Fellowship Programme
As part of the research project Sensitive Provenances, there has been a call for seven research fellowships in order to enter into a close dialogue with scholars from the Global South. In this way representatives of the countries of origin, from which the human remains originally came, become closely involved in the project and bring in their different perspectives on the human remains of the so-called Blumenbach Skull Collection and the Anthropological Collection.
The seven guest researchers from Cameroon, Tanzania, Hawaii, Palau, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea will stay in Göttingen for 2-3 months each in autumn/winter 2022.
They come to Göttingen with various interests and different key activities of their work. Some are working with historical methods on the origin and acquisition contexts of certain skulls from the two collections. Others are trying to use cultural anthropological and artistic methods to work through and reflect on current discourses about human remains from colonial contexts in Germany and in the societies of origin. And finally, still others are trying to initiate the return of the ancestors to the communities of origin. This coincides with the long-term goal of the project to open-up ways for potential repatriation of the human remains and to accompany this process ethnographically.
Mitiana ArbonResidency in Göttingen: November - January
Mikael Assilkinga
Doctoral Researcher TU Berlin, Germany, PhD Candidate University of Dschang, Cameroon / TU Berlin, Germany
Residency in Göttingen: August - October
Maximilian Felix Chami
Monuments and Sites Unit, National Museum of Tanzania
Residency in Göttingen: September - Mid-November
Te Herekiekie Herewini
Head of Repatriation Karanga Aotearoa Repatriation Programme, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
Residency in Göttingen: Mid-August - Mid-November
Jenny Homerang
Residency in Göttingen: November - January
McMichael Mutok
Palau Registrar, Division of Archaeology, Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation, Ministry of Human Resources, Culture, Tourism and Development Palau National Government
Residency in Göttingen: Mid-September - Mid-November
Alma Simba
Postgraduate Fellow of History, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Residency in Göttingen: September - October