In publica commoda

Learning strategies and techniques

Here you will find suggestions for various learning strategies.

Your past experience should always be relevant when selecting a new method: What strategies have you used so far? (If you have never formulated this before, you should try it in keywords).

Furthermore, the method should of course also fit the subject matter: is it more about memorising or about understanding and linking complex relationships? For more complex methods (such as the loci method), time must be planned for learning the method.

  • Learning for understanding (Verständnislernen)

    Which strategies help to get to the bottom of topics?

    Video (english subs)

    Erfahrungsbericht BLUG (german)

  • Effective repetition doesn't work without repetition - practice makes perfect!

    Video (english subs)

  • Loci method

    Mental cinema can be really useful when learning! The so-called loci method (from the Latin locus = the place) is all about facilitating memorisation through images in your head.

    Video (german)

    Experience report on BLUG (german)

    quickguide on Loci method

  • Prepare, take notes, follow up

    Stay on track during the semester with targeted preparation and follow-up work - the most important thing is to take useful notes and transcripts.


    Video (english subs)

    Information sheet

  • Learning sheets

    Many people write ‘learning notes’ - what are they, how do others use them and what should be taken into account.
