Micaela Pineda
Master’s of Science in Biological Sciences, May 2023Master’s Thesis: “Foraging Behavior and Habitat Selection of The Greater Noctule Bat (Nyctalus lasiopterus) in Southern Spain”
Southeastern Louisiana University (Louisiana, USA)
Bachelor’s of Science in Wildlife Management & Conservation, December 2018
Honors Thesis: “Vigilance and social interactions of elk as determined by Real-Time video”
Cal Poly Humboldt (California, USA)
PhD Research Project
I aim to determine movement and foraging patterns of dormice and red squirrels in different forest stands. I hope to achieve this by attaching GPS units to individuals to get fine scale movement data. Ultimately, determining activity patterns, distance traveled, and preferred foraging habitat.I also plan to look at nesting behavior of dormice by implementing camera installed nest boxes. I'm particularly interested in social interactions, temporal movements in relation to temperature, and reproductive behaviors.
Professional Experience
- May 2023-September 2023: Bat Conservation International (TX and LA): One Health Crew Lead
- June 2022-September 2022: Bat Conservation International (TX and LA): One Health Wildlife Technician
- February 2021-June2021: Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch (Rotan, TX): Research Technician
- March 2020-August 2020: Colorado State University (Salyer, CA): Research Assistant
- April 2019-October 2019: Yellowstone National Park (Mammoth, WY): Biological Technician Intern