800 until 6th century
801-900 7th-12th centuries
901-950 13th-15th centuries
951-999 16th centuries

OKf individual resources II

1-99 Coptic
1-49 to the 7th century
50-94 7th-14th centuries
95-99 from 14th century up

100-399 Latin
100-119 to the end of 6th century
120-149 7th-11th centuries
150-169 12th century
170-189 13th century
190-209 14th century
210-229 15th century
230-259 16th century
260-289 17th century
290-319 18th century
320-359 19th century
360-399 20th century

400-499 Nubian
500-799 Syriac (also Aramaic and modern Aramaic)
500-534 to the end of 5th century
535-634 Nestorians (since 6th century)
535-584 6th-10th centuries
585-634 11th-16th centuries

635-734 Jacobites (since 6th century)
635-684 6th-10th centuries
685-734 11th-16th centuries

735-749 Melkites (since 6th century) and Maronites
750-799 modern Syriac literature

800-999 miscellaneous
800-839 Indo-Iranian (also various languages of India)
840-869 Ural-Altaic
870-889 East Asian
890-914 Slavonic
915-939 Romanic
940-964 Germanic
965-999 miscellaneous

OKg regional studies

(topography, travel guide; after current political boundaries)

1-99 general and comprising
1-49 general
50-99 comprising other regions

100-149 Armenia, Georgia (Caucasus)
100-109 comprising both
110-129 Armenia
130-149 Georgia and remaining Caucasus

150-249 Turkey, Cyprus
150-219 Turkey
220-249 Cyprus

250-349 Syria, Lebanon
250-300 Syria
301-349 Lebanon

350-449 Palestine, Jordan
350-389 Israel
390-409 Jerusalem
410-449 Jordan (also western bank of Jordan)

450-499 Arabic Peninsula
500-599 Iraq, Iran
500-559 Iraq
560-599 Iran

600-699 Central Asia, East Asia
700-749 India
750-849 Egypt, Sudan
850-899 Ethiopia
900-999 travel accounts (since 1500)
900-919 collections (also comprising earlier centuries)
900-904 comprising various regions
905-906 Armenia, Gerogia (Caucasus)
907-913 anterior Orient, Middle East, Arabic Peninsula
914-915 Central Asia, East Asia, India
916-919 Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia

920-999 individual reports (chronological)
920-929 16th century
930-939 17th century
940-959 18th century
960-979 19th century
980-999 20th century

OKh complete overviews of the Christian Orient
(comprising various oriental church, insofar not under Oki, Oku ff.)

1-199 secular history
1-55 period-comprehensive overviews
1-19 comprising various regions
20-24 Asia Minor and Cyprus
25-29 Caucasus (Georgia and Armenia together)
30-39 anterior Orient and Mesopotamia
40-44 Persia
45-49 Arabian
50-55 Africa

56-199 individual periods
56-69 Roman Empire and Byzantium
70-79 Parthian Empire and Persian Empire
80-84 local kingdoms (in pre-Islamic time)
85-99 Islamic conquest and Umayyad dynasty
100-114 Abbasids
115-119 Islamic federated states
120-134 crusaders
135-144 Mongols (excluding Central and East Asia)
145-154 Egyptian dynasty in anterior Orient (without Egypt alone)
155-169 Ottomans
170-179 Modern Persia/Iran
180-199 modern states since the first World War (excl. Iran)

200-399 church of the Orient (without timetable and hierarch lists)

200-299 church of the Orient in general
300-399 individual regions (comprising various oriental churches)
300-329 Asia
330-349 Africa
350-369 Europe
370-389 America
390-399 Australia

400-499 monastery
500-699 theology and piety
500-549 comprising theology and piety
550-649 theology in individual themes
650-699 piety

