Seminar: Ausgewählte Probleme der Produktion und Logistik (Bachelor)

Participants in this seminar will study specific production and logistics, write term papers and present the contents.
The areas of work concern typical and special areas of expenditure in production and logistics and the management of institutions in the economic and public system.
The research questions arise in connection with concrete examples, manifestations and models of facts, organizations, developments and processes.
The formulations of the topics and contents of the term papers describe business management research areas of organizations, management concepts, analyses, decision-making, recording, evaluation, control and reporting.
Selected problems may, for example, be related to the location of companies or institutions, investments, supply, production, distribution, maintaining operational readiness, financing, business management measures, information systems, human resources and management activities.
A list of work areas is available for information.

Work areas and topics

Seminar schedule:
On Wednesday, October 23, the first seminar session will take place in room Qec. 0.169.
There will be an introduction of the participants and an introduction with information about the seminar.
Reference will be made to the guidelines for the preparation of scientific term papers and to the registration for participation.
The decision on the choice of a field of work and the formulation of the topic of the term paper is prepared.
Subsequent meetings are scheduled to discuss the choice of topic and the start of work on the research question.
The deadline for submitting the term paper is set.
The presentations will begin in January 2025.
The last seminar session will take place in February 2025.

Locations and Dates:

Date and TimeRoomAdress
Wed. 23.Okt 2024-05.Feb 2025
0.169 Oec Platz d. Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen
25.Dez 2024 & 01.Jan 2025 are cancelled!