Projects (since 1998)


  • Fordis - International Expert Group on Forest Disturbances
  • Partner Fordis

    • carbiocial - Carbon sequestration, biodiversity and social structures in Southern Amazonia: models and implementation of carbon-optimized land management strategies

    • SFB 552: Stabilität von Randzonen tropischer Regenwälder in Indonesien

    • DEKLIM C: "The Impact of ENSO on Sustainable Water Management and the Decision-Making Commnity at a Rainforest Margin"
    • Hypsometrischer Wandel naturnaher Bergregenwaldökosysteme in den Yungas Boliviens
    • Soil-degradation in relation to land-use systems in different tropical forest ecosystems (humid lowlands of Bolivia) (abgeschlossen)
    • Bodendifferenzierung, Bodenqualität und Wasser- und Nährstoffumsatz in Regenwaldschutzgebieten der Elfenbeinküste
    • Wasser- und Nährstoffumsatz im Tieflandsregenwald Ecuadors -Vergleich von Primär-/Sekundärwald mit unterschiedlichen Nutzungssystemen
    • Pedoökologische Folgen traditioneller und moderner Landnutzungssysteme im Oriente Boliviens
    • DFG-Graduiertenkolleg: "Wertschätzung und Erhaltung von Biodiversität"
      - B2: GIS-gestützte Habitatanalyse und geoökologisches Inventar zur Biodiversität
      - C2: GIS-gestützte Analyse der Entwicklung von Schutzgebieten und ihren Pufferzonen in Guatemala
    • Regionalisierung des Wasserhaushaltes in Einzugsgebieten (SPP- DFG) - Regionalisierung der Abflußbildung über die Aggregierung homogener Flächen unter Verwendung des GIS ARC/INFO und der "Digitalen Reliefanalyse" (abgeschlossen)
    • Grenzflächenreaktivität, Aufbau und Zerfall von Bodenaggregaten (ehemaliger SFB 468 A6)

    Head of Projects

    • carbiocial - Carbon sequestration, biodiversity and social structures in Southern Amazonia: models and implementation of carbon-optimized land management strategies.
      Duration: since 2011
      Climate change will increase precipitation variability – i. e. extreme events like droughts will occur more often also in the tropics and mean temperature will ultimately increase. Land use intensification is associated with (a) losses of ecosystem services like the loss of natural vegetation and associated ecosystem functions in the global and regional climate system, an (b) increasing releases of greenhouse gases (GHG), and (c) the reduction of livelihoods. This project aims at providing interdisciplinary solutions for these problems. Three regions along the land use frontier of Southern Amazonia were selected: Southern Pará: most active deforestation; Northern Mato Grosso: young soy bean production; Central Mato Grosso: established cultivation (>20 years) and adapted mechanised cropping (e.g. no till). Analyses focus on soil carbon (C) turnover, climate, ecosystem functions and socio-economic processes.

    • Land use, forest conversion and nature protection in Bolivia – analysis and modelling of future development
      Duration: 10.2007 – 09.2010, Ph.D. candidate Robert Müller
      Funded by DFG
      Abstract : Bolivia is experiencing exponentially increasing rates of deforestation, mainly due to soy bean farming and cattle ranching. The project aims at understanding the recent development of land use change in the Bolivian lowlands and analysing its implicationsfor biodiversity conservation. In a spatially explicit econometric model, multitemporal remote sensing data on land use change will be interrelated to potential drivers, i.e. geophysical, socioeconomic and political variables such as climate, proximity to roads or extension of protected areas. Based on the findings from the past, probable land use changes in the future will be forecasted. Expected impacts on ecosystems as well as possible strategies for biodiversity conservation will be discussed.

    • Integrated management of water resources in the oasis Béni Abbès – Pedohydrological analysis of “Hydrodyne” for traditional irrigation systems and sand dune stabilization
      Duration: 11.2007 – 12.2009, Ph.D. candidate Thomas Kellner
      Funded by GTZ
      Abstract: In cooperation with the German Technical Cooperation
      (GTZ) and local partners in Algeria a possible solution for the problem of irrigation efficiency is being studied. “Hydrodyne” is a biogenic hydrocolloid with the potential to retain water in the soil by keeping it available for plants and reduce evaporation losses of irrigation water. It will be tested in different concentrations (0%, 2% and 4%) on vegetables (peppers, carrots, onions) and oranges respectively. Soil water content and climatological data will be logged continuously for a complete monitoring of crop needs. Traditional irrigation techniques will be applied to determine the direct influence of “Hydrodyne” on the water use and to assure that the results can be easily implemented by local farmers. An experimental reforestation plot will be installed using traditional techniques to test the applicability of “Hydrodyne”.

  • SFB 552 STORMA (Stability of rainforest margins in Indonesia) B2/Z3 – The influence of pedo-hydrological changes on the water and nutrient cycle in catchment areas.
    Duration: July 2006 – June 2009, Ph.D. candidate: Carsten Gutzler
    Funded by: DFG (SFB 552) – since 2000
    Abstract: In cooperation with Indonesian Partners (IPB, UNTAD) in the third phase the experimental analysis and scenario evaluation on the consequences of ongoing forest conversion in the catchment are continued. These consequences are examined regarding water and nutrient cycles on plot and catchment scale and combining water and
    nutrient fluxes with regional modelling.FB 552 STORMA (Stability of rainforest margins in Indonesia) Subproject B2

  • SFB 552 STORMA (Stability of rainforest margins in Indonesia)B2/Z3 – Central Laboratory Unit
    Duration: July 2006 – June 2009, Ph.D. candidate (laboratory leader) Stefan Köhler
    Funded by: DFG (SFB 552) – since 2000
    Abstract: Development and consolidation of a high qualitenvironmental laboratory for biogeochemical analysis with the enhancement and education of the technical-analytical competence of Indonesian laboratory technicians. Assessment of soil quality parameters within the SFB in cooperation with UNTAD and IPB – stuff.

  • Restoration of degraded pastures with Capoeira enrichment in Eastern Amazon (Brazil)
    Duration: 09.2005 – 08.2008; Postdoc Dr. Stephan Hohnwald,
    Project leader: Tiessen, Wollny & Gerold
    Funded by DFG Abstract: In the humid tropics of Eastern Amazonia cattle pasture degrades after 10-15 years mainly because of invading weeds and decreasing soil fertility. The traditional agrarian system of smallholders is based on woody nutrient-regenerating secondary vegetation (Capoeira-fallow).
    This project investigates if woody plants (Capoeira-species and multifunctional woody legumes) can be used for the restauration of degraded pastures and sustained of grazing. The field study and the satellite image analysis will be situated in the region of Bragantina (Pará, Northern Brazil).