700-799 church law
800-999 relations to the non-Christian world

800-809 comprising general, various areas
810-819 relation to the Persians (since beginning of 5th century)
820-939 relation to Islam
820-829 Christian influences on Islam
830-854 relations
855-924 individual periods of time
855-869 medieval time to 1500
870-884 modern time to 1900
885-909 present age since 1900
910-924 State Lebanon
925-939 Christian-Islam polemic
940-949 relation to the (non-Islamic people) Central and East Asia (also pre-Islamic Mongolians in the anterior Orient)
950-959 relation to the Soviet Union
960-989 relation to the Judaism
960-969 general
970-979 State Israel
980-989 Near East conflict
990-999 miscellaneous

OKi Christian Orient until the emergence of national churches

1-99 general and complete overviews
100-299 the first 3 centuries (the expansion, Christianity in individual location, without Armenia)
100-159 comprising various regions
160-189 Palestine, Arabian, Sinai
190-259 Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia
300-399 oriental patriarchates in general (since the 4th century)
400-499 Patriarchate Alexandria (without Nubian, Ethiopian)
500-599 Patriarchate Antioch (also Persian; without Armenian, Georgian, Indian)
500-519 general
520-539 ecclesiastical organizations, expansion of Christianity
540-589 theologians and writers (works OK e, OK f)
590-599 relation to the non Christian world
600-699 Patriarchate Jerusalem
700-899 monastery
700-749 oriental monastery in general
750-799 Syria and Persia
800-849 Egypt
850-899 Palestine and Sinai Peninsula
900-999 theology und piety in general, church law
900-919 comprising theology and piety
920-969 theology in individual themes
970-989 piety
990-999 church law

OKk Melkite Church
(since the 6th century; also miscellaneous Chalcedonians, except Georgian and Maronite, insofar not under OK u)

1-99 general and comprising various Patriarchates
100-199 Patriarchate Constantinople99
` 200-299 Patriarchate Alexandria
300-399 Patriarchate Antioch (also Archdiocese Cyprus)
400-449 Patriarchate Jerusalem
450-599 monastery (also Archdiocese Cyprus)
600-899 theology and piety in general, church laq
600-699 comprising theology and piety
700-799 theology in individual themes
800-849 piety

900-999 relatiion the the Latin church, United (`Melkite´)

OKl Maronite church

1-99 general and comprising various centuries
100-599 history in individual overviews
100-150 7th century
150-300 7th - 13th centuries
300-599 13th century to the present age

600-799 monastery
800-999 theology and piety in general, church law
800-849 comprising theology and piety
850-949 theology in individual themes
950-979 piety
980-999 church law

OKm Syriac-Jacobite Church
(since the 6th century; without India)

1-99 general and comprising various centuries
100-499 history in individual overviews
100-149 pre-Islam time (6th-7th centuries)
150-224 Umayyad`s era (7th-8th centuries)
225-299 Abbasid`s era until the beginning of crusades (8th-11th centuries)
300-374 crusade`s era (12th-13th centuries)
375-399 Mamluks` era (14th-15th centuries)
400-449 Ottomann`s era (16th century to 1918)
450-499 modern era (since 1918)

500-699 monastery
700-899 theology and piety in general, church law
700-749 comprising theology and piety
750-849 theology in individual themes
850-879 piety
880-899 church law

900-999 relation to the Latin church, united (´Syrian`)

OKn Coptic church
(since 6th century; without Nubian, Ethiopian; also secular history of Egypt)

1-99 comprising general and various centuries
100-499 history in individual overviews
100-150 7th century
150-300 7th - 13th centuries
300-400 14th century to 1850
400-499 1850- present age

500-699 monastery
700-899 theology and piety in general, church law
700-749 comprising theology and piety
750-849 theology in individual themes
850-879 piety
880-899 church law

900-999 relation to the Latin church, united

OKo Nubian church
(also secular history of Nubian)

1-99 general and comprising various centuries
100-699 history in individual overviews
700-799 monastery
800-899 theology and piety in general, church law
800-824 comprising theology and piety
825-874 theology in individual themes
875-889 piety
890-899 church law

900-999 relation to the Latin church, united

OKp Ethiopian church
(also secular history of Ethiopian)

