Advisory services arranged by topic
We recommend that you first contact your doctoral supervisor, your superior, or your thesis committee if possible.
You are free to choose which person or institution to contact.
For questions regarding specific topics, the following contacts are respectively responsible (not listed by priority):
Specific questions on doctoral studies:
- Doctoral supervision: supervisor, thesis committee, confidential advisors, office of the dean of studies
- Questions/problems regarding the doctoral degree regulations: supervisor, thesis committee, confidential advisors, doctoral students’ representatives, office of the dean of studies,
- Issues/conflicts regarding good scientific practice (e.g. intellectual property, use of data, authorship): supervisor, thesis committee, ombuds office, confidential advisors, office of the dean of studies
- Enrollment, residency status of international doctoral students: incoming office
Team / superiors / employment relationship
- Conflicts in a team: supervisor, thesis committee, confidential advisors, doctoral students’ representatives, office of the dean, central conflict management
- Conflicts with superiors: supervisor, thesis committee, confidential advisors, office of the dean, central conflict management
- Bullying: supervisor, thesis committee, confidential advisors, office of the dean, equal opportunity officer (if bullying is due to gender), central conflict management
- Workload: supervisor, thesis committee, office of the dean, staff council, HR department
- Labor law: staff council, HR department
- Representation: doctoral students’ representatives, GEW university group, , ver.di Bildung und Wissenschaft (labor union), and Initiative Uni Göttingen unbefristet (employee initiative against fixed-term contracts)
- PhD funding guidance of the GGG (as of September 2021)
Anti-discrimination protection / inclusion
- gender / equal opportunity / gender diversity: equal opportunity officer: equal opportunity officer
- Compatibility of family and work: family service; equal opportunity officer
- Sexual violence/harassment: equal opportunity officer
- Discrimination according to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG): equal opportunity officer
- Health / disability: representative for disabled persons, addiction officer, occupational medical service, psychosocial counseling and outpatient clinic, psychotherapeutic clinic for employees as well as mental health support