Katalin Szöke


College / University

Pécs University , School of Medicine

Highest Degree

Medical Doctor

Major Subjects

General Medicine Molecular Cell Biology





  • 1999: The effect of an activating RhoA mutation on proliferation of PC12 cells, Department of Biology, Pécs University, advisors: Dr. József Szeberényi, Dr. Ágnes Sebõk
  • 2000: The effect of a new cytokine, IL-TIF on PC12 cells, Jean-Christophe Renauld in Bruxelles


Poster at the VII Hungarian Cell-and Developmental Biology Meeting in Pécs (2000): Katalin Kiss, Katalin Szõke, Ágnes Sebõk, József Szeberényi: Role of NFkappaB in the NGF induced survival of PC12 cells

Scholarships / Awards

Student fellowship for students in East Europe from the Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology


Despite the fact, that first of all, I am interested in the intracellular signal transduction processes, leading to proliferation, differentiation or apoptosis of a cell, because some of these pathways were the main topic of our research group, I am also interested in neuroscience, since the cell line we studied in Hungary, the PC12 phaeochromocytoma cell line, is a neuronal differentiation model, and the cytokine we studied in Bruxelles, the IL-TIF can be founded in highest amount in the brain. I hope that I can use my knowledge in molecular biology in neural research.