Dr. Wiebke Grimmig
Wiebke Grimmig studied Cultural Anthropology, Gender studies and Social Politics at the Georg-August University Göttingen. Her final thesis, titeled 'The identity of Geisha in Japan: Transformations until the 21st century', deals with the dissolution of the conceputal dichotomy of tradition and modernity in the realities of Geisha life.
Since 2013 Wiebke Grimmig is writing her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Elfriede Hermann. In this project with the title 'The biographical processing of disaster experience and emotions of artists in contemporary Japan' she is working on the issues of identity construction and emotional discourses of Japan after the triple disaster in 2011. To collect the required biographical data, she spent 12 months in Japan during 2014/15, supported by a scholarship of the 'German Institute for Japanese Studies' in Tokyo.
Her dissertation: Die Kunst zu leben. Die biographische Verarbeitung von Katastrophenerfahrungen und Emotionen von Künstlern im gegenwärtigen Japan