Available Topics for Bachelor & Master Theses and Project Studies

How to Apply for your Bachelor/Master Thesis or Project Study at our Chair

You are thinking about writing your thesis at our chair? Or are you planning to carry out your project study with us? Please carefully read this webpage. It provides you with crucial information on the different options we offer and how you should approach us.

In order to properly arrange your supervision, we ask you to approach only one potential supervisor at a time and to not contact others until you have received an answer. To consider and process your application, it is mandatory that you include all the requested information in your initial e-mail (see the "Important Information" sections).

In general, your theses or project studies will be coached by a research associate and guided by the professor. We expect a high level of commitment and diligence. It is very important to follow the guidelines of scientific research! Please also see our Introduction to Scientific Research

Bachelor thesis Master thesis Project studies


Any time

Any time

Any time

Duration / Length:

12 weeks (12 ECTS)

20 weeks (30 ECTS)

1-2 terms (18 ECTS)

Written examination requirements:

Thesis (9.000 - 12.000 words excl. table of contents, references, and appendices)

Thesis (18.000 - 25.000 words excl. table of contents, references, and appendices)

Project Study Documentation (ca. 10-15 pages per person, in consultation with supervisor)

Oral presentation requirements:


20 min. presentation at Informationmanagement meets Abschlussarbeiten + 10 min. dicussion

20 min. presentation at Informationmanagement meets Abschlussarbeiten + 10 min. discussion

Word Template with Guidelines:

DE and EN

DE and EN

DE and EN

Application procedure

Follow the information on theses

Follow the information on theses

Follow the information on project studies

Hand-in requirements

Thesis as .docx and .pdf

Presentation as .pptx and .pdf;
Thesis as .docx and .pdf

Presentation as .pptx and .pdf;
Project study report as .docx and .pdf

Diploma thesis last 3 or 6 months
We offer four different “types” of theses at our chair:
    For these options, you can apply continuously and at any time:
  1. An option with little preparation effort on your side is to apply for a topic we have announced on this webpage (see below).
  2. If you want to suggest your own topic, we expect an initial literature review and identification of a potential research gap and question(s). Therefore, you should also have familiarized yourself with theories that have been used to investigate your area of interest.
  3. If you want to carry out your thesis with a corporate partner, we welcome your application. Please note that your corporate partner needs to grant the permission that your thesis results, in an anonymized form, may be used for scientific purposes.
  4. For this option, applications are only possible at specific deadlines:
  5. Not suggested - Before choosing option 4, please check carefully if options 1-3 are not applicable. Options 1-3 offer more individualization of the thesis topics due to the possibility of discussing the topic personally with the supervisor.
    You may also apply to write a thesis at our Chair by applying at three faculty-wide centralized deadlines (see below).
Please follow the according procedures:
Type of thesis Preparation effort on your side Procedures

1. Working on an announced thesis topic

  1. Choose one of the available topics outlined on this webpage
  2. Write an e-mail to the supervisor mentioned below and provide all of the following information:
    1. Justify and demonstrate your interest in the research topic
    2. Attach your current CV as PDF
    3. Attach your current FlexNow grade sheet as PDF (Print Out)
  3. Wait for a response before you get in contact with another potential supervisor from our chair

2. Suggesting your own thesis topic

  1. Review the current research literature* to identify a noteworthy research gap (please note that a mere “I want to write about E-Scooter utilization in Göttingen since it hadn’t been done before” thought is not sufficient to motivate your thesis). You can refer to our Information Systems (IS) Basket of 8 Journals (MISQ, ISJ, EJIS, …) or our IS conferences (ICIS, ECIS, PACIS, AMCIS, HICSS).
  2. Formulate a research gap and research question* based on your reviewed research literature (e.g., you can examine published literature reviews and papers and their discussion/future research sections). You should also familiarize yourself with theories that have (recently) been used in your area of interest.
  3. Carefully check the websites of our research associates (Team) and their research interests as well as publication history to determine whether one of our team members covers your topic
  4. Write an e-mail to your potential supervisor and provide all of the following information:
    1. Justify and demonstrate your interest in the research topic
    2. Provide an outline of your literature review and the research gap you have identified
    3. Attach your current CV as PDF
    4. Attach your current FlexNow grade sheet as PDF (Print Out)
  5. Wait for a response before you get in contact with another potential supervisor from our chair

