In publica commoda

Weekly and monthly plans

Step 0: Form –How and with what

Should it be (or fit into) a pocket calendar? Do you use an app or would you like to do so? Should it be an "extra note" (that sticks in the calendar... goes on the pinboard...?) No matter what it should be: If possible, don't have "dozens" of notes that you can't find or keep track of.

Step 1: Step 1: Regular and fixed things

Collect and enter all regular appointments and tasks. This includes (if relevant) at least:

  • courses
  • part-time job
  • hobbies (e.g. sports course dates)
  • commitments (e.g. childcare or care, but also shared flat meetings/cleaning services)

Step 2: Time budget

How much free time resources are available? If it is already clear here that it is not much: Can regular, fixed tasks and appointments be reduced for upcoming, temporary requirements (e.g. exam phase, moving house)? Can responsibility be shared with others?

As a guide: An 8-hours-day applies to employees in Germany, and apart from discussions about human abilities, limits or productivity, this should also be taken as a framework (and upper limit) to "studying as job".

Step 3: Time and tasks to be structured by yourself

Now collect tasks (possibly first on a separate sheet) that do not have a deadline but need to be completed AND/OR for which time must be reserved. The first thing here is a MUST - schedule breaks and set an end to the day:

  • schedule free time and at least one longer break (e.g. lunch) - rest and relaxation are important
  • it should be clear when the work day ends - mark where your "after work" starts

Only then continue with:

  • preparation of courses
  • follow-up of courses
  • learning time (if possible/helpful already categorized to topics/exams)

Step 4 to X

Beispiel Wochenplan

Such a plan should be regularly reviewed and adjusted. As long as it does not take over or lead to dissatisfaction, failure to meet certain deadlines/tasks does not mean failure on everything. It should be looked at why it did not work out and, if necessary, an alternative should be developed.

Click on the image to enlarge the example plan.

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watch video Zeitbezogene Planung (german)