Archive - Announcements

  • Save the Date-18th Congress Of The European Society For Agronomy
    Organised By L’Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, In Collaboration With INRAE. A congress to explore synergies between different approaches and technologies, as well as between different disciplines to meet the challenges facing agriculture and food systems.
    August 26 – 30, 2024, Rennes, France
    More info here
  • Visiting scientists from Ethiopia at TROPAGS - One Planet Fellowship Programme
    TROPAGS is pleased to announce that two scientists from Ethiopia (Dr. Fitih Ademe Mamo, Gobena Dirirsa Bayisa) have been selected to participate in the One Planet Fellowship Programme and will be joining us starting from May 2023. The One Planet Fellowship Programme provides training and research opportunities for young scientists from African countries, and we are honored to host two of these talented individuals.
    The visiting scientists will be working closely with the TROPAGS division and Prof. Dr. Rötter to gain valuable experience and knowledge during their stay. We look forward to collaborating with them and gaining insights from their unique perspectives and experiences.
    For more information on the One Planet Fellowship Programme, please click here.

  • Research project "BARISTA: Advanced tools for breeding BARley for Intensive and SusTainable Agriculture under climate change scenarios" listed on the website of "Sustainability at the university of Göttingen"
    BARISTA researches different tools for the cultivation of barley for intensive and sustainable agriculture in agriculture in Europe under the influence of climate change
    For more info click here

  • Save the Date - EcoServ2023 Symposium
    EcoServ2023 aims to bring together research, ideas, concepts, and experiences and provide a friendly forum for discussing research and presenting different points of view on mapping, assessing, and implementing ecosystem services.
    14-16 September 2023, Poznań/Poland
    More info here

  • Save the Date - Tropentag 2023
    Tropentag is a development-oriented and interdisciplinary conference. It addresses issues of resource management, environment, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, nutrition and related sciences in the context of rural development, sustainable resource use and poverty alleviation worldwide. More...
    Abstract submission until the 3rd of May More...
    20 - 22 September 2023 | Berlin, Germany

  • Save the Date - GPW-Tagung 2023
    The GPW conference 2023 will be held October 4-6 in Göttingen. Different focal point of the agricultural sector will be presenting their latest research.

    04 - 06 October 2023, Georg-August-Universität | Göttingen, Germany
    Click here for more information

  • Save the Date - 9th AgMIP Global Workshop
    The 9th Global Workshop of AgMIP will be held June 27-29, 2023, with side-sessions on Monday, June 26 and Friday June 30, at Columbia University in New York City, USA
    Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 18th March More...

    26 - 30 June 2023, Columbia University New York | New York, USA

  • Presentation: "What will the kids eat in the future" by Dr. Christoph Müller
    Dr. Christoph Müller of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) will be giving a presentation followed by a discussion about "What will the kids eat in the future". Dr. Christoph Müller is jointly leading the working group Land Use and Resilience, and Global Biosphere and Water Modeling in the department of Climate Resilience at PIK since 2012. His research focuses on the effects of climate change on agricultural production and how better agricultural management might assist to make land-use systems more resilient to climate change. Additional to large-scale biogeochemical processes he also addresses socio-economic developments, therefore bridging the gap between climate change and global change assessments. In his guest lecture, he will look beyond the food production mechanisms and address the question of food security in the future.
    See the presentation slides here

    2022 Prof. Reimund Paul Rötter listed on the "Hot List of Climate Scientists"

    Prof. Reimund Paul Rötter is on the "Hot List of Climate Scientists", which lists scientists who are having the biggest impact on the climate-change debate.
    For more information please go to:

    2022 Global food policy report: Climate change and food systems

    The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) published a new climate change report. The 2022 Global Food Policy Report showcases opportunities for accelerating innovation, reforming policies, resetting market incentives, and increasing financing for sustainable food systems transformation, as well as promoting healthy diets and building resilience.

    Cocoa from the lab

    Researchers are developing cocoa in the laboratory. At the moment, other foods are also being created in the lab and this trend is expected to increase in the future. Is this the solution for climate and environment? The news portal 'Journalistico' reports on this topic in a new article. Among others, Prof. Reimund Rötter and Dr. Issaka Abdulai of the Institute of Tropical Plant Production and Agricultural System Modeling (TROPAGS) were interviewed for this purpose.