1-99 comprising general and various centuries
100-499 history in individual overviews
100-124 beginning to the end of the reign of Aksun (10th century)
125-149 Judaic period, Zagwe-Dynasty (10th-13th centuries)
150-174 Solomonian dynasty to the appearance of Ahmad bin Ibrahim Gran (early 16th century)
175-199 Portuguese`s era (from war against Gran to the accession of power by Fusillades in 1632)
200-299 from the end of Portuguese`s era to the Autocephaly (1959)
300-349 the church under her own patriarchates to the end of state churchdom
350-499 the church after the revolution

500-699 monastery
700-899 theology and piety in general, church law
700-749 comprising theology and piety
750-849 theology in individual themes
850-879 piety
880-899 church law

900-999 relation to the Latin church, united
1000 ff. Lutherans

OKq Nestorian church
(since 5th century; without India)

1-99 general and comprising various centuries
100-399 history in individual overviews
100-149 Sasanids´ era (5th-7th centuries)
150-174 Umayyads´ era (7th-8th centuries)
175-274 Abssids´ era (8th-13th centuries)
275-324 Mongolians´ era until the appearance of Timur (13th-14th centuries)
325-349 modern times (15th century to 1918)
350-399 modern era (since 1918)

400-499 "the metropolites of the utter" in the Central and East Asia (also the secular history of Central and East Asia)
400-419 general and comprising various periods
420-459 beginnings to the 10th century
420-434 comprising various regions
435-444 Central Asia
445-459 China

460-499 11th century to the downfall
460-474 comprising various regions
475-489 Central Asia
490-499 China

500-699 monastery
700-899 theology and piety in general, church law
700-749 comprising theology and piety
750-849 theology in individual themes
850-879 piety
880-899 church law

900-999 relation to the Latin church, united (`Chaldeans´)
900-929 general and comprising various periods
930-939 beginnings to the mid 16th century
940-949 the union from 1551/52 until 1672
950-959 renewed union and united patriarchate (1681-1830)
960-979 Patriarchate Babylon (since 1830)
980-999 Order and parishes, educational institutions

1000-1999 church of the East and the Protestants

OKr St. Thomas Christianity in India

1-49 secular history
1-15 period comprehensive account
16-49 individual periods
16-25 to the end of Mogul`s era
26-37 Colonial era (until 1948)
38-49 India after 1948
50-119 history of various churches
120-139 monastery
140-159 theology and piety
160-179 theology in individual themes
180-199 piety
200-209 church law
210-299 relation to the non Christian world
300-349 India as the Nestorian church province and the Latin union from 1599
350-449 Monophysite Christianity (`Orthodox´)
450-499 Monophysite diocese Andschur
500-699 Syro-Malankara church (united)
700-899 Syro-Malabar church (united)
900-999 East Syriac church (church of the East) in India
1000-1499 Lutherans in India
1500-1899 Catholics in India
1900-1999 Mar Thoma

OKs Armenian church
(also the secular history of Armenians and the Minor Armenians)

1-99 general and comprising various centuries (also Armenians in the world)
1-35 Armenians (ethnicity, secular history, church history) in general
36-50 heretical movements (Paulicianism, i.a.)
51-99 Armenians in the world
51-65 comprising various regions
66-70 Asia and Africa
71-94 Europe
71-75 comprising various regions
76-80 Balkan
81-89 East Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Crimea)
90-94 South, Middle, and West Europe
95-99 new world
100-499 history in individual accounts
100-139 beginnings to the Christianization of the Armenia (4th century Up; also Grigor Lusavorich)
140-199 `State church´ until the dawn of the monarchy (428)
200-259 catholicate in Etchmiadzin and Dvin (428-928)
260-319 `wandering catholicate´: from Dvin to Hromkla (928-1147)
320-379 catholicate in Cilicia: Hromkla and Sis (1147-1441) also Minor Armenian kingdom Cilicia
380-439 `Pentarchy´: Etchmiadzin, Aghtamar, Jerusalem, Sis Constantinople (until the end of Ottomann`s reign; 1441-1918)

