Colloquium Preparation Reader
In the run-up to the colloquium, the Verein zur Förderung der Sozialen Ökonomie e.V. (Association for the Promotion of the Social Economy) developed a preparatory reader. In cooperation with many actors and partners from the field of solidarity-based economy, a publication has emerged in which regional responses to food sovereignty and the climate crisis are described and a wide range of social solidarity-based enterprises - non-profit associations and centres, SEEs and cooperatives - are presented.
Kooperative Akteure im Dialog: Ost-West und West-Ost zur Praxis der Europäischen Sozialen Solidarischen Ökonomie.
Editor: Verein zur Förderung der Sozialen Ökonomie e.V. Kassel University Press 2021.
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