    Web link to article (German):

    Prof. Rötter chosen for VZJ Editor’s Citation for Excellence 2021

    Prof. Reimund P. Rötter has been chosen for the Editor’s Citation for
    Excellence in Review 2021 by members of the Vadose Zone Journal (VZJ )Editorial Board.
    For more details, check the following link.

    FONA-Forum 2022 – „Mit grünen Innovationen in die Zukunft"
    May 10, 2022, live from Berlin

    The Federal Minister of Education and Research, Bettina Stark-Watzinger will open the event. Among others, Martina Merz, CEO of thyssenkrupp AG, Dr. Achim Dercks, Deputy Managing Director DIHK and Prof. Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

    Further information on the event can be found here.

    Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum 2021

    The TROPAGS contributed to the workshop: 'Genome Enabled Biology and Contemporary Agriculture' as part of the 'Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum 2021', which was hosted by ECAS ( European Centre for Advanced Studies) on 22 – 23 November 2021. Workshop organizers were Prof. Dr. Nils Stein (University of Göttingen) and Prof. Dr. Robbie Waugh (Dundee University, Scotland). A record of the wrap up is available here.

    Colloquium Crop Science WS 2021/22

    Each Wednesday at 16:15
    27 October 2021 - 9 February 2022
    Further information is available here.

    Dobermann 24/11/2021 Lecture by Achim Dobermann (Chief Scientist IFA)

    As part of the lecture series "Studienrichtungskolloquiums 21/22"
    "A New Paradigm for Plant Nutrition"
    The lecture and the discussion were recorded and can be seen
    following this link (Passcode:2&+@buv1).
    The lecture slides are available here.

    27/10/2021 Inaugural lecture Prof. Dr. Dr. Kurt-Christian Kersebaum

    ”The role of process-based modelling in agro-ecosystem research”
    The lecture slides are available here

    United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021

    The 2021 UN Summit on Food Systems was held with the goal of empowering all people to leverage the strength of food systems to advance our management of the COVID 19 pandemic and put us back on track to achieve all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

    Over the past 18 months, the Summit has brought together all UN Member States and groups around the world-including thousands of youth, food producers, indigenous peoples, civil society, researchers, the private sector, and the UN system-to effect tangible, positive change in the world's food systems. All people everywhere must act and work together to change the way we produce and consume food in this world.

    Through this People's Summit, the United Nations wants to reaffirm its commitment to promoting human rights for all and ensuring that all people everywhere have the opportunity to participate.

    This virtual event was open to all. The videos can be viewed at this link.

    Topic for Master thesis
    Enhancing drought resilience in Cocoa Agroforestry Systems in Ghana: Analysis of Water Usage of Different Shade Tree species of different phenological trait groups
    Within the context of ongoing DFG funded project
    “Deepening the understanding of water use dynamics and drought resilience in cocoa agroforestry by improving the prediction of shade tree effects”

    Where? Ghana
    Time frame: November 2021 - January 2022 (Ghana), Lab analysis (Göttingen) approx. one month
    Methods: Stable Isoptope analysis to determine soil water uptake sources between shade and cocoa trees under wet and dry seasons. Survey among cocoa famers to evaluate state of knowledge about water use od studied shade trees species (optional)
    Contact: Dr. Issaka Abdulai, Tropical Plant Production and Agricultural Systems Modelling (TROPAGS) Grisebachstraße 6
    Email: iabdula(at)

    05/26/2021 Göttingen ranked first in agricultural sciences in Germany.

    The ranking of Jiaotong University Shanghai reviews and evaluates the best universities worldwide based on various indicators every year. This year, Göttingen University landed in first place in Germany and 25th place worldwide in the field of agricultural sciences.

    14.05.2021 Few realistic scenarios remain to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C

    In a press release from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) a recently published study was presented. It reviews the likelihood of various future scenarios meeting the climate target of 1.5°C global warming. According to the study, many measures would have to be implemented on a large scale to limit climate change. Among other things, emissions would have to be halved every decade, and CO2 would have to be captured in biomass through reforestation and land-use change, thus removing it from the atmosphere. The energy sector plays a key role in reducing emissions, but other technologies, such as underground CO2 storage, are also considered essential to avoid drastically exceeding the 1.5°C target. Missing the 1.5°C target set in the Paris Agreement increases the risk of tipping elements in the Earth system, which would lead to ecosystem collapse.

    student assistant needed!