500-699 monastery
700-899 theology and piety in general, church law
700-749 comprising theology and piety
750-849 theology in individual themes
850-879 piety
880-899 church law

900-999 relation to the Latin church, united
900-919 general and comprising various periods
920-959 beginnings to the emergence of the united patriarchate (1742)
920-924 comprising various regions
925-934 Minor Armenia (Cilicia)
935-944 Greater Armenia (also Fratres Unitores, general)
945-954 East Europe (also Crimea, Poland)
955-959 miscellaneous regions

960-974 united church (since 1742)
975-999 Mechitarists order
975-984 general (also Mkhitar Sebastatsi, the founder of the order)
985-989 San Lazarro
990-999 Trieste and Vienna

1000 ff. Protestantism

OKt Georgian church
(also secular history of Georgia)

1-99 general and comprising various centuries
100-149 history in individual overviews
500-699 monastery
700-899 theology and piety in general, church law
700-749 comprising theology and piety
750-849 theology in individual themes
850-879 piety
880-899 church law

900-999 relation to the Latin church, united

OKu relations of the oriental churches one another

1-199 general and comprising various regions
200-399 Chalcedonians one another (Melkites, Maronites, and Georgians)
200-349 `Orthodox´ (Melkites and Georgians) one another
200-239 comprising various periods
240-269 until the end of 15th century
270-309 16th century to 1918
310-349 since 1918
350-399 `Orthodox´ and Maronites

400-599 Chalcedonians and non- Chalcedonians (Melkites, Maronites, Georgians/ Monophysites, Nestorians)
400-419 various Chalcedonian churches/ non-Chalcedonians in general
420-439 various Chalcedonian churches/Monophysites in general
440-449 various Chalcedonian churches/Armenians
450-459 various Chalcedonian churches/Jacobites
460-469 various Chalcedonian churches/Copts
470-479 various Chalcedonian churches/Nestorians
480-489 Melkites/ non-Chalcedonians in general
490-509 Melkites/Monophysites in general
510-529 Melkites/Armenians
530-549 Melkites/Jacobites
550-569 Melkites/Copts, Nubians, Ethiopians
570-579 Melkites/Nestorians
580-589 Georgians/non-Chalcedonians
590-599 Maronites/non-Chalcedonians

600-799 Non-Chalcedonians one another (Monophysites/Nestorians)
800-999 Monophysites one another

OKv relations to the Christianity in the Western world

1-99 general and comprising various confessions of the Western world
1-29 general and comprising various regions
30-99 individual regions (various confessions of the Western world)
30-54 Asia
55-79 Africa
80-99 the rest of the world

100-399 Roman Catholic Church in Orient
100-299 Mission and hierarchy
100-149 general and comprising mission and hierarchy
150-199 mission accomplishment (general and comprising various mission orders)
200-249 Latin order in Orient (individual)
250-299 Latin hierarchy in Orient

300-399 Latin union activity and united Church (general and comprising various oriental Church)
400-799 Protestants and Anglicans in Orient
400-499 mission, relation to the oriental Church, ecclesiastical organization (general and concerning various oriental Church)
400-439 comprising Anglicans and Protestants
440-469 Anglicans
470-499 Protestants (also Protestant overseas parishes)

500-799 relation to individual oriental churches, individual national Protestant Churches in the Orient
500-549 Copts, Coptic-Protestant church
550-599 Thomas Christianity, Protestant church of the Thomas Christianity (Anglicans, Mar-Thomas church)
600-649 Armenians, Armenian-Protestant church
650-699 Ethiopians, Ethiopian-Protestant church
700-799 miscellaneous

800-999 oriental national churches and ecumenical movement

OKw liturgy

1-199 general and comprising various areas
1-49 general
50-99 history of liturgy
100-149 comprising various recent rituals
150-199 liturgical garb and appliances

200-399 Asia Minor-Byzantinian ritual (Melkites, Georgians, Armenians)
200-249 general
250-299 Melkites (Byzantinian)
300-349 Georgians
350-399 Armenians

