Past courses (archive)
The following list is a translation of course titles and does not represent the actual names of the courses as they were registered. This English version of the list is provided for informational purposes only.
Winter semester 2024-2025
- Institute Colloquium
- Colloquium for Theses (BA/MA) and Research Practice Module
- Colloquium for PhD-candidates
- More-than-Human Anthropology
Summer semester 2024
- Institute Colloquium
- Colloquium for Theses (BA/MA) and Research Practice Module
- Colloquium for PhD-candidates
- Introduction to an Anthropology of Southeast Asia through Film Analysis
- Contemporary Ethnographic Methods – Workshop with Practical Exercises for Intermediates
- Ethnographic Research-WRITING-Reading
Winter semester 2023-2024
- Institute Colloquium: Decolonizing Anthropology
- Colloquium for Theses (BA/MA) and Research Practice Module
- Colloquium for PhD-candidates
- Who owns the city? - Urban Living between Human Rights and Commodities (Nurman Nowak with Andrea Lauser)
Summer semester 2023
- Current Ethnographic Methods: a Workshop
- Urban Forest Ethnography - Theory und Methods of Political Ecology and Environmental Anthropology
- Colloquium for Theses (BA/MA) and Research Practice Module
- Colloquium for PhD-candidates
- Institute Colloquium
Winter semester 2022-2023
- Jakarta, Indonesia and beyond: (post-)Colonial legacies and contesting modernities
- Reading Contemporary Ethnographies
- Colloquium for Theses (BA/MA) and Research Practice Module
- Colloquium for PhD-candidates
- Institute Colloquium
Wintersemester 2021-2022
- MOVING THINGS: An Exhibition Project on (forced) Migration working ethnographically (with Friedemann Yi-Neumann)
- BA / MA Workshop
- Field research and Ethnography Lecture
- Colloquium for PhD-candidates
- Religion and Ritual Lecture
Summer semester 2021
- Anthropocene, Political Ecology, Landscape concepts (mit Paul Christensen)
- BA / MA Workshop
- Field research and Ethnography Lecture
- Colloquium for PhD-candidates
- Religion and Ritual Lecture
Winter semester 2020/21
- The "material turn" – a promising paradigm for anthropology?! - 4 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium - 2 contact hours
Summer semester 2020
- Religion and Ritual (digital lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Fieldwork and Ethnography (digital lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Exhibiting migration: from virtual to museal spaces - 2 contact hours
- Workshop: Conference: Materializing the Transient - 1 contact hour
Winter semester 2019/2020
- Materiality and Bureaucracy – anthropological perspectives on documents - 2 contact hours
- Public Anthropology - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Colloquium: Materiality & Migration research colloquium - 1 contact hour
Summer semester 2019
- Religion and Ritual (lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Fieldwork and Ethnography (lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Fieldwork and Ethnography (practice tutorial) - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop Forschungskolleg "Wissen | Ausstellen"
Winter semester 2018/2019
- Materiality and Migration - 2 contact hours
- The "Language" of Objects. The Material Turn in the Cultural Theory - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Summer semester 2018
- Religion and Ritual (lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Fieldwork and Ethnography (lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Fieldwork and Ethnography (practice tutorial) - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Winter semester 2017/2018
- Upland societies in Souteast Asia - 2 contact hours
- Lived coutercultures: the Anthropology of Utopia - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Summer semester 2017
- Religion and Ritual (lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Fieldwork and Ethnography (lecture) - 1 contact hour
- Fieldwork and Ethnography (practice tutorial) - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Winter semester 2016/2017
- An Introduction in the Anthropology of Religion - 2 contact hours
- Migration studies - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Winter semester 2015/2016
- Southeast Asia: An Introduction (lecture) - 2 contact hours
- Theoretical posoítions of ethnographic research - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Summer semester 2015
- What is religion? Introduction to ethnographic research on religion - 2 contact hours
- Ethnography of the Philippines - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Winter semester 2014/2015
- Key Concepts and Issues (lecture) - 4 contact hours
- Urban Anthropology - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination Candidates - 2 contact hours
Summer semester 2012
- Workshop for Examination and Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Reading Ethnographies - Writing Reviews - 2 contact hours
- Pilgrimage and Tourism: Perspectives from Anthropology and Religious Studies (Lecture and seminar) - 3 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
Summer semester 2011
- Introduction to the Anthropology of Southeast Asia II (seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination and Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Death and Mourning in Cross-cultural Comparison (lecture) - 1 contact hour
Winter semester 2010/2011
- Key Concepts and Issues (lecture) - 4 contact hours
- Workshop for Examination and Ph.D. Candidates - 2 contact hours
- Institute Colloquium with Guest Lectures - 2 contact hours
- Anthropology of Migration (seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Colloquium: Presentation of Internship Reports (colloquium) - 1 contact hours
- Introduction to the Anthropology of Southeast Asia (seminar) - 2 contact hours
Summer semester 2010
- Anthropology of the Philippines - 2 contact hours
- Anthropology of food (seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Institute colloquium with guest lectures - 2 contact hours
- Workshop for examination and Ph.D. candidates - 2 contact hours
- Colloquium: Presentation of Internship Reports (colloquium) - 1 contact hours
Winter semester 2009/2010
- Key Concepts and Issues (lecture) - 4 contact hours
- Institute colloquium with guest lectures - 2 contact hours
- Advanced colloqium & Mentoring - 2 contact hours
- Colloquium: Presentation of Internship Reports (colloquium) - 2 contact hours
- Seminar for the lecture: Tradition and Politics in the Indo-Pacific region
Summer semester 2009
- Anthropology and Literature (SYS) (advanced seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Anthropological Methods (lecture) - 2 contact hours
- Field research (lecture) - 1 contact hours
- Institute colloquium for final exam candidates (colloquium) - 2 contact hours
- Internship colloquium (colloquium) - 2 contact hours
- Death and Mourning across cultures (lecture) - 1 contact hours
- Death and Mourning across cultures (seminar) - 2 contact hours
Winter semester 2008/2009
- Transformation Processes and Modernity: Anthropological Approaches (THE) (advanced seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Key Concepts and Issues (lecture) - 4 contact hours
- Anthropology of Pilgrimage (seminar) - 4 contact hours
- Institute colloquium for final exam candidates (colloquium) - 2 contact hours
- Colloquium: Presentation of Internship Reports (colloquium) - 1 contact hours
Summer semester 2008
- Anthropological Methods (lecture) - 3 contact hours
- Religion and Gender Relations as Exemplified in Possession Rituals and Shamanism (SYS) (advanced seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Field Research (lecture) - 1 contact hours
- Reading Course: Questions of Anthropology (seminar) - 1 contact hours
- Culture and Society in Vietnam (REG) (seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Institute colloquium for final exam candidates (colloquium) - 2 contact hours
Winter semester 2007/2008
- Anthropology of Migration (advanced seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Culture and Cultural Difference (lecture) - 1contact hours
- Introduction to the Anthropology of Southeast Asia (seminar) - 2 contact hours
- Institute colloquium for final exam candidates (colloquium) - 2 contact hours
- Culture and Cultural Difference: accompanying seminar (seminar) - 2 contact hours