Digitization - Challenges and Hopes
A highlight of the 2021 summer semester was the graduation ceremony for Master's students from the 2019/20 and 2020/21 years, which was held digitally for the first time via YouTube. With a live stream from the university auditorium on Wilhelmsplatz, Dean Christian Ammer and Dean of Studies Dirk Jaeger were able to honor more than 60 digitally connected graduates, who were shown by name and sometimes with photos, in a context appropriate to the importance of the degree. The highlights of the event, in addition to the speech by Prof. Jürgen Bauhus from the University of Freiburg, were the awarding of the sponsorship prizes from the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology to the best bachelor students of the year, as well as the Sayn-Wittgenstein sponsorship prizes and the Göttingen prizes for forest ecosystem research to the best master's students . Even though we have received positive feedback on this digital event, we very much hope that from the coming winter semester the situation regarding the pandemic will have improved to such an extent that courses will largely be possible in combination with digital live transmission. Hopefully, the graduation ceremony planned for May 6, 2022 will again take place in Göttingen together with the graduates and their families and friends.