
Klank Ch, Dietz J, Leuschner Ch, Hölscher D, Hendrayanto (submitted) Spatial and temporal variability of throughfall in a tropical old-growth forest and an agroforestry system in Sulawesi (Indonesia)

Dietz J, Hölscher D, Leuschner Ch, Malik A, Amir MA (2007): Forest structure as influenced by different types of community forestry in a lower montane rainforest of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. In: Tscharntke T, Leuschner Ch, Guhardja E, Zeller M (eds) The stability of tropical rainforest margins: Linking ecological, economic and social constraints of land use and conservation. Springer, Berlin pp 133-148

Dietz J, Leuschner Ch, Hölscher D, Kreilein H (2007):Vertical patterns and duration of surface wetness in an old-growth tropical montane forest, Indonesia. Flora 202, 111-117

Dietz J, Hölscher D, Leuschner Ch, Hendrayanto (2006): Rainfall partitioning in relation to forest structure in differently managed montane forest stands in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forest Ecology and Management 237, 170-178

Dietz J, Schröder R, Horna V, Börner A, Treidel H, Perisutti A, Zimmermann R (2003) Deforestation and Land Use Change in the Alto Mayo Valley, North Peru.- 2do Congreso de Conservación de la Biodiversidad en los Andes y la Amazonía, Loja, Ecuador 25-30 Aug. 2003

Zimmermann R, Horna V, Dietz J, Schröder R, Börner A (2003) Estudio Multitemporal para Calcular la Tasa de Deforestación en la Cuenca del Alto Mayo, Perú.- Bericht an die Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 63 S

Horna V, Dietz J, Mette T, Börner A, Dempewolf J, Zimmermann R (2002) Ecological Classification of Soils and Pristine Premontane Vegetation in the Alto Mayo Valley, Northern Peru.- 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Large Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in the Amazon, Manaus, Brasilien, Juli 2002, Abstracts

Dietz J (2002) Variation and Distribution of Forest Types on the Southern Foothills of the Cordillera Cahuapanas, Alto Mayo, Peru.- Diplomarbeit, Universität Bayreuth, 169 S. (2.9 MB)

Dietz J, Mette T, Börner A, Dempewolf J, Zimmermann R (2002) Ecological Classification of Pristine Premontane Vegetation in the Alto Mayo Valley, Peru.- 15. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (GTÖ) in Göttingen, 20-23 Februar 2002. Abstracts S. 94

Dietz J, Zimmermann R (2002) Analyse großräumiger Diversität von Regenwäldern - Neue Verfahren gewähren Einblick in den Dschungel Perus.- In: Fiedler K & Nesshöver C. (Eds.): Ökologie und Umweltforschung an der Universität Bayreuth - Biodiversität: Die Vielfalt des Lebens.- Bayreuth, S. 4 (2.0 MB)

Dietz J, Börner A, Dempewolf J, Perisutti A, Zimmermann R (2001) Ecological Classification of Pristine Vegetation in the Rio Avisado and Rio Tioyacu Watersheds, Northern Peru.- Conservación de la Biodiversidad en los Andes y la Amazonía, Cusco, Peru 24-28 Sept. 2001- Abstracts, S. 32

Zimmermann R, Dietz J, Czimczik C, Schöning (2000) Rapid Assessment of Forest Structure and Soil Properties at the Wetzstein, Lehesten.- Bericht an BGC-MPI, Jena, 18 pp