Increasing grasland biodiversity by extensive grazing
- Investigation of the relationship between excretion behaviour and the development of plant diversity
- Examination of the influence of extensive grazing on nutrient cycles and sustainability of a pasture system
- Development of extensive grazing systems with acceptable pasture performance and increased plant diversity
Field trial:
startet 2002 in Relliehausen
3 treatments:
- High grazing pressure (aiming at high output)
- Low grazing pressure (aiming at increased biodiversity)
- Minimal grazing pressure (aimed at increased biodiversity)
3 replicates, plot size 1 ha, grazed with Simmental
Measurements and Calculations:
- Fodder on offer during grazing period, pasture performance
- Botanical composition and sward structure
- Excretion behaviour and distribution of nutrients
- Nutrient balances
- Stable isotopes in soil, vegetation and cattle switch hair
- Profitability of the grazing system