Current Developmental Biology" (3 C, 3 SWS) [M.Bio.393]

Learning outcome, core skills:
Learning objectives: In depth knowledge of theoretical principles in developmental genetics, biochemistry, and biology as well as of practical methodology in analyzing morphogenetic and pattern formation processes. Understanding of methods to identify and analyze gene function as well as manipulate embryos. Knowledge of databases for in silico sequence analysis and model system specific databases. Insights into the evolution of developmental processes.

Examination requirements:
Advanced knowledge of principles in developmental genetics, biochemistry, and biology with emphasis on morphogenetic and pattern formation processes as well as focus on signal cascades and gene networks that control developmental processes. Understanding of techniques to identify, analyze, and manipulate the function of developmental genes as well as developmental processes. Knowledge of diverse model organisms with their strength and weaknesses. Application of this knowledge to new scientific questions.

Courses and examinations
1. Lecture: »Developmental biochemistry, genetics, and biology« (2 SWS)
2. Tutorial: »Übungen und Vertiefung der Vorlesungsinhalte« (1 SWS)

Examination: written examination (90 minutes)

Selection options

Admission requirements
cannot be combined with M.Bio.321 or M.Bio.392

Number of repeat examinations permitted

Course frequency: Academic Term
Each winter-semester

One semester


Maximum number of students

Person responsible for module
Prof. Dr. Ernst A. Wimmer