A group of young people (one man and four women) are cycling past the university library.



Whether you want to start your own business, work in management or in consulting - with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration you lay the foundation for your success. Our flexible range of courses gives you the opportunity to specialise through majors and optimally prepare for your Master's degree, or to discover your own interests and talents first. Apply now and shape your successful future.



Summer and winter semester


6 semesters


Open admission (enrolment without previous application)




180 Credits


Top ratings in general study situation


How do you know if a business idea will pay off? How can companies increase their efficiency? And how can we ensure more sustainability in production? In our bachelor's programme, you will learn to solve complex business problems using scientific methods. In doing so, you will draw on current scientific publications. Lectures with the participation of guests from the business world, practical lectures, excursions as well as seminar papers and theses with practical relevance will give you important contacts and prepare you for professional life. You can organise your studies individually: Choose whether you want to sharpen your foreign language skills in English-language courses or prefer to attend lectures in German. Decide whether you want to specialise in topics such as management or controlling or whether you want to get to know different subject areas to discover your own interests and talents. Our diverse and dynamic faculty team will advise you comprehensively and accompany you on your way.

  • Orientation phase: Gaining an overview

    This phase in the first and second semesters provides you with crucial basic knowledge. Get to know the basic problems and approaches to solving them in economics. In the module "Companies and Markets", which you take in the very first semester, you will get an overview of the contents of the degree programme and get to know various professors. You will then apply the theoretical knowledge you have acquired directly in a computer-based business game.
    In your first two semesters, you will also gain business knowledge about external accounting, financial management and the digitalisation of companies and administration, as well as knowledge of basic methods and important neighbouring disciplines such as law, microeconomics and macroeconomics. In addition, the orientation phase gives you the opportunity to get to know different aspects of economics. In this way, you can discover your own interests and talents in order to make decisions about your future specialisation.

    60 Credits

  • Business management specialisation: Deepening basic knowledge

    The orientation phase is followed by the in-depth and specialisation phase from the third semester onwards: It expands your knowledge in different aspects of business administration and gives you the opportunity to specialise in an area of knowledge. This phase begins with the business administration specialisation. This consists of five modules:

    • Corporate management and organisation: Learn how companies are intelligently managed and organisationally designed with the help of concrete case studies.

    • Production and logistics: Become familiar with the basics of order and process planning and learn to solve distribution and production planning problems.

    • Marketing: Get basic knowledge about consumer behaviour and market research and learn to formulate the framework of a sales policy.

    • Corporate taxes: Learn about the main national income and net wealth taxes and get the basics of determining profits for tax purposes.

    • Internal corporate accounting: Learn how to set up and use operational cost, performance and profit accounting systems.

    30 Credits

  • Business specialisation: Building a profile

    This area helps you to tailor your studies to individual and subject-specific inclinations and career aspirations. You can give yourself an independent profile and prepare for a Master's programme following the Bachelor's degree. You can choose from all modules in the field of business administration as well as individual modules in business informatics. In the seminar you will write a term paper or give a presentation. You will work with current scientific publications and learn to improve your argumentation and discussion skills as well as to further develop your written and oral communication.

    The seminar places are allocated via a central procedure. Each semester, a corresponding information event is held in advance, at which the allocation procedure is explained. Our business administration professorships also offer courses on academic work to prepare you for writing term papers and theses.

    If you choose one of the specialisations in business administration, "Finance, Accounting, Taxes" or "Marketing and E-Business" or "Management", you can have this shown on your Bachelor's degree certificate.

    30 - 66 Credits

  • Economics specialisation: Thinking outside the box

    The success of a company depends to a large extent on how its management reacts to economic factors. A good knowledge of these interrelationships is therefore crucial for your later professional success. For this block, you can therefore choose offerings from the Faculty's economics department, such as "Introduction to Economic Policy", "International Financial Markets" or "Environmental Economics", in order to deepen your specialisation and tailor your studies to individual and subject-specific inclinations.

    12 Credits

  • Electives: Deepening interests

    This area gives you the greatest freedom to sharpen your profile and deepen your interests. Choose modules from different subject areas such as business administration, economics, quantitative methods, business informatics or business education. You can also add selected modules from other faculties from subject areas such as economic and social history, computer science and mathematics or economic and social psychology to your mix. You also have the option of taking modules to strengthen basic soft skills such as leadership, communication skills, interpreting data or academic reasoning. You can also bring in language courses in business English or a foreign language, as long as they do not include German or your native language. In addition, you can receive credit for an external internship.

    0 - 36 Credits

  • Bachelor's thesis: Applying what you have learned

    The final thesis enables you to apply the knowledge you have acquired and to work on a concrete question within a given time. In it, you combine all the skills you have learned during your studies: Research methods, critical thinking and independence. You select current topics on business challenges and use, for example, real data as well as quantitative methods to answer your own research question.

    12 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • Career relevance

  • Career planning

  • Career network

  • Study abroad

With us, you will not only gain theoretical knowledge, but also the opportunity to gain practical experience. Our study content is designed to establish direct practical relevance and to facilitate the transition into professional life. Through excursions, internships and seminar and final theses with an application focus, you can apply your knowledge in real-life situations and gain valuable insights into the working world. You can search for internships and vacancies at companies, for example, on the job portal of the University of Göttingen with external job offers.

A student wears virtual reality goggles and holds two controllers in his hands.

