Franziska Clausecker - PhD Student

Research Interest
- Vegetation and species composition of climate-resilient grasslands
- Biodiversity of grassland in dependence of grazing
- Future-proof and sustainable grazing systems
- Forage quality of grassland and pasture growth

Research project

Divgrass - Innovative biodiversity for climate resilient dairy grasslands in the North Sea Region Divgrass

Short CV

Since January 2024: Research assistant with the aim of a doctorate at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen / Department of Crop Sciences / Department of Grassland Science

Thema: Innovative biodiversity for climate resilient dairy grasslands in the North Sea Region (Divgrass)

2022-2023: Research assistant at the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the Friedrich-Löffler-Institute, Cattle Nutrition, Braunschweig

2021-2022: Internship at the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in the sector project "Agriculture", Bonn and internship on mixed farms in the IYFEP program, Uganda

2019-2021: Study of Agricultural Sciences (M.Sc.) / focus on Animal Sciences at the Georg-August-University Göttingen

Thesis: "The fat-protein quotient as an indicator for metabolic diseases in dairy cows." Prof. Hummel, Ruminant Nutrition, Georg-August-University Göttingen

2018-2019: Trainee on a dairy farm in Canterbury, New Zealand

2015-2018: Study of Agricultural Sciences (B.Sc.) / focus on Crop and Animal Sciences at the University of Hohenheim

Thesis: „Genotypic variation for seed quality parameters of Jatropha curcas in Cameroon and Madagascar.“ JatroSolutions, Stuttgart