3. Suggesting your thesis in cooperation with a corporate partner

  1. Identify an interesting corporate partner
  2. Identify a current and relevent scientific research topic, gap, and question that can be carried out with this partner*. This is particularly challenging in theses with corporate partners since you need to clearly focus on the academic contribution. It is usually not scientifically relevant that a certain topic has not been investigated in the context of a particular organization. You need to highlight the theoretical contribution that you could further strengthen with this partner.
  3. Arrange a supervision arrangement with this partner (e.g., a written confirmation that this partner is willing to support you in your thesis and provide you with the necessary access to employees and/or data)
  4. Please get in contact with your corporate partner and get a confirmation that the data and results of your thesis can be used in an anonymized form for scientific purposes
  5. Write an e-mail to Professor Lutz M. Kolbe and provide all of the following information:
    1. Justify and demonstrate your interest in the research topic
    2. Provide an outline on your aspired research topic, gap, and question
    3. Provide a brief outline of your corporate partner and contact details of your supervisor
    4. Provide a confirmation that the data and results from your thesis may be used in an anonymized form for scientific purposes
    5. Attach your current CV as PDF
    6. Attach your current FlexNow grade sheet as PDF (Print Out)
  6. Wait for a response before you get in contact with another potential supervisor from our chair

4. (Not suggested) Centralized application

  1. If you are interested in this centralized application, please note the following application periods and deadlines:
    1. Start Application Period I: 08.02. (00:00), Deadline Application Period I: 15.02. (23:59)
    2. Start Application Period II: 08.06. (00:00), Deadline Application Period II: 15.06. (23:59)
    3. Start Application Period III: 08.10. (00:00), Deadline Application Period III: 15.10. (23:59)
  2. Within these periods, send an e-mail to kimsey.zajac@uni-goettingen.de and provide all of the following information:
    1. Indicate your desired thesis type (Bachelor or Master)
    2. Attach your current FlexNow grade sheet as PDF (Print Out)
  3. We will respond with a topic proposal within 1 week after the respective application period deadline and expect your confirmation mail indicating your acceptance of our topic proposal until these dates:
    1. Topic Proposal Response Period I: until 21.02., Deadline Topic Confirmation by Student Period I: 01.03. (23:59)
    2. Topic Proposal Response Period II: until 21.06., Deadline Topic Confirmation by Student Period II: 01.07. (23:59)
    3. Topic Proposal Response Period III: until 21.10., Deadline Topic Confirmation by Student Period III: 01.11. (23:59)
*For more information on how to identify a research gap, you could, for example, refer to the article of Mueller-Bloch and Kranz (2015): A Framework for Rigorously Identifying Research Gaps in Qualitative Literature Reviews
In your project studies, you will have the unique opportunity to investigate a research topic in-depth. Over the course of 1-2 terms, your group (2-5 students) will become experts in your particular research topic and carry out a substantial implementation project (e.g., programming a simulation, conducting mixed-method research, or the like). Please peer up before you contact us. Topics are updated at the start of every semester.
Type of thesis Preparation effort on your side Procedures

1. Working on an announced project studies topic

  1. Choose one of the available topics outlined on this webpage
  2. Write an e-mail to the supervisor mentioned below and provide all of the following information:
    1. Justify and demonstrate your interest in the research topic
    2. Provide contact details for all of your group members
    3. Attach your current and all of your group members’ CVs as PDF
    4. Attach your and all of your group members’ current FlexNow grade sheets as PDF (Print Out)
  3. Wait for a response before you get in contact with another potential supervisor from our chair

2. Suggesting your own project studies topic

  1. Review the current research literature* to identify a noteworthy research gap (please note that a mere “I want to write about E-Scooter utilization in Göttingen since it hadn’t been done before” thought is not sufficient to motivate your thesis). You can refer to our Information Systems (IS) Basket of 8 Journals (MISQ, ISJ, EJIS, …) or our IS conferences (ICIS, ECIS, PACIS, AMCIS, HICSS).
  2. Formulate a research gap and research question* based on your reviewed research literature (e.g., you can examine published literature reviews and papers and their discussion/future research sections). You should also familiarize yourself with theories that have (recently) been used in your area of interest.
  3. Carefully check the websites of our research associates (Team) and their research interests as well as publication history to determine whether one of our team members covers your topic
  4. Write an e-mail to the supervisor mentioned below and provide all of the following information:
    1. Justify and demonstrate your interest in the research topic
    2. Provide an outline of your literature review and the research gap you have identified
    3. Provide contact details for all of your group members
    4. Attach your current and all of your group members’ CVs as PDF
    5. Attach your and all of your group members’ current FlexNow grade sheets as PDF (Print Out)
  5. Wait for a response before you get in contact with another potential supervisor from our chair