Our Bachelor's programme offers you the flexibility to adapt your studies to your individual development - after all, you may discover new interests and change plans during your studies. Through freely selectable modules in the elective area and a specialisation in the focus area, you can set yourself apart from others and give yourself a profile that will make it easier for you to enter professional life. With the appropriate choice of modules, you can even have the specialisations "Finance, Accounting, Taxes" as well as "Marketing and E-Business" and "Corporate Management" shown on your Bachelor's certificate.

 Two students, a man and a woman, sit at the counter of the student advisory service and are advised by a woman.

We make the best contacts by tackling challenges together with others. Our Bachelor's degree programme gives you the opportunity not only to get to know company managers, who are experts in the field, in lectures but also to discuss with them in seminars and to solve real business problems together during internships and projects. In this way, you create a network of valuable acquaintances that makes it easier for you to start your professional life.

 A group of six students, four men and two women, sit in a circle of chairs and discuss animatedly.

A semester abroad broadens your horizons, deepens your knowledge for foreign languages, provides you with intercultural skills and gives you experiences you will remember for a lifetime. The Faculty of Business and Economics offers you opportunities to study abroad for one or two semesters within the framework of Erasmus+ or worldwide faculty and university programmes. You will not only benefit from our large network of exchange programmes and partner universities, but also from our excellent international advisory service, which is there for you in every situation.

A globe standing on a table in the library.


  • Portrait photo of Anisa Buzani. She is wearing a black T-shirt.

    "What I really liked about my Bachelor's programme was that it offered numerous subjects from different fields of business. After the first semester, I was already sure that the ideas I had for my studies would be fulfilled and that business studies was the right course for me. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, I went on to do a Master’s degree in Finance, Accounting and Taxes to specialise."

    Anisa Buzani,

    Bachelor's programme in Business Administration and Master's programme in Finance, Accounting and Taxes

  •  Portrait photo of Dilara Karakaya. She is wearing a blue T-shirt.

    "A good mix of solid theoretical knowledge and practical skills prepares you well for the real world. You also have the opportunity to gain practical experience. Furthermore, you have an excellent academic environment that encourages and inspires. You have access to a wide network of faculty, researchers and alumni who are supportive of your career development."

    Dilara Karakaya,

    Bachelor's programme in Business Administration and Master's programme in Marketing and E-Business

  •  Portrait photo of Katharina Althoff. She is wearing a white blouse and a black blazer.

    "I felt at home from the very first day. On the one hand, this is due to the very good first-semester support provided by the faculty, the O-Phase and the student council. Secondly, despite its size, the Faculty of Business and Economics is like a small village and I liked the campus life right away. In the field of business studies, you can choose from a diverse range of courses. I would recommend the degree programme at any time."

    Katharina Althoff,

    Bachelor's programme in Business Administration and Master's programme in Management

How to apply

Three simple steps to enrolment to the faculty

  • 1.

    Open admisssion degree programmes: You can enrol in these degree programmes without prior application. Enter your personal data in the application and enrolment portal of the University of Göttingen and provide information about your desired degree programme.

  • 2.

    Upload the documents required for enrolment and submit the application. You can then complete your online enrolment by entering additional data.

  • 3.

    After you have transferred the semester fees to the university, you will receive a confirmation with information about your enrolment as well as your student ID and your semester ticket by email.

Register now!

We accompany you through your studies

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Portrait photo of Yasemin Boztuğ. She wears a grey blazer and a white blouse.
    Marketing and Consumer Behavior
    Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztuğ

    "I enjoy working with the students in an open exchange about the teaching content. An intensive discussion of current topics is particularly exciting."

  • Portrait photo of Olaf Korn. He is wearing a blue jacket and a light blue shirt.
    Prof. Dr. Olaf Korn

    "Finance is not about rich people getting richer. Rather, a good understanding of corporate finance is a key element in really making the transformation to a sustainable economy with sustainable businesses. That's what I want to work on with you."

  • Portrait photo of Michael Wolff. He is wearing a blue suit and a white shirt.
    Management and Control
    Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff

    "Supporting students in their transition to professional life always motivates me. And when I see the alumni again after a few years and they remember the course content, it makes me happy."

  • Portrait photo of Stefan Dierkes. He wears a blue jacket and a white shirt.
    Finance and Control
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Dierkes

    “I have an incredible amount of fun diving into the depths of the world of finance and controlling with the students. The students are invited to actively participate in the teaching so that the content is deeply understood and critically reflected upon. I also find the integration of business practice important, for example in the form of discussion rounds or seminars conducted in cooperation with companies.“

  • Portrait photo of Indre Maurer. She wears a sand-coloured blazer and a white blouse.
    Organization and Corporate Development
    Prof. Dr. Indre Maurer

    "Through our teaching, students should be prepared in the best possible way for their professional future in leading positions. We support our students in developing analytical-conceptual skills, critical judgement and social competences. To achieve these goals, we integrate innovative teaching methods with a lively culture of discussion in the lecture hall."

  • Portrait photo of Waldemar Toporowski. He wears a black jacket and a white shirt.
    Marketing and Retail Management
    Prof. Dr. Waldemar Toporowski

    “I want to make clear that the value of studying is not the accumulation of existing knowledge. Rather, it is about acquiring the skills to systematically question these findings, to formulate and justify the possible doubts and to find ways to confirm or dispel them.“

  • Portrait photo of Matthias Schulz. He is wearing a blue jacket and a white shirt.
    Value Chain Management
    Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulz

    "I am happy when students contribute their opinions and experience how enriching it can be to get to know other perspectives and points of view."

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800 service-center.wiwi.uni-goettingen.de

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.