400-599 West Syrian ritual (Maronites, Jacobites, Syrians, Thomas Christians-West Syrian tradition)
400-404 general
405-499 Maronites
500-599 Jacobites, Syrians, Thomas Christians (West Syrian tradition)

600-799 East Syrian ritual (Nestorians, Chaldeans, Thomas Christians-East Syrian Traditions
800-999 Egyptian ritual (Copts, Nubians, Ethiopians)
800-849 general
850-949 Copts and Nubians
950-999 Ethiopians

OKx art and archaeology

1-199 general and comprising various areas
1-49 art and archaeology in general
50-99 architecture (along with co-treating representative art)
100-149 mosaic art, painting, icons, illumination
150-169 plastic, sarcophagus art
170-199 tools

200-299 Armenians, Georgians (Caucasus)
200-219 comprising various regions
220-259 Armenians
260-299 Georgians

300-499 Syria, Lebanon, Mesopotamia
300-309 art and architecture in general
310-379 architecture (along with co-treating representative art)
380-449 mosaic art, painting, icons, illumination
450-499 plastic, tools

500-549 Palestine, Sinai Peninsula, Arabia, Jordan
550-599 Persia
600-649 Central Asia, East Asia
650-699 India
700-799 Egyptians
700-709 art and architecture in general
710-749 architecture (along with co-treating representative art)
750-779 mosaic art, painting, icons, illumination
780-799 plastic, tools

800-899 Nubians
900-999 Ethiopians

y Islam (and Christianity)

z East Asia

P: Lower Saxony and territorial church history

PA bibliographies, library catalogues, inventories, handbooks, lexicons, etc.

blibrary catalogues and archive catalogues
dhistoriography of Lower Saxony
egeneral history

PB periodicals and other regular publications

a to the history and church history of non-Lower Saxony regions

b to the history and church history on adjacent regions of Lower Saxony
1-10 Hamburg
11-15 Schleswig-Holstein
16-20 Mecklenburg
21-25 Sachsen
26-30 Thüringen
31-35 Hesse
36 ff. Westphalia

c to the history and church history of individual Lower Saxony regions
1-19 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
20-29 Calenberg, Göttingen, Grubenhagen
30-39 Harz
40-49 Hildesheim
50-59 Hoya-Diepholz
60-69 Lüneburg, Harburg
70-79 Osnabrück, Lingen, Bentheim
80-89 Ostfriesland
90-109 Braunschweig
110-129 Bremen
130-139 Oldenburg
140-149 Schaumburg-Lippe

d to the history and church history of Lower Saxony, Hannover and the guelphic land in general

e to the history and church history of Germany in general

f parish bulletins, correspondence papers, etc.

g to the history and church history of non-German regions

x regular publications to the history and church history of Lower Saxony

y regular publications to the history and church history of non-Lower Saxony regions

PC official document collections, written sources, land marks

a regular publications to the history and church history of Lower Saxony regions
1-99 Lower Saxony in general
100-299 guelphic land and Hannover in general
300-329 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
330-360 Calenberg, Göttingen, Grubenhagen
370-389 Harz
390-419 Hildesheim
420-449 Hoya-Diepholz
450-479 Lüneburg, Harburg
480-509 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
510-539 Ostfriesland
540-569 Braunschweig
570-599 Bremen
600-629 Oldenburg
630-659 Schaumburg-Lippe

b to the history and church history on adjacent regions of Lower Saxony
1-19 Hamburg
20-39 Schleswig-Holstein, Lauenburg
40-59 Mecklenburg
60-79 Brandenburg
80-99 Saxony
100-119 Thuringia
120-139 Hesse
140-159 Westphalia

