Section Medical Data Science
Section Medical Data Science (MeDaS)
The Medical Data Science section of CIDAS combines interdisciplinary expertise from the fields of medical informatics, bioinformatics, statistics, and epidemiology to promote innovative approaches in medical research and practice. The objectives of the section include:
- Coordination of research and teaching in the field of Medical Data Science.
- Support in the acquisition of third-party funds, especially for joint projects.
- Development of harmonized teaching modules for various degree programs.
- Promotion of science transfer and the development of joint infrastructures.
Concept Paper for the Establishment of the CIDAS Section Medical Data Science
Definition of Medical Data Science
Data Sciences are defined very differently, ranging from the generic "the science of generating knowledge from data" to definitions that involve specific methods and approaches such as Machine Learning or Big Data. A commonly used definition considers the intersection of Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and the domain of science - in our case, Medicine - an approach we largely align with. Thus, Medical Data Sciences encompass methods, tools, and infrastructures for utilizing biomedical data in research and healthcare. In this context, the clinical-methodical disciplines of Medical Informatics and Medical Bioinformatics, Medical Statistics, and Epidemiology already represent the intersections between Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics on one side, and Medicine on the other.