    To support the TROPAGS department, mainly for work in the greenhouse, we are looking for a student assistant to join our team (intended start date of 1 June 2021, up to 33 hours per month initially for 6 months, extension possible with good performance). The applicant will work in the greenhouse at Grisebachstr. 6 /37077 Göttingen.

    Very good knowledge of German is desirable.

    Please apply informally by email to
    Dr. Issaka Abdulai ( and cc to Frau Pape (


    27.04.2021 PIK - Fair climate policy could help reduce extreme poverty

    The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) published the recommendations of a recently published study on the connection between climate policy and poverty. The UN goal of eradicating poverty by 2030 is clearly missed by the current development. Climate policy measures, which can lead to higher energy and food prices, place a much greater burden on low-income segments of the population. In order to combine climate policy and poverty reduction, redistribution is necessary, which could be financed e.g. with emission prices. In addition to national redistribution, the study also recommends international financial transfers to compensate for global differences and the consequences of climate change.

    13.04.2021 - Scientist Rebellion - Campaign against climate change by XR Göttingen in front of the University

    The activist group XR Göttingen urged the University of Göttingen to do its part to mitigate climate change. For this, a media-effective campaign (german) was carried out in front of the university buildings. In the course of the campaign, a study was stuck on the presidential building. This study was partly developed by researchers of the TROPAGS division. Furthermore, an open letter (german), which demands climate neutrality of the University of Göttingen until 2030, was handed over to the president. It was signed by seven professors of the University of Göttingen.

    17.03.2021 - Nobel Prize Summit "Our Planet, Our Future": Registration now open

    From Al Gore and Xiye Bastida to the Dalai Lama and Jennifer Doudna - these and many other renowned personalities will participate in the first Nobel Prize Summit 'Our Planet, Our Future'. The summit brings together Nobel laureates and other committed minds from science, politics, business, youth movements and the arts. Together, they will explore actions that can be implemented this decade to pave the way to a more sustainable, better future for all. Registration for the April 26-28 virtual summit is now open. The event is free and open to the public.

    The virtual summit will take place April 26-28, 2021. Registration is free, but space is limited. For more information and to register, click here.

    23.02.2021 - Collaborative Scientific Workshop

    Tomorrow on Wednesday the 24th of February, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Göttingen are holding a collaborative scientific workshop on the topic of:

    • Understanding plant water relations: From cellular mechanisms to modelling crop water response behavior

    The workshop was organized in a joint effort by Prof. Dr. Moshelion (HUJI) and Prof. Dr. Rötter (TROPAGS) and will take place from 9am-5.45pm CET.

    More information is available in this document
    Presentations accessible for participants under this link

    12.01.2021 - Internship opportunity for master's students at the INRAE Centre of Toulouse-Auzeville

    The INRAE Centre of Toulouse-Auzeville, France, is offering an interesting 6 month internship for master's students on the topic of:

    • Modelling and methodological development to analyse the effects of brown rust on wheat physiology and yield under water deficit conditions

    The intern will have the opportunity to work in the research unit AGIR, of the VASCO team, together with scientists from the fields of plant epidemiology and plant physiology. Furthermore, experience in modeling and experimental approaches will be gained and implemented throughout the internship.

    Further details and contact information can be found in this document.

    07.12.2020 - The Future of Biochar in Cocoa Systems

    Since 2020 the Institute of Tropical Plant Production and Agroecosystem Modelling (TROPAGS) of the University of Göttingen collaborates with the Ithaka Institute for Carbon Intelligence in a research effort to deepen the understanding of the agronomic potential of biochar application in cocoa production systems. This collaborative research is carried out in the greenhouse and through field trials and addresses relevant knowledge gaps in basic understanding and more applied research topics. Field experiments are currently conducted in Ghana, where the Ithaka Institute supported by the University of Göttingen is working in close cooperation with the local cocoa farmer communities and with a private sector partner who holds a major share of the global cocoa market.

    More information is available here.