c to the history and church history of other German regions

PD geographic-statistical descriptions, atlases

a Lower Saxony
1-99 Lower Saxony in general
100-299 guelphic land and Hannover in general
300-329 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
330-360 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
370-389 Harz
390-419 Hildesheim
420-449 Hoya-Diepholz
450-479 Lueneburg, Harburg
480-509 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
510-539 Ostfriesland
540-569 Braunschweig
570-599 Bremen
600-629 Oldenburg
630-659 Schaumburg-Lippe

b adjacent regions
1-19 Hamburg
20-39 Schleswig-Holstein, Lauenburg
40-59 Mecklenburg
60-79 Brandenburg
80-99 Saxony
100-119 Thuringia
120-139 Hesse
140-159 Westphalia

c miscellaneous regions

PE descriptions to the regional history

a Lower Saxony in general
-> complete overviews until the foundation of guelphic reign

b guelphic regions and Hannover in general
1-99 complete overviews of the foundation of guelphic reign
100-299 until the beginning of 16th century
300-399 from the beginning of 16th century to 1648
400-499 from 1648 to the accession of the throne of Hannover in England
500-599 from the accession of the throne in England to the beginning of 19th Century
600-699 from the beginning of 19th century to 1865
700 ff. since 1866

c individual regions
1-49 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
50-119 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
120-149 Harz
150-199 Hildesheim
200-249 Hoya-Diepholz
250-299 Lueneburg, Harburg
300-349 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
350-379 Ostfriesland

d Brunswick

e Bremen

f Oldenburg, Jeverland
1-99 Oldenburg
100-149 Jeverland

g Schaumburg-Lippe

h miscellaneous regions incl. The whole Germany
1-19 Hamburg
20-39 Schleswig-Holstein, Lauenburg
40-59 Mecklenburg
60-79 Brandenburg
80-99 Saxony
100-119 Thuringia
120-139 Hesse
140-170 Westphalia
171-200 Rhineland-Palatinate
201-230 Baden-Wuerttemberg
231-250 Bavaria
251-270 Silesia
271-290 Pommern
291-310 West and East Prussia
311 ff. the whole Germany

i non-German region
1-49 Sweden
50-100 Finland
101-150 Baltic
151-200 Poland
201-250 Czech, Hungary, etc.
251-350 Russia
351-400 Greece, Turkey
401-450 Italy (Vatican)
451-500 Austria
501-550 Spain, Portugal
551-600 Switzerland
601-650 France
651-700 Belgium, Luxemburg
701-740 the Netherlands
741-850 Great Britain
851-920 USA
921-970 miscellaneous countries
971 ff. collected editions (containing various countries)

PF federal state law

a Lower Saxony in general

1-29 guelphic land and Hannover in general
30-59 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
60-89 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
90-119 Harz
120-149 Hildesheim
150-179 Hoya-Diepholz
180-209 Lueneburg, Harburg
210-239 Osnabrück, Lingen, Bentheim
240-269 Ostfriesland
270-309 Braunschweig
310-349 Bremen
350-369 Oldenburg
370 ff. Schaumburg-Lippe

PG descriptions to the church history

a Lower Saxony in general

b 1-129 guelphic land and Hannover in general
1-29 directories from parishes, pastors, etc.
30-129 descriptions to the church history
130-159 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
160-189 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
190-219 Harz
220-259 Hildesheim
260-299 Hoya-Diepholz
300-359 Lueneburg, Harburg
360-399 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
400-499 Ostfriesland

c Brunswick

d Bremen

e 1-99 Oldenburg
100 ff. Jeverland

f Schaumburg-Lippe

g adjacent regions
1-100 Hamburg
101-250 Schleswig-Holstein, Lauenburg
251-350 Mecklenburg
351-450 Brandenburg
451-550 Saxony
551-650 Thuringia
651-730 Hesse
731-749 Lippe
750 ff. Westphalia

h miscellaneous German regions incl. the whole Germany
1-200 the whole Germany (also Prussia)
100 ff. 19th century
201-250 Rhineland (Palatinate)
251-300 Wuerttemberg (Baden)
301-350 Bavaria
351-400 Saxony
401-450 Silesia
451-500 West Prussia (Posen)
501-550 Neumark
551-600 Pomerania
601-650 East Prussia
651 ff. miscellaneous

