EEG prepping, fixation, histology, mutagenesis of D. Melanogaster, creation and execution of human and animal behavioral experiments, microscopy, participant and experiment management, psychophysiological and behavioral experiments
Analysis/Programming: R, formR, MatLab and Python
Projects / Research
2021: Bachelor thesis: "Understanding the Uncanny Valley: Examining the Effect of Facial Proportion Inconsistency on Affinity and Trustworthiness Ratings" Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology, University of Göttingen
Scholarships / Awards
2022 – 2023:
Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
In general, I am fascinated by cognitive science and the crossover between psychology and biology. In particular, my interest lies within the interplay of emotion and perception as well as the neural foundation of trust, especially in artificial intelligences. Furthermore, perception of human faces is incredibly compelling to research for me, also in the context of subconsciously processed information and emotions. Secondly, my goal is to contribute to creating a safer and more enlightened scientific world by working on the most pressing issues of the present and the future together with an interdisciplinary team of other scientists. Also, communicating and conveying the most important scientific information unambiguously to the public is -in my opinion- a great challenge but also an even greater opportunity, and therefore one of my goals is, to show others the beauty of science.