    18.11.2020 - PIK Press Release: Starved, stuffed and squandered: New study reveals consequences of decades of global nutrition transition

    Just a handful of rice and beans – a part of our world is starved. Hawaiian Pizza and ice-cream – another part of our world is stuffed, throwing away food every day. This gap is likely to worsen, while food waste will increase and pressure on the environment will go up, a new study shows. Researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) assessed the consequences of the current nutrition transition. Their findings provide a startling look ahead: By 2050, more than 4 billion people could be overweight, 1.5 billion of them obese, while 500 million people continue to be underweight.

    ...continue reading at:
    Link to the article:

    15.09.2020 - PIK Press Release: Climate Change triggers migration – particularly in middle-income and agricultural countries

    Environmental hazards affect populations worldwide and can drive migration under specific conditions. Changes in temperature levels, increased rainfall variability, and rapid-onset disasters, such as tropical storms, are important factors as shown by a new study led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Environmental migration is most pronounced in middle-income and agricultural countries but weaker in low-income countries, where populations often lack resources needed for migration. The findings make it possible to identify geographical regions that may be especially susceptible to migration movements in the future.

    …continue reading at
    Link to the article:

    10.08.2020 - “Food Security” released Special Issue
    Just now the journal “Food Security” released a Special Issue titled: “Worldwide disruptions of food systems and the search of enduring food security amidst Covid-19”. This Special Issue provides 30 open-access articles on the current state of food security in general and as it is impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    The entire set of articles of the Special Issue are available online on the website of Food Security and Online First.

    23.06.2020 - PIK Press Release: Berlin Conference on Climate and Security Launches New Risk Analysis

    Destabilising the climate increases the risks to peace and security. To address these risks, scientists and policymakers are working together to find solutions. The Berlin Conference on Climate and Security (BCSC) is the global meeting place for leaders from governments, international organizations, academia, the private sector and civil society to explore how climate change affects peace and security - and what action the international community can take to address the risks. This year, the event will examine the steps needed to raise awareness of climate and security issues in the aftermath of the Corona pandemic.

    …continue reading at
    Link to the program of the conference:

    May 2020 - TROPAGS presented recent findings at the EGU General Assembly

    Modelling impacts of climate change and alternative management interventions on the multi-functionality of agricultural landscapes in southern Africa

    by Reimund Roetter, Simon Scheiter, Munir Hoffmann, Kwabena Ayisi, Paolo Merante, William Nelson, Johannes Isselstein, Jude Odhiambo, Gennady Bracho Mujica, Peter Taylor, Wayne Twine, and Barend Erasmus

    November 2019 – Newsletter „agrar aktuell“ – Special Edition SIA features TROPAGS members

    The recent publication of „agrar aktuell”, the newsletter of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, is dedicated to the 10-year anniversary of the master study program “Sustainable International Agriculture” (SIA). Professor Reimund Rötter and Professor Tobias Plieninger wrote about the future of SIA and several members of the TROPAGS team, namely Dr. William Nelson, Thomas Bringhenti and Mercy Appiah, contributed articles about their personal perspective of their research in the field of sustainable international agriculture.

    The newsletter can be downloaded here. Selected articles are available here.

    iCROPM 2020
    Montpellier, 3.-5. February 2020

    Crop modellers from around the world met at the iCROPM2020 conference to exchange on advances in crop modelling and identify challenges and new opportunities for future research. iCROPM2020 focused on recent improvements and crop simulation model applications that support agricultural production and food security under global change. Many crop types and cropping systems (arable, grasslands, including intercrops and mixed cropping systems) and climatic regions were considered, including high and low inputs systems with relevance for large agricultural enterprises to smallholder farmers.

    From the TROPAGS team, Prof. Reimund Rötter, Dr. Gennady Bracho-Mujica and Dr. William Nelson took part. Abstracts of the papers and presentations that we were involved with are available here for download, and have been published in the Book of Abstracts on the pages 78/79, 181/182, 433/434 and 524/525.