i non-German regions
1-49 Sweden
50-100 Finland
101-150 Baltic
151-200 Poland
201-250 Czech, Hungary, Romania, ect.
251-350 Russia
351-400 Greece, Turkey
401-450 Italy (Vatican)
451-500 Austria
501-550 Spain, Portugal
551-600 Switzerland
601-650 France
651-700 Belgium, Luxemburg
701-740 the Netherlands
741-850 Great Britain
851-920 USA
921-970 miscellaneous countries
971 ff. collected editions (containing various countries)

PH local and parish history (alphabetical)

a 1-300

b 1-500
275-325 Brunswick
340-390 Bremen
480 ff. Buxtehude

c 1-100
30-50 Celle
55-70 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

d 1-300
90-110 Delmenhorst
250-270 Duderstadt

e 1-300
70-90 Einbeck
150-170 Emden

f 1-200

g 1-400
18-25 Gandersheim
150-200 Goettingen
220-270 Goslar

h 1-600
50-75 Hamburg
80-130 Hameln
145-200 Hannover
375-425 Hildesheim

i 1-100

j 1-100

k 1-300

l 1-500
275-300 Loccum
400-475 Lueneburg

m 1-300
110-130 Meppen
150-180 Minden
260-280 Muenden (Hann.)

n 1-300
125-150 Nienburg
210-230 Norden
250-275 Northeim

o 1-300
120-140 Oldenburg
190-240 Osnabrueck

p 1-200

q 1-50

r 1-300
180-200 Rinteln

s 1-600
340-360 Soltau
400-420 Springe
425-460 Stade

t 1-150

u 1-100

v 1-200
85-110 Verden

w 1-600
480-520 Wolfenbuettel
z 1-50

PI church law and school law

a resources (church orders, legislation collections)
1-10 official gazette of the regional church
11-59 Lower Saxony in general
60-99 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
100-139 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
140-179 Harz
180-219 Hildesheim
220-259 Hoya-Diepholz
260-299 Lueneburg, Harburg
300-339 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
340-379 Ostfriesland
380-409 Braunschweig
410-439 Bremen
440-459 Oldenburg
460-479 Schaumburg-Lippe
480 ff. Miscellaneous regions

b descriptions
1-59 Lower Saxony in general
60-99 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
100-140 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
140-180 Harz
180-220 Hildesheim
220-260 Hoya-Diepholz
260-300 Lueneburg, Harburg
300-340 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
340-380 Ostfriesland
380-410 Braunschweig
410-440 Bremen
440-460 Oldenburg
460-480 Schaumburg-Lippe
481 ff. Miscellaneous regions

c accounts of proceeding of the regional synod
1-99 Hannover
100-199 Braunschweig
200-299 Bremen
300-399 Oldenburg
400-499 Schaumburg-Lippe
500 ff. miscellaneous

d accounts of proceeding of the district synod
1-99 Hannover
100-199 Braunschweig
200-299 Bremen
300-399 Oldenburg
400-499 Schaumburg-Lippe
500 ff. miscellaneous

PK Agendas

1-129 guelphic land and Hannover in general
130-159 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
160-189 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
190-219 Harz
220-259 Hildesheim
260-299 Hoya-Diepholz
300-359 Lueneburg, Harburg
360-399 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
400-499 Ostfriesland

c Brunswick

d Bremen

e Oldenburg
100 ff. Jeverland

f Schaumburg-Lippe

g adjacent regions
1-99 Hamburg
101-251 Schleswig-Holstein, Lauenburg
251-351 Mecklenburg
351-451 Brandenburg
451-551 Prov. Saxony
551-651 Thuringia
651-750 Hesse
750-850 Westphalia

h miscellaneous German regions incl. the whole Germany
1-200 the whole Germany (also Prussia)
100 ff. 19th century
201-250 Rhineland (Palatinate)
251-300 Wuerttemberg (Baden)
301-350 Bavaria
351-400 Saxony
401-450 Silesia
451-500 West Prussia
501-550 Neumark
551-600 Pomerania
601-650 East Prussia
651 ff. miscellaneous

