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Workshops and qualifications

Learning platform Startupkit of the University of Göttingen

Through the Startupkit, you as a university member or alumni/alumnae can acquire specific knowledge around the topics of entrepreneurship and innovation and get inspired by other startups. Have you ever wondered how to transfer a scientific research project into a practical application or how to transform an innovative, sustainable or technological idea into a viable business model? Then register on the learning platform.

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Certificate „Innovation und Gründung“

The SNIC certificate program consists of four modules that form a self-contained content unit on the topic of innovation. If all four modules are successfully completed, the certificate "Innovation und Gründung" is acquired. The modules are offered at the University of Göttingen, the PFH Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen and the TU Clausthal.

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Entrepreneurship qualification of scientists

We are convinced that everyone in Germany has the potential to become an entrepreneur. Working passionately on a topic, developing new solutions to problems and presenting ideas convincingly - these are skills that successful scientists and entrepreneurs have in common. The academic environment is hardly characterized by entrepreneurial spirit. In our workshops, we would like to offer scientists the opportunity to think about their research in an entrepreneurial way.

Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

The chair conducts research on entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of social innovation, high-tech or digitalization, in particular on networks, organizations, entrepreneurial ecosystems and entrepreneurial teams. Furthermore, the chair supervises theses and offers courses on entrepreneurship also for students of agricultural and forest sciences.

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Young Entrepreneurs in Science

Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES) is an education program which is aimed at doctoral students from all disciplines at German universities. The aim of the program is to open up new career and development prospects for highly qualified scientists during or shortly after their doctorate. Entrepreneurial thinking does not begin with a business plan.

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Makers of Tomorrow - Online-Kurs

In the first season of the online course, "Makers of Tomorrow" will tell ten stories of founders in Germany and Silicon Valley. Students will be able to learn from role models, gain insights into the startup world and get their first tools for founding a company.

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