    4.11.2019 - PIK Press Release: Early warning: Physicists from Giessen, Potsdam and Tel Aviv forecast "El Niño" for 2020

    The serious weather phenomenon "El Niño" could soon occur again in the Pacific region. Researchers at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU), the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, find that there will probably be another "El Niño" by the end of 2020. The prediction models commonly used do not yet see any signs of this.

    continue reading at

    23.-24.10.2019 - BARISTA had Kick-off meeting at the Accademia Giorgifili in Florence

    During the two days meeting, all partners presented their expertise and resources relevant to BARISTA. Thereafter, each Work Package (WP) leader introduced the WP, described the single tasks and led the discussion. The presentations are available upon request.

    find out more about the BARISTA partners

    14.10.2019 - PIK Press Release: PIK and MCC provide detailed assessment of the climate package
    The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Berlin Climate Research Institute MCC (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change) presented a detailed assessment of the so-called climate package. It states that the climate protection programme adopted by the federal government last week, which intends to limit greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the major problem areas of traffic and heat, is in all likelihood insufficient to achieve the 2030 climate goals.
    Primarily, policymakers have to make four adjustments: First, they need to raise the level of ambition in pricing carbon dioxide emissions; second, they need to improve social equality; third, they need to further arrange the transfer to EU level and, fourth, implement an effective monitoring process.

    The detailed assessment of the climate package can be downloaded here.

    25.9.2019 - Press Release: Increased risk of simultaneous droughts in wheat-growing areas
    Reimund Rötter involved in international study in Science Advances

    Wheat_NewsIf global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise unabated, the risk of extreme droughts simultaneously affecting central wheat-growing areas could increase three to fourfold by the end of the century. This is the conclusion of an international study involving the University of Göttingen. Even with a significant reduction in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, the scientists estimate the risk will double.

    continue reading
    find out more via blog "Agrardebatten" (German language)
    watch video for more information

    8.8.2019 - IPCC presents new report
    find out more at

    29.4.2019 - PIK Press Release: “Weather extremes during summer 2018 were connected to halting Rossby waves in the Jetstream"
    find out more at IOPscience

    18.3.2019 - South African local newspaper reports about SALLnet
    Students and academics from the University of Göttingen in Germany visited the Levubu area in February to discuss a new research project, the South African Limpopo Landscapes Network, which will conduct research into the socio-economic and biological impacts of climate change in agricultural landscapes in Limpopo. At a well-attended meeting of the Macadamia Study Group on 21 February, Profs Reimund Roetter (Department of Crop Sciences) and Jan-Henning Feil (Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development) from the University of Göttingen outlined the project and enlisted the enthusiastic support of local macadamia farmers to conduct a farm survey in the region to better understand risks to the industry from climate change and other causes.
    continue reading:

    17.1.2019 - Bats in macs
    Plaas Guest House, Louis Trichardt, South Africa

    During this half day meeting with macadamia farmers, stakeholders and scientists the results from the first phase of the project (LLL) were presented by Valerie Linden, Sina Weiner and Ingo Grass. Catrin Westphal (Department of Functional Agrobiodiversity) introduced the planned research activities for the second phase of the project (SALLnet). Both the results of the first phase and future research plans were intensively discussed among famers, scientists and stakeholders.

    SALLnet will have its first annual meeting at Wits Rural Facility, South Africa, in September 2019
    find out more about SALLnet

    SALLnet launches special session at International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM) Conference in Salzburg in October 2019
    Symposium: "Modelling the multi-functionality of landscapes"
    find out more about SALLnet
    find out more about ISEM

    TROPAGS chairs main session one "Improvement of Crop Models" at iCROPM2020 in Montpellier
    find out more about our main session
    find out more about iCROPM2020

    Field Crops Research Virtual Special Issue
    Impacts of extreme weather on crop production: modelling and experimentation
    published by Kurt-Christian Kersebaum and Reimund P. Rötter
    all publications: FCR Virtual Special Issue

    MACSUR in collaboration with AgMIP has produced a (virtual) Special Issue of Agricultural Systems, selected papers are presented at iCROPM2016, Berlin.
    Guest editors are Claas Nendel (ZALF) and Reimund P. Rötter (University of Göttingen).
    all publications: SCIENCEDIRECT

    Impacts World 2017 Conference: presentation (Plenary Session 1) by Prof. R. P. Rötter
    "State of the art in crop modelling for climate-impact research"

    as download and online on Youtube

    Recent article of the 3rd Annual Meeting - SPACES - Limpopo Living Landscapes, South Africa in Agrar Aktuell
    click here - article Agrar Aktuell WiSe 2016/17 issue 17

