Maßnahmenprogramm Göttingen CompetencePLUS

Göttingen CompetencePLUS programme comprises 5 sectors

  • The Service – Sector: Information, investigating the demand, monitoring support for PIs and Coordinators
  • Four Training – Areas (10 Modules and 2 Events)
  •      1. Companionship during the Career Path (4 Modules, women only)
         2. Fostering Competence Gain (4 Modules, women only)
         3. Raising Gender & Diversity Awareness (1 Modul, 1 Event, women and men)
        4. Changing Working Culture and Reconciliation of Family, Pirvate Life and Work (1 Module, 1 Event, women and men)

    The programme is adjusted to different qualification periods (PhD, postdoc, junior professorship ..). It focus clearly on equal opportunities and anti-discrimination. The offers are primary for female junior scientists, but some workshops and events also are eligible for men. A Certificate is planned for those attending a certain number of training hours and courses.

    For detailed information and advice please contact Dr. Christine Katz.


    Information, Survey of Demand, Evaluation, Recruitment

    Career Path

    Orientation I: Entry
    → Postdocs

    Crisis and Interventions
    → PhDs (and Postdocs)

    Mobility and Encounter
    → (PhDs and) Postdocs, W1

    Orientation II: Conclusion and Start
    → PhDs and Postdocs

    → PhDs, Postdocs, W1

    → PhDs, Postdocs, W1

    Success Strategies
    → PhDs, Postdocs, W1

    Expertise in Proposal Writing
    → PhDs, Postdocs, W1

    Working Culture

    Leadership and Organisation
    → Pls; Postdocs, W1

    Event: Innovative Leading Culture
    → Pls, Postdocs, PhDs, Faculty Members, Students

    Basline: Gender Awareness

    Event: Gender-Salon
    → Pls, PhDs, Postdocs, Faculty Members, Students
    Working Area "Science"
    → Pls, PhDs, Postdocs, Faculty Members, Students