3. Suggesting your thesis in cooperation with a corporate partner

  1. Identify an interesting corporate partner
  2. Identify a current research topic, gap, and question that can be carried out with this partner*
  3. Arrange a supervision arrangement with this partner (e.g., a written confirmation that this partner is willing to support you in your thesis and provide you with the necessary access to employees and/or data)
  4. Please get in contact with your corporate partner and get a confirmation that the data and results of your thesis can be used in an anonymized form for scientific purposes
  5. Write an e-mail to Professor Lutz M. Kolbe and provide all of the following information:
    1. Justify and demonstrate your interest in the research topic
    2. Provide an outline on your aspired research topic, gap, and question
    3. Provide a brief outline of your corporate partner and contact details of your supervisor
    4. Provide a confirmation that the data and results from your thesis may be used in an anonymized form for scientific purposes
    5. Attach your current and all of your group members’ CVs as PDF
    6. Attach your and all of your group members’ current FlexNow grade sheets as PDF (Print Out)
  6. Wait for a response before you get in contact with another potential supervisor from our chair
*For more information on how to identify a research gap, you could, for example, refer to the article of Mueller-Bloch and Kranz (2015): A Framework for Rigorously Identifying Research Gaps in Qualitative Literature Reviews

Faculty of Economic Sciences
Chair of Information Management

Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 (0)551 / 39-24440
Campus map (UniTour)

Topics for Bachelor & Master Theses and Project Studies


Topic Updates

Theses topics are updated regularly at the beginning of each month. Topics for project studies are updated at the start of every semester.
Please check back frequently to stay informed about the latest topics.

Last update: 16.10.2024

SMRG Smart Mobility Research Group DHRG Digital Health Research Group

Research Group Name* Basic Literature Type of Research Contact Info

SMRG Smart Mobility Research Group DHRG Digital Health Research Group

Research Group Name* Basic Literature Type of Research Contact Info


Bridging the Digital Divide with Human Intermediation

tbd (e.g. Qualitative Study) Zajac


Exploring the Influence of Transfer Time on Mode Choice: An Extensive Investigation

Data Collection + Analysis Karite


Different Perspectives on the Value of Health Data Ecosystems

e.g. Qualitative Study Peters


Employing Persuasive Technologies in a Proxy Use Context

Qualitative Study Zajac


Gatekeeper or Enabler? Patient (Dis)Empowerment in Proxy Use Contexts

Qualitative Study Zajac


When, How and Why Does Proxy Use Occur?

Fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) Zajac


Cultural differences in the acceptance of AI-RTs

Lu 2024; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102657 e.g. Quantitative Study Mengel


Religion and the acceptance of AI-RTs

Lu 2024; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102657 e.g. Quantitative Study Mengel

SMRG Smart Mobility Research Group DHRG Digital Health Research Group

Research Group Name* Basic Literature Type of Research Contact Info


Building a Smart Excel Dashboard for Personell and Capacity Planning
Cooperation with the UMG (Klinik für Augenheilkunde) Design Science Aycan Aslan

Research Group Type Topic Method



Recognition of negative emotions based on movement data in virtual reality Experiment



Die Rolle von Angst bei der Nutzung von autonomen Fahrzeugen Literature Review



The Impact of Meteorological Conditions on the Use of Bike Sharing and Public Transport Statistical Data Analysis



Thematic exploration of digital health strategies in the European Union pre- and post-COVID-19 Explorative Study



A taxonomy of mhealth applications for epidemic management Taxonomy



A Qualitative Analysis of Current Requirements and Challenges for Health Insurers in Implementing the Telematics Infrastructure Qualitative Study



Design and Implementation of a Virtual-Reality enabled Driving Simulation for Road Safety Research based on existing approaches DSR



Trust and fears of vulnerable people with regard to the use of autonomous vehicles - using the example of MS patients Qualitative Study



The Role of Transfer Penalties in the Context of Urban Commuting Combining Public Transport and Active Mobility Stated Choice Experiment



Identifying relevant regions for the introduction and strengthening of mHealth solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa Geospatial Mapping



Mitigating Technostress? - Exploring the Relationship between IT Catalysts and Mental Health in the Hybrid Workplace Survey and Statistical Data Analysis



Therapy in the Metaverse - Developing a Virtual Reality Therapy Platform Design Science

*Disclaimer: If the list of advertised thesis topics is empty, the available supervision capacities are currently exhausted. Nevertheless, students are encouraged to approach research associates with their own topic proposals. Ideally, your topic matches the research areas of the respective research associate. Sample topics of prior theses can be found below.