The Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) is a central institution of the Georg-August-Universität and, at the same time, a hub for cross-faculty and campus-wide collaboration in the field of Data Science. In order to give excellent early-career researchers the opportunity to pursue their own innovative research question in the area of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, CIDAS provides fellowships for this purpose.
CIDAS aims to support particularly young researchers at an early career stage in developing independent projects and establishing a perspective to work at the Göttingen Campus in the field of Data Science over multiple years. The focus is especially on fostering collaboration between researchers in methodological/theoretical areas and those in applied sciences at the Göttingen Campus and within CIDAS. Applications should outline a career perspective for the applicants and demonstrate a path toward scientific independence and external funding of their own.
Outstanding early-career researchers in their early postdoctoral phase who have an idea for an independent research project in the field of Data Science. This could be in fundamental Data Science, Applied Data Science, or in the social-science aspects of Data Science. Planned collaboration with at least one member of CIDAS is required. Other collaborations with groups outside CIDAS are also possible and welcome. If the applicant is not yet a CIDAS member, they will be admitted to CIDAS upon approval of the application. The position should mainly be used for preliminary work leading to a subsequent application for independent third-party funded projects or a junior research group.
Description of the research idea (max. 5 pages), including:
- Clearly defined objectives, a clear timeline and a budget plan
- Possible perspectives after the project, career outlook, possibly a plan for third-party funding
- Planned collaboration with CIDAS members and other researchers
- Innovation of the proposal
CV (curriculum vitae)
Recommendation letter from the supervisor or mentor, including confirmation that research space is available during the funding period. Typically, this person should not have been the supervisor of the applicant’s doctoral thesis.
For a subsequent application for extension at CIDAS, these documents must be resubmitted with updates as well as confirmation from the third-party funder of the submission of a full application.
Deadline for applications: Sunday, November 3, 2024
Please submit your application via email to:
All submitted applications will be thoroughly reviewed and decided upon by the CIDAS Board and its representatives immediately after the deadline. At the time of application, it is not necessary to be a member of CIDAS. Membership is only required if the approved funds are utilized. The funds must be used immediately after approval. The employment will be processed through CIDAS or the University of Göttingen.
For any questions, please contact the head of the CIDAS office, Dr. Isabelle Matthias:
In 2025, the CIDAS Fellowship was awarded to
Dr. rer. nat. Marie-Kristin Schreiber
Fellowships 2024
Dr. Timo Janßen
E-mail: timo.janssen(at)
Fellowships 2023
Dr. Heiner Heiland
E-mail: heiner.heiland(at)
Fellowships 2022
Dr. Helena Bestová
E-mail: helena.bestova(at)
Dr. Daniel Härtter
Email: daniel.haertter(at)
Prof. Dr. Constantin Pape
Email: constantin.pape(at)
Fellowships 2021
Dr. Fatemeh Ziaeetabar
Department for Computational Neuroscience
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
III Physikalisches Institut - Biophysics
Office: E01.104
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 15253766570
E-mail: fziaeetabar [at]
Shishan Yang
Data Fusion Group
Institute of Computer Science
Office: 3.101,
Goldschmidtstr. 7, 37077 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (0) 551 39 172030
Email: shishan.yang [at]
Anne Berner
Statistics and Econometrics
Office: 2.103
Humboldtallee 3, 37073 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (0) 551 39 24605
Email: anne.berner [at]