Projects in Central and South America


  • Comparative Legacies of Human Land Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

  • Recent:
  • Dynamics of the Malvinas Current (MC) and Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC) in the southwestern South Atlantic since the late Quaternary

  • Recently concluded:

  • Pleistocene and Holocene environmental changes in neotropical ecosystems with a focus on Amazon rainforest (PhD-student B. Wang since 2019)

  • Impacts of Climate, Sea Level Changes and Humans on Coastal Vegetation in Northeastern Brazil during the Late Quaternary (PhD-student Alves de Moraes since 2018)

  • Holocene vegetation dynamics and disturbance regimes in north Patagonia, Argentina (40 degrees South) (PhD-student Alvarez Barra until 2020)

  • Holocene vegetation and disturbance dynamics in Araucaria araucana forests of southern South America: towards a scientific basis for conservation (PhD-student R. Moreno until 2019)

  • Older Projects:

    Amazon rainforests and savannahs (Cerrado)

    Araucaria forests and grasslands (Campos)

    Mountain rainforests