i non-German regions
1-50 Sweden
51-100 Finland
101-150 Baltic
151-200 Poland
201-250 Czech, Hungary, etc.
251-350 Russia
351-400 Greece, Turkey
401-450 Italy (Vatican)
451-500 Austria
501-550 Spain, Portugal
551-600 Switzerland
601-650 France
651-700 Belgium, Luxemburg
701-740 the Netherlands
741-850 Great Britain
851-920 USA
921-970 miscellaneous countries
971 ff. collected editions (containing various countries)

PL hymnals, prayer books, edification literature

1-129 guelphic land and Hannover in general
130-159 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
160-189 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
190-219 Harz
220-259 Hildesheim
260-299 Hoya-Diepholz
300-359 Lueneburg, Harburg
360-399 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
400-499 Ostfriesland

c Brunswick

d Bremen

e Oldenburg
100 ff. Jeverland

f Schaumburg-Lippe

g adjacent regions
1-99 Hamburg
101-251 Schleswig-Holstein, Lauenburg
251-351 Mecklenburg
351-451 Brandenburg
451-551 Saxony
551-651 Thuringia
651-750 Hesse
750-850 Westphalia

h edification literature

x bibles

PM Cathecisms

1-129 guelphic land and Hannover in general
130-159 Bremen-Verden, Hadeln
160-189 Calenberg, Goettingen, Grubenhagen
190-219 Harz
220-259 Hildesheim
260-299 Hoya-Diepholz
300-359 Lueneburg, Harburg
360-399 Osnabrueck, Lingen, Bentheim
400-499 Ostfriesland

c Brunswick

d Bremen
e Oldenburg
100 ff. Jeverland

f Schaumburg-Lippe

g adjacent regions
1-99 Hamburg
101-251 Schleswig-Holstein, Lauenburg
251-351 Mecklenburg
351-451 Brandenburg
451-551 Saxony
551-651 Thuringia
651-750 Hesse
750-850 Westphalia

h miscellaneous German regions incl. the whole Germany
1-200 the whole Germany (also Prussia)

100 ff. 19th century
201-251 Rhineland (Palatinate)
251-301 Wuerttemberg (Baden)
301-351 Bavaria
351-401 Saxony
401-451 Silesia
451-501 West Prussia
501-551 Neumark
551-601 Pomerania
601-651 East Prussia
651 ff. miscellaneous

i non-German regions
1-50 Sweden
51-100 Finland
101-151 Baltic
151-201 Poland
201-251 Czech, Hungary, etc.
251-351 Russia
351-401 Greece, Turkey
401-451 Italy (Vatican)
451-501 Austria
501-551 Spain, Portugal
551-601 Switzerland
601-651 France
651-701 Belgium, Luxemburg
701-741 the Netherlands
741-851 Great Britain
851-921 USA
921-971 miscellaneous countries
971 ff. collected editions (containing various countries)

PN biographies, letter collections

a until year 1500
b years 1500-1600
c 1600-1700
d 1700-1800
e 1800 ff.
f miscellaneous

PO domestic studies

a general genealogical literature
b individual families

PP literature of theologians of Lower Saxony

a exegetical theologians
b historical theologians
c dogmatic
d ethics
e practical theology in general
g catecethics
h liturgy
i miscellaneous
k secondary literature

PQ folklore studies

a folklore studies in general (and history of culture)
b religious folklore studies (and history of religion)

PR ecclesiastical associations and mission

a the great societal works
b external mission
1-49 general
50-149 Hermannsburger Mission
150 ff. North German Mission

c internal mission
d miscellaneous societies

PS ecclesiastical art

a Lower Saxony
b miscellaneous regions, general history of art

PT literature

PU patrocinia

a1-500 Lower Saxony
500 ff. individual saints
b miscellaneous

PV prehistory