
Johanna Gather


Topic of Dissertation

Certification, climate risk perception, and smallholder coffee production in Rwanda


Professional Experience

since 09/2018

Research Associate at the Chair of Environmental and Resource Economics (Prof. Wollni), University of Göttingen

08/2016 – 04/2018

Student assistant at the Chair of Environmental and Resource Economics (Prof. Wollni),

University of Göttingen



10/2015 – 04/2018
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, Georg-August-University, Göttingen

Master thesis: The role of the coffee futures market in discovering prices for Latin American producers

04/2012 – 07/2015
B.Sc. in Organic Agriculture, University of Kassel/Witzenhausen


Research interests

Sustainable Certification, Coffee Production, Rural Development, Impact Evaluation



German, English