Getting to Göttingen
The nearest airport to Göttingen is the Hannover Airport. There are regular trains from Hannover airport to Göttingen (with a change at the Hannover main train station). However, there are often cheaper tickets for flights to Frankfurt Airport. Frankfurt Airport has its own long-distance train station with direct connections to Göttingen (only rarely with a change at Frankfurt main station). The airports of Hamburg, Berlin, Paderborn-Lippstadt, Kassel-Calden and Leipzig-Halle are also easy to reach from Göttingen. For travel within Germany, it is rather impractical to fly, as it usually takes longer than taking a train.
Travelling costs energy. Make a difference to the environment – by consciously choosing a means of transport or by voluntarily offsetting the CO2 emissions generated by air travel, eg with Atmosfair.
Most IC- (Intercity) and ICE- (Intercity Express) trains on the north/south and east/west routes pass through Göttingen. There are direct connections from Frankfurt Airport. From the Göttingen train station, you can take a taxi or a bus to your destination in Göttingen. The bus leaves from the central bus platform in front of the train station.
Göttingen is located directly off the A7, the main north/south motorway, between Hannover and Kassel. There are two exits to Göttingen. Use a route planner to find the best exit.
- To the "Mobility page"
The International Office
Welcome Centre
Von-Siebold-Straße 4
37075 Göttingen
The Welcome Centre is not barrier-free. Please contact us if you need assistance.