Foyer International
Dear All,
Hey everyone! We are the Foyer Team! We provide a platform for all students, regardless of their nationality and background, to meet and spend quality time together in gatherings of their interest. All meetings and activities are always free and you are warmly welcome to join at any point.
We wish you a wonderful semester and look forward to seeing you.
Your Foyer Team,
Debapriya, Sena and Tesa
Welcome to winter term 2024/25! We have the following event options for you. Alle workshops start in the week of October 21st, except the tuesdays workshops which will start on 29th. Hope to see you around!
Language Tandem
Find your language tandem partner
Günstig Leben in Göttingen
Picking fruit yourself? 🍒Clothes Swap? 👕Repair Café? tips and tricks on how we can save money
the Certificate Programme of Göttingen University that turns you into intercultural experts
Foyer International
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen