Workshops at WoCaNet 2023 (starting May 11th)
Workshops will be held in English.
Please note that you can indicate in the registration which workshops you are interested in. If there are more people interested than workshop places, the workshop places will be drawn.

  • Beyond Scientific Communication
    held by Dr. Alexander Schiller and Dr. Daniel Mertens
    Schiller & Mertens
    Participation fee: 5 Euro

    Randy Olson introduced the AND-BUT-THEREFORE template (ABT) in his amazing book „Houston, we have a narrative“. Compelling (scientific) stories use ABT. This ABT is divided into three acts: In the first act of the story (AND), we are introduced to the context to understand the problem. In the second act (BUT), tension or a problem is introduced. Tension grows throughout the story and culminates in the third act, where it is resolved (THEREFORE).

    “Scientists must be rigorous about their science and receive quality feedback on their talks, but they often lack the tools to craft a unique presentation style, therefore Schiller & Mertens provides creative opportunities in which presenters can explore and optimize their presentation skills.”

    “Academic careers of group leaders are built partially on the shoulders of doctoral candidates and both parties are in a phase of steep learning on scientific and personal domains. However, the parallel development of group leaders and doctoral candidates can lead to conflicts of interest. Therefore, Schiller & Mertens helps doctoral candidates and group leaders to understand and empower each other.”

    Materials needed for the workshop: Pen/pencils and paper.

    The workshop is reserved for non-male identifying people, as it is paid from equal opportunities funds.

    May 11, 2023
    2:00pm - 4:00pm
    MPI Faßberg Campus, Göttingen

    • The Art of Science Communication: Draw Your Science
      held by Dr. Vinita Bharat
      Fuzzy Synapse
      Participation fee: 5 Euro

      Learn how to communicate science in an impactful way! In this workshop, Dr. Bharat will demonstrate how to draw complex scientific concepts in fun and easy ways. You will gain new skills in drawing science that can become fun illustrations for presentations, and public talks or can also be designed as graphical abstracts for manuscripts or figures for grants, etc. You will tweak your creativity and explore fun and engaging ways to explain your favorite science topics. Whether you have some or no experience at all, this workshop is for you.
      Complex ideas conveyed with just a single picture can be an effective way to communicate your research to a broader audience; after all, the saying is “A picture is worth a thousand words!”.

      Materials needed for the workshop: Pen/pencils and paper, or drawing software (like Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, etc.) on computer/tablet.

      All genders are welcome to this workshop.

      May 11, 2023
      4:30pm - 6:00pm

      • Career Skills for Success
        held by Dr. Paul Charlton
        Paul Charlton Coaching
        Participation fee: 5 Euro

        This interactive half-day workshop, conducted in English, will focus on tips, best practices and a skills “toolbox” to enable better professional networking (face to face and virtually/online) as a S.T.E.M. female researcher. The workshop will also provide insights into fine-tuning such networking interactions to nuance for different personalities and navigate cultural complexities.

        Materials needed for the workshop: Pen/pencils and paper.

        The workshop is reserved for non-male identifying people, as it is paid from equal opportunities funds.

        May 11, 2023
        9:00am - 1:00pm
        MPI Faßberg Campus, Göttingen

      • Steady as You Go!
        Navigating Challenges and Building Resilience in Communication

        held by Julie Stearns
        Participation fee: 10 Euro

        This workshop focuses on applying mindful communication principles to the way scientists correspond with others in academia (and beyond). These principles include setting an intention, being fully present, remaining open and non-judgmental, and relating to others with compassion. We will focus specifically on bringing a greater level of awareness to the two major components of communication: listening and speaking.
        The interactive and feedback-based workshop provides participants the opportunity to discuss fear-factors and other issues related to stress and challenges in the research process and by doing so make connections and find practical solutions to navigate these challenges in a more proactive and positive direction.

        Contents in Brief

        • using mindfulness techniques to help achieve goals
        • managing challenging situations
        • developing self-awareness and self-confidence
        • clarifying misconceptions and “faulty-thinking” patterns
        • awareness of body-mind connections
        • using language "tools" for framing and focusing

        Materials needed for the workshop: Pen/pencils, paper and computer/tablet. Please download the reader (PDF), which will be send to all participants of this workshop.

        The workshop is reserved for non-male identifying people, as it is paid from equal opportunities funds.

        May 11, 2023
        9:00am - 4:30pm

      • Please note, that the workshop "How Do Different Gender Codes Influence Our Communication? Why Some People Are Heard Better Than Others" held by Dr. Kristina Böhlke (KEPOS) will not take place. Individuals who have indicated a preference for this workshop will be notified by mail of alternatives.