Tamino Marahrens

Short Biography

  • Since 2023

    Research Associate, University of Göttingen

  • 2020-2023

    Master of Science in Business Information Systems, University of Göttingen

  • 2017-2020

    Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems, University of Göttingen


  • Digital Twin

  • Industrial Production & Intralogistics


Practical Experience

  • Since 2023

    Research Associate at the University of Göttingen:

    Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

  • 2018-2023

    Student Assistant: Chair of Application Systems and E-Business, University of Göttingen:

    Tutor for Firms and Markets

Professional Training

  • 2020-2023

    Business Information Systems (Master of Science), University of Göttingen

    Title of the Master's Thesis: "Evaluation of a Hierarchical Digital Twin to Support Industrial Production"

  • 2017-2020

    Business Information Systems (Bachelor of Science), University of Göttingen

    Title of the Bachelor's Thesis: "State of Research and Practice on the Use of Gamification in the Financial Sector"

  • 2017

    Kooperative Gesamtschule Gronau (Leine), Gymnasialzweig (General Higher Education Entrance Qualification)


Lower Saxony Scholarship (2019)

Germany Scholarship (2018)

Portrait photo of Tamino Marahrens


Business Information Systems

Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

M.Sc. in Business Information Systems

Tamino Marahrens

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Room MZG 5.131

Tel. +49 551 39-28419