Introducing New Cults in Late Antiquity: two Case Studies from Athens.
The cult of Achilles in Late Antiquity: a revival of older traditions.
The religion of Proclus: an interdisciplinary study of Marinus’ Vita Procli
“Hidden cache or sanctuary deposition? The Maison de la Cachette in Carthage and its statues”, JRA, (under consideration 2010)
“Writing on the wall: pilgrim graffiti as testimonia of religious changes in Late Antiquity” Proceedings of the ‘Verba volant, scripta manent. Produire, utiliser et conserver des textes dans le monde greco-romain’ Conference, Bucharest 2009 (under print)
With Oana Damian, Mihai Vasile, Andra Samson, A Universe in Chalk. The rock-cut monastery of Murfatlar (Basarabi) Catalogue of the 2008 homologous exhibit at the National Museum of History, Bucharest (2008)
With Iulian Bîrzescu, “Les Danses et les banquets: une graffito classique d’Histria” Il Mar Nero 7-8 (2007-2008)
“Rock-cut monastic settlements in the North-eastern Balkans. An introduction” in the Proceedings of the ‘Western Monasticism’ conference at the AAR (2007) – under print
“Cercetarea patrimoniului” Revista muzeelor 3 (2008) 38-67
“Ovid, Tomis and fish. Considerations on Ovid’s ichtyological poem” in Proceedings of the ‘Ovid in Tomis’ conference, Constanta 2007
“How to know good olive oil: olive, olive oil and museum in Sparta” Revista muzeelor 1 (2006)
“Venus de milo: exponat muzeal, simbol şi mister ştiinţific”, Revista Muzeelor 4 (2006)
With Alexandra Zbuchea, Aurora Stãnescu and Iulian Bîrzescu, Catalogue of the interactive exhibit ‘Zoologist among ruins’ housed by the National Museum of Natural History in Bucharest (2005)
“Hide and Seek: how to protect statues from Christians in Late Antiquity” in Proceedings of the Tutrakhan conference on Medieval Archaeology. Tutrakhan October 2005
“Public benefactors in the Greek cities of the Western Pontus” Il Mar Nero 3 (2001)