Geochemistry and Isotope Geology

The Geochemistry and Isotope Geology Department is an integral part of the Geoscience Center (GZG) with collaborations across the faculty and beyond. We collaborate with many national and international researchers on a multitude of topics, some of which you will find highlighted under Research. The Geochemistry and Isotope Geology Department has recently seen some major instrumental investments, such as the delivery of new mass spectrometers (ThermoFisher Scientific 253 Ultra, Neptune Plus, iCAP-Q, MAT 253 Plus), a laser spectrometer (Aerodyne TILDAS), an improved self-built IR-Laser fluorination line, as well as the construction and constant improvement of a state-of-the-art clean room sample preparation suite (Analytical Facilities). Check out the analytical Services we offer!
The Department is also home to the Digital Geochemistry Infrastructure (DIGIS) project that will continue the highly successful GEOROC database and considerably expand its capabilities to deliver maximum service to the community and implementation of FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable).
If you are interested in joining our young and inspiring research team, either as a postdoc, as a PhD student or to carry out your Master’s or Bachelor’s project with us, please get into contact with either Prof. Andreas Pack (stable isotopes) or Prof. Matthias Willbold (radiogenic isotopes). If you are interested in starting a PhD or Postdoc with us, please also check out the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS) webpage for further information regarding the University’s current graduate and early career programs.