ITS.kompetent: Ermittlung des IT-Sicherheits-Qualifizierungsbedarfs mittels Kompetenzmessung und Profilabgleich
Partners: Chair of Information Security and Compliance - University of Goettingen (Project Lead), Chair of Information Management - University of Goettingen, University of Hohenheim
Funding Body: BMWi
Project Duration: 06/2021 - 05/2024
The joint project "ITS.kompetent: Ermittlung des IT-Sicherheits-Qualifizierungsbedarfs mittels Kompetenzmessung und Profilabgleich" aims to develop the online tool "ITS.kompetent." ITS.kompetent enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to determine their ITS qualification needs by comparing their profiles and then selecting ITS trainings that fit their requirements. With the help of ITS.kompetent, SMEs gain transparency with regard to three important questions: What ITS competencies are needed for which employees (What?), where are the job-specific and company-wide ITS qualification needs (Where?), and how can the missing competencies be effectively built up (How?). Thus, ITS.kompetent fills an important gap to educate SMEs about potential threats and sustainably increase the ITS level in SMEs.