Evaluation Procedure at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences


In order to make use of the additional funds at the Faculty for Agricultural Sciences, measures financed through tuition fees are recorded using a specific faculty form. A corresponding request will be sent to you via E-Mail.

Please note the following Points with regards to the Evaluation!
The following will be required in the application: cost statement, beginning and end of the measure, tasks, achievements of the goals/objectives outlined in the application, activities performed, number of participants, justification for any higher spending, changes or comments.

Located in the evaluation request is a cost statement exemplar, which can be used when filling out the evaluation form.

When filling out the evaluation form, special characters are not able to be entered (line breaks, drag and drop, etc).

If the hyperlink is interrupted during the evaluation process by a line break (shown when the hyperlink is not entirely marked in blue), you will need to copy the link into the address bar of your browser.

Please be aware, that for privacy reasons, you can only open the evaluations website once and complete it in one session.

Evaluation over more than one Semester

If your conducted measure has been approved for more than one semester, you are obliged to evaluate all events (in the current and upcoming semesters).

Procedure for Non-Evaluations

If you are not able to evaluate your event, please send a short statement to Jörg Heinzemann (see contact details below, right), to explain the reasons as to why you are unable to complete the evaluation. It will then be necessary to write a report on the measures implemented.

Applicants who are unable to complete evaluations, without providing sufficient reasons, will be excluded from SQM funding for the following semester by the Study Commission.

If you have any further questions or problems, please send them in writing to the following email address, sqmagrar@gwdg.de.