    Archive - Events

    INTERDROUGHT VII - The 7th Congress on plant production in water-limited environments

    Droughts affect crop production across the world. A central challenge for researchers and policymakers is to devise technologies that lend greater resilience to agricultural production under this particular environmental stress. Interdrought VII (IDVII), the first one on the African continent, is to continue the rich exchanges and debates that have characterized the previous editions of the conference, continuing on a very multi-disciplinary approach, keeping on a global view on drought issues. While keeping a global perspective on drought, this first edition of Interdrought on the African soil intends to reflect on the issues around drought in an African / small holder context.

    28 November - 02 December 2022 | Dakar, Senegal
    Click here for more information

    2022 Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue

    This year’s theme, “Feeding a Fragile World,” focuses on overcoming pervasive shocks to the global food system. The triple threat of COVID, Conflict, and Climate demands addressing the multiple challenges the global food system faces now and in the future. The event will address scalable solutions for adaptation and mitigation to limit planetary warming below 1.5° C and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

    October 18 - 20, 2022 | Main stage in-person and hybrid events
    Further information available here

    European Society for Agronomy XVII. Congress 2022

    Diversification & Digitalisation – Trends that shape future agriculture
    29 August – 02 September 2022 in Potsdam, Germany
    Deadline for abstract submission: 28 February 2022

    Registration and further information here.

    EGU General Assembly 2022
    23 – 27 May 2022 in Vienna, Austria

    The EGU22 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career scientists, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
    Further information is available here.

    Advanced course - Predictive Breeding Tools for Intensive and Sustainable Production under Climate Change Scenarios
    17. - 21. January 2022 in Zaragoza, Spain
    Registration Deadline 30 September 2021
    Registration and further information here.

    Workshop: Genome Enabled Biology and Contemporary Agriculture
    As part of the 'Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum 2021'
    23 November 2021
    1 pm CET
    Further information is available here.

    Inaugural lecture for honorary professorship
    Professor Dr. Ismail Cakmak, Sabanci University, Istanbul

    „Fertilizers: an underestimated strategy against the still persistent global problem of Hidden Hunger”

    Wednesday, 3rd November 2021, 16:15
    University Göttingen, room L 01, Von Siebold-Straße 4–8

    Landscape 2021 - Diversification for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture
    20 - 22 September 2021 in Berlin, Germany
    Submission deadline (papers, posters, post-conference workshops): 1st of March 2021

    More information is available here.

    EwertGuest speech: Prof. Frank Ewert
    Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF), Müncheberg

    „Future scenarios for national and international agricultural research“

    11th December 2019, 16:15 - 17:45
    University of Göttingen, Germany, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
    Von-Siebold-Str. 8, Room L01

    Seminar: Ronny Bourstein and Amir Mayo
    from PlantDitech, Israel

    “Overview and demonstration of Plantarray - A physiological phenotyping and screening system”

    6. November 2019, 12:00 – 14:00
    at TROPAGS, Griesebachstraße 6, Göttingen, Room L318

    ISEM2019 International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference
    1.-5. October 2019

    The 22nd conference of The International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM), under the theme eco:model:spaces, will bring together scientists from all professions and applications that deal with the use of ecological models and systems ecology. Topics include socio-ecological systems, global, climate and land-use change, sustainability and resilience.

    SALLnet Workshop
    Wits Rural Facility, Acornhoek (South Africa),
    9.-13. September 2019
    The SALLnet team will meet to discuss ongoing research in the different working groups.

    3rd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference
    24.-26. March 2019

    • Speaker R. P. Rötter in Session 1 - Modelling climate change and its application to agriculture: Modelling impact of possible future changes in agro-climate and technology on wheat and maize yields around the globe

    • Poster Presentation W. Nelson: Crop model based exploration of the mechanisms underlying pearl millet-cowpea intercropping performance as impacted by irrigation

  • Crop simulation modelling with APSIM: Training workshop 2019, Polokwane
    University of Limpopo campus, Polokwane, South Africa
    25.-27. February 2019

    In the three-day training workshop, students of agricultural sciences will be introduced to the basics of crop simulation modelling using the software framework "Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM)".

    4th National Conference on Global Change
    3.-6. December 2018
    The Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation, in partnership with the University of Limpopo and the Limpopo Provincial Government, are organising a four‐day National Conference on Global Change.

    SALLnet Kick-off Meeting 2018
    15.-16. October 2018


    All South-African and German project partners met in Göttingen on 15th-16th October 2018 for a short but intensive kick-off.

    Tropentag 2018TROPENTAG GHENT 2018

    Annual interdisciplinary conference on Research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development

    17.-19 September 2018
    Ghent University

    ICA2018 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate

    17.-19. September 2018
    Lublin, Poland

      Keynote Speaker:
    • Prof. R. P. Rötter
      "Progress in modelling agricultural impacts of and adaptations to climate change"

    News PBE2018Plant Biology Europe 2018

    18.-21. June 2018

    Guest Lecture: Dr. rer. hort. Dr. rer. nat. habil. K.-C. Kersebaum
    Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)

    "Implementing pest and disease impacts in wheat growth models: Present status and roadmap for improvement."

    6th June 2018 at TROPAGS

    Opening ceremony of the "Lehr- und Versuchsstation Göttingen"

    We will celebrate the foundation with an opening ceremony. Therefore, the Department for Crop Sciences invites everyone who`s interested.

    30th May 2018, Versuchsstation Reinshof


    The 4th World Cocoa Conference
    22.-25. April 2018
    Berlin, Germany

    AgMIP logo


    24.-26. April 2018
    San José, Costa Rica

    Guest lecture: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michaela Dippold
    Biogeochemistry of Agroecosystems, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Georg-August-University Göttingen

    "More Crop per Drop for Sub-Saharan Africa: Key Rhizosphere Traits to Overcome Multiple Resource Limitation"

    1. February 2018
    University of Göttingen, Germany
    Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

    3rd International Conference on Global Food Security
    3 - 6 December 2017
    Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa

    Conference Theme: Food Security: Global challenges, local solutions
    Aim: Unlocking innovative, integrated, multidisciplinary science and technology
    Scope: Activation of all dimensions of sustainable development goals for food security for all

    News Pic O.MusshoffGuest speech: Prof. Oliver Mußhoff
    Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Georg-August-University Göttingen

    „Management von Klimarisiken in der Landwirtschaft"
    (the presentation will be held in german)
    16th November 2017, 14:15 - 15:45
    University of Göttingen, Germany
    Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
    Grisebachstraße 6, room 3.143

    News Pic J.OdhiamboGuest speech: Prof. Jude Odhiambo
    Soil Science of Agriculture, University of Venda

    „Research initiatives to alleviate soil fertility management challenges and constraints faced by smallholder farmers in Limpopo province, South Africa"

    2nd November 2017, 14:15 - 15:45
    University of Göttingen, Germany
    Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
    Grisebachstraße 6, room 3.143

    IAPNLogo“IAPN in Dialogue: Palm oil is part of our daily lives – how can a sustainable cultivation of oil palms be developed?”
    8th November 2017
    University of Göttingen, Germany
    Room L 01, Von-Siebold-Straße 8

    Dr. Hsiao-Hang Tao (TROPAGS) will be speaking at IAPN in Dialogue
    "Selected results of trials on sustainable palm oil nutrient management"

    Counting the true costs of climate change: The international conference on climate-change impacts for scientists & stakeholders

    11. - 13. October 2017
    Potsdam, Germany
    Impacts World 2017 Conference Trailer

    Impacts World is the leading international conference covering the diversity and depth of climate-impacts research today. In 2017, the conference will be dedicated to counting the true costs of climate change, by considering four key challenges for aggregating and quantifying climate-change risks and impacts.

      Keynote Speaker:
    • In Plenary Session 1, Prof. R. P. Rötter
      "State of the art in crop modelling for climate-impact research"
    • Overview of all Plenaries


    TROPAGSLOGOnewsCollaborative Workshop at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    13 - 14 September 2017
    Rehovot, Israel

    Barley yield and water use under anticipated future climate – linking modelling, phenotyping and experimentation

    to push our research foci and goals, TROPAGS stages an collaborative Workshop with scientists from Jerusalem, Finland and Spain. Flyer

    Guest speech: Prof. Dr. Senthold Asseng
    University of Florida, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
    14 June 2017
    von-Siebold-Str. 8, Göttingen

    "Effects of climate change on global wheat production and food security"
    presentation download - click here

    Guest speech: Dr. Christoph Müller
    PIK, Climate Impacts & Vulnerabilities
    7 June 2017
    Grisebachstraße 6, Göttingen
    Faculty of Agricultural Sciences,

    "Global gridded crop modelling: methodology, evaluation and applications"
    presentation download - click here

    MACSUR Science Conference
    22. - 24. May 2017
    Rudower Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin

    The conference will be a summit of the international community of
    agricultural (crop, livestock and trade) modellers as well as of stakeholders from any segments of agriculture.

    GlobalFood Symposium 2017
    28 - 29 April 2017
    Göttingen, Germany
    The aim of this Symposium is to discuss new research findings and policy challenges related to the global agri-food system transformation

    2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference
    26 - 28 March 2017
    Meliá Sitges, Sitges, Spain

    Climate ready resource use-efficient crops to sustain food and nutritional security

    Keynote Speaker:
    Prof. Dr. R.P. Rötter, Head of Department (TROPAGS),
    "Progress in modelling agricultural impacts of and adaptations to climate change"

    3rd Nacht des Wissens
    21. January 2017

    The university, University Medical Center Göttingen and Göttingen Campus is opening their doors for visitors of all ages. It offers an exciting insight into the world of science (science slams, presentations, participative actions, guided tours, workshops, movies, experiments and much more).

    • the Division Tropical Plant Production and Agricultural Systems Modelling will organize a tropical experience event in the greenhouse
    • more...

    Inaugural lecture: Prof. Dr. Reimund P. Rötter
    7. December 2016
    Von-Siebold-Str. 8, Göttingen
    room L 01, 16:15 - 17:45

    Adapting agriculture to a changing climate - challenges for systems research and modelling
    Moderation: Prof. Dr. J. Isselstein
    click here to download the presentation

    Vortrag: Prof. Dr. M. van Ittersum
    (Wageningen University, Plant Sciences, Plant Production Systems)

    21. November 2016
    Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen
    Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude,105, 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr

    Sustainable intensification: the fine line between myopia and utopia
    Moderation: Prof. Dr. R.P. Rötter
    click here to download the presentation

    New Name for our Division (since November 2016):
    the former Crop Production Systems in the Tropics is now

    Tropical Plant Production and Agricultural Systems Modelling (TROPAGS)

    4th regional conference of the states, northern areas of Germany and Berlin
    2. November 2016
    Hannover, Germany
    flyer - pdf

    Die Zukunft der norddeutschen Regionen - Strategien und Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels

    Tropentag 2016
    18 - 21 September 2016
    Vienna, Austria

    Oral presentation on ´Understanding yield constraints to guide climate change adaptation for Arabica coffee on Mt. Elgon, Uganda` by
    A.S. Soler

    3rd Annual Meeting - SPACES - Limpopo Living Landscapes
    17 - 21 August 2016
    Mpumalanga, South Africa

    Stakeholder and participants workshop of SPACES-LLL project funded by the BMBF with the title: "Understanding the dynamics of ecological and cultural landscapes, in the face of global change, in the northern Limpopo region of South Africa".

    Seeking Sustainable Agricultural Solutions
    28 - 30 June 2016
    Montpellier, France

    Oral presentation on ´Modelling nitrogen dynamics including leaching in intensive crop rotations on productive organic-sandy soils after the break-up of grassland`
    by Hoffmann M.P., Rötter R.P., et al.

    4th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference
    13 - 15 May 2016
    Rotterdam, Netherlands

    Livestream of session on ´Adapting farming systems to climate variability and change in Europe: the MACSUR experience` organized by Prof. Dr. R.P. Rötter

    Science Session Report of session on ´Adapting farming systems to climate variability and change in Europe: the MACSUR experience` organized by Prof. Dr. R.P. Rötter

    iCROPM 2016
    International Crop Modellling Symposium
    15 - 17 March 2016
    Berlin, Germany

    Presentation of first results from SPACES-LLL project
    ´Vulnerability of grain maize yield under meteorological droughts: a comparison of commercial and subsistence farms in South Africa`
    by Zhao G., Hoffmann M.P., et al.