In publica commoda

Cardiovascular Science (M.Sc.)


The masters program "Cardiovascular Science" is a consecutive, full-time study program in English, which has the intention to train international students in all aspects of cardiovascular science. This will be achieved by its modular structure which offers students with a background in natural sciences a broad education, not only in the relevant basics but also in modern clinical aspects which are essential for understanding translational research questions.

Cardiovascular Science
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Language of the programme:
Standard period of study:
4 semesters
winter semester
limited admission (application to the Faculty)

Get to know us


The Master's degree course in Cardiovascular Science is a consecutive, English-language, four-semester, full-time course which, thanks to its modular structure, includes a self-contained and comprehensive curriculum on cardiovascular scientific issues.

Building on a bachelor's degree in natural sciences, students should be prepared for further content by being taught the necessary basics in detail. This content includes clinical aspects, which are essential for understanding translational research, as well as modern scientific approaches.

A central feature of the course is its strong practical orientation, which is intended to give students an insight into the everyday life of a scientist and also enables them to gain an initial insight into various topics in the field of cardiovascular research.

After the in-depth Master's thesis, students are optimally prepared for a subsequent career in cardiovascular research in academia and industry as well as in related professional fields.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes

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Consecutive/graduate programmes




A proof of measles protection must be provided for enrollment. The form is to be completed by the primary care physician. If you have any questions, please contact the Dean of Medical Students Office

Preliminary studies

  • B.A. degree or comparable degree
  • Relevance of the previous degree programme: Biology, biochemistry, molecular medicine or a related subject area

Language skills

  • Applicants who are not native English speakers must demonstrate an appropriate level of English language proficiency through acceptable scores on an internationally recognized test (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, APIEL, CPE). Applicants who have been taught in English in the majority of their courses (college or university) do not need to submit scores from a standardized test. However, it is recommended to include an official statement (signed by a college or university official, such as the dean or registrar's office) indicating that English was the medium of instruction.


Academic Advising

Dr. rer. nat. Christina Würtz

Administrative Coordination

Humboldtallee 23
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 3965849



Scientific Coordination

Prof. Dr. Susanne Lutz

Robert-Koch-Str. 40
37075 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 395699

