AI Tools

AI tools can effectively support, design, and enhance teaching and learning. To give you an overview of the constantly growing offerings, you will find information here about university-owned and other AI tools.

University-Owned AI Tools

Here you will find the university's own ChatAI, ImageAI, and VoiceAI. With ChatAI, for example, you can translate or generate texts. VoiceAI allows you to transcribe audio recordings and generate live subtitles. ImageAI is your personal creator, generating images and graphics according to your specifications.


GWDG Chatbot

Voice AI




AI Tool of the Month

Each month, we present a selected AI tool for teaching that has convinced us. Do you have a recommendation you would like to share with your colleagues? Feel free to write to


More AI Tools

On the page linked below, you will find a categorized collection of various AI-powered tools. The range of available tools and their pricing models are highly dynamic, so this collection is not exhaustive.
You can search for specific terms within the collection using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl" + "F".
If you have suggestions for additional applications that we should include, feel free to write to

We would also like to emphasize that, according to the current state of knowledge, most of these tools do not comply with the GDPR and may store data outside of Germany and the EU. Please carefully consider what data you enter and under no circumstances use your university login credentials for registration!