Amani Saul Lwila


Amani Saul Lwila studied MSc. Global Change Ecology the program which is under Bavaria Elite Network at University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany where he received an MSc qualification with distinction in 2017. The topic of his Master’s Thesis was “Response of Leaf Functional Traits and Species Composition of Savanna Herbaceous Vegetation to Livestock Grazing and Rainfall Treatment”. He conducted research in southern west of Kenya during the dry period of the year from July to September 2015, supported by Bavaria Elite Network and BAYCEER.
From February 2015 to October 2016 Amani worked as Student research assistance in conducting and monitoring the drought experiment in botanical garden at University of Bayreuth, and from March 2017 to September 2017 Amani worked as a researcher at Bavaria National Forest under the project of Leaf Area Index, he worked with various remote sensing instruments such as laser scanner, radar data, and hemispherical photo cameras. Since October 2017 Amani has been a member of the DFG Research Training Group.

PhD Research Project

Rooting patterns, root growth, and water uptake in response